Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 399 Red Hair and Elbaf

"The top of the western sky..."

As a frequent visitor to Sky Island, Guina also recalled what she seemed to have heard before. She pondered for a moment and widened her eyes:

"Could it be the sky over the West Sea?"

"Over the West Sea, is there a passage to the sky island?"

Since getting the Fluttering Fruit, Guina flew up to the sky island for the first time. Later, she used the light-casting beacon to transmit directly. The original method of arriving at the sky island really didn't care much.

"It should be so."

Wright knocked on the table: "But have you noticed that there are also giants inhabited by Xihai?"

"Decades ago, in the O'Hara Incident, the former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Haguwal D. Sauro, who was personally killed by Brother Kuzan, and the 'giant battleship' Saint Hu, who was killed by Magellan in the Advance City Incident Ann Evil Wolf and Mauri, Commander of the Revolutionary Army's Western Army, are all giants from the Western Sea."


Guina instantly understood:

"Could it be that the giants in the West Sea are also guarding a giant tree, and that giant tree is the 'top of the west sky' leading to the empty island?!"

Light nodded: "That's probably the case. That is to say, the 'Treasure Tree Adam' in Elbaf is probably also a passage to the empty island, or even..."

Squinting his eyes, the corners of Wright's mouth curled up: "With the particularity of 'Treasure Tree Adam', it is probably not just a passage to an empty island!"

"I see……"

Cold sweat broke out on Guina's forehead:

"The Red-haired Pirates arrived at Baibaihai through Elbaf's 'Treasure Tree Adam', and directly crossed the Red Earth Continent from a height of 10,000 meters. Only then can they appear in Marin Vando so quickly and end the war on the top!"

"It's just a guess...but even if the guess is true, why Shanks can do this?"

Wright reminded: "Shanks' power has always been the biggest mystery. The Navy Headquarters, and even the other 'Four Emperors' can't understand why Shanks was able to expand his territory so quickly back then and reach the top of the 'Four Emperors'! "

"Shanks' personal strength and the average strength of the 'Red-Haired Pirates' are both terrifyingly strong, but if there is no corresponding huge force, Shanks can at most become a powerful big pirate with just one pirate ship. , but it is impossible to 'entitle the emperor'!"

"Could it be..." Guina looked at Wright in disbelief: "What does the big brother mean, the red-haired trump card is the 'world's most powerful country' Elbaf?!"

"I have to be so suspicious... Although there is no conclusive evidence, but Shanks went to El Baf and was very popular, it is almost certain."

Wright said helplessly: "Also, I have been very concerned about it a long time ago... Shanks' pirate ship, the 'Red Firth', and the 'Giant Pirates' group that roamed the sea 100 years ago in the records of the Navy Headquarters 'The pirate ship has the exact same bow style!"

"Dragon head, sharp horns, crossed swords... Giant Soldiers Pirates, but all the pirates formed by Elbaf's giant clan!"

For young sailors like Guina, the Giant Soldiers Pirates 100 years ago was just a legend... Who would remember what their pirate ships looked like? !

Moreover, in Elbaf now, only a few pirate mercenaries are active at sea.

Their pirate ship is decorated with ox bones and skeletons on the bow, probably with their achievements, it is not worthy of the bow decoration of dragon head and horns!

"Elder Brother, it looks like Elbaf is an equal ally, even if he's not under the redhead's forces!"

Guina said seriously: "In this way, everything makes sense. If you rely on Elbaf's power to stabilize the power, there is no problem with the red hair becoming the 'Four Emperors'!"

"Yeah...but why?"

Wright put his hands on his chin. This position was liked by the Warring States period. It seemed to be very helpful for thinking. Wright is now unconsciously getting used to it:

"Why does Shanks get Elbaf's friendship and even allegiance?"

"Albaf is known as the 'world's strongest kingdom'. There are countless people who covet their power. Even the world government has been unable to step into Elbaf for so many years..."

"Shanks, why can you do it?"

Wright showed an excited smile:

"I'm wondering more and more...it's exciting!"

"Looks like I have to go to Elbaf myself!"


Elbaf, the kingdom of giants, is a very large island.

There are many giants living on the island where "Treasure Tree Adam" grows. Most of them live around the giant tree in the form of villages or towns.

The giants on this island formed the giant kingdom of "Elbaf", but in fact, the "Giant Pirates" that shook the sea 100 years ago was only born in the most combative "Elbaf". Warrior Village".

The giants of Elbaf are actually very gentle, but the fierce and rude image of the Giant Soldiers Pirates has caused the world's impression of Elbaf, and even the giants, as vicious and rude.

The giants are powerful in combat. The giants who join the navy are all with the rank of lieutenant general, and they are only relatively young giants——

The lifespan of the giants can reach as much as 350 years old, and the giant lieutenants are still very young, so it is still unrealistic to find out about Elbaf, who has been away for nearly a hundred years, from them.

When they left there, they were only juniors, but... there are two giants, so you can look forward to it.

The small garden of "Island of Ancient Times" is an island that maintains the ecology of ancient times. The active volcanoes on the island provide endless energy for the island. The island has huge forest vegetation, and the animals also retain the original population.

Dinosaurs that have not been seen elsewhere are still preserved here.

And the two giant warriors have been dueling on this island for a long 100 years.

Elbaf's giant pirate group has a history of hundreds of years, and each generation has two captains.

The captains of the previous generation were the giant elders known as "Giant Heroes", "Mountain Beard" Yalulu, and "Waterfall Beard" Yoruru.

The two giants in the small garden, "Blue Ghost" Dongli and "Red Ghost" Broki, these two are the contemporary captains of the "Giant Pirates" that made Megatron 100 years ago!

They disappeared due to their sudden duel, and the giant pirate group had no leader before returning to Elbaf, which was seized by the navy and defeated in one fell swoop.

When the Straw Hat Pirates passed through the small garden, Dongli and Broki defeated the huge sea king "island eater" for them, which resulted in the destruction of the weapons that had been used for more than 100 years, and is now temporarily in the truce and rest stage.

For 100 years, the navy has not found these two guys dueling in the small garden, but Wright, no doubt, knows...

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