Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 402 The meeting of the giant royal court

Several days have passed since the conversation with Dongli and Broki.

After negotiating with Broki, the matter of delaying the holy duel until Elbaf was completely resolved, and Dongli returned to Elbaf with the phone bug first.

Tori, who is a strong man even among the giants, is not enough in Wright's hands, but in the eyes of others, it is completely different.

Broki found the mercenaries of the giants who traveled abroad-Helding, Statham, Rhodes, Gold Bagg and Geerz.

From them, Broki learned that everything Wright said was true, and that Helding and Gelz were even the parties to the tragedy in Elbaf Village!

The excited Haierding and others were the first to report the news of Dongli's upcoming arrival to Elbaf.

Wright didn't wait too long, and a month later, Dongli called.

"Your Excellency the Marshal... The King of Elbaf, His Majesty Ymir, has agreed to your request, but you can only come alone."

When Dongli returned to Elbaf, there was undoubtedly a huge wave in Elbaf, which had been relatively calm for decades. It will be back soon too, to the excitement of all the giant warriors.

Since Dongli was on a mission, he immediately confirmed that what Wright said was true, and then directly met Ymir, the giant king, and reported to him about Admiral Wright.

As the king of Elbaf, King Ymir naturally understands the weight of the title of "Marshal of the Navy Headquarters".

Since the "disappearance" of the Carmelite nuns more than sixty years ago, the world government has coveted the power of the giants.

But without the perfect "Virgin" of the Carmelite Sisters, the world government could no longer find a second person who could open the door to Elbaf.

Not only that, other giant kingdoms in the world obviously have very close ties with Elbaf, and Elbaf's disappointment in the human world means that other giant kingdoms are the same.

It can also be said that the door of Elbaf has never been opened to the Carmelite sister alone. After losing her bridge, the giants have nothing to say to human beings.

For hundreds of years, the world government and the navy have only found a chance for a giant pirate group to be leaderless, and they have only found a "reliable" person like a Carmelite nun...

This drama jointly performed by the two parties has not been seen by the giants yet!

But from Wright's standpoint, it is impossible for him to tell the truth to the Giant King...

After all, he's now an Admiral!

But if Shanks is, as speculated, at least an ally with the Giants...

Here, there is room for action.

It is not unexpected that the Giant King only accepts Wright to go to Elbaf alone.

In the past few decades, the world government has not done nothing, and its infiltration and struggle for Elbaf has never stopped.

Therefore, Giant King Ymir knew very well that the Navy, nominally subordinate to the World Government, was in the same camp as the CP who had been harassing Elbaf for decades.

If it weren't for Wright's commitment, his reputation in the world, plus Tory and Broki...it would be impossible for him to go to Elbaf by himself.


Wright's answer was extremely simple. As one of the peak powerhouses in the world, even if the entire Elbaf was entangled with Shanks and a boatload of people ambushing him, this trip would be decided.


Elbaf, the royal court.

Wright was probably the first navy to reach the Royal Court of Elbaf by official means in hundreds of years.

Elbaf has a strong national power and a strong combat power. Although it is not a member of the World Government, even the World Government has never had the idea of ​​capturing it by force.

Elbaf is rich in resources, the island is rich in various materials, and there are almost inexhaustible sources of various large fish and sea kings in the nearby sea.

With such a huge body and food intake, the giant does not have to worry about the lack of physical objects at all, which also makes Elbaf very little dependent on the outside world.

The whole world knows that Elbaf's "Treasure Tree Adam" is a dreamy material for building boats, but the treasure branches that flow out of Elbaf every year are extremely rare, basically the parts of the treasure tree that fall off by themselves.

The giants seem to have absolutely no intention of trading the resources produced by the treasure tree with the outside world.

"'Baoshu Adam' is not only a part of the home of our Lady Elba, but also our spiritual belief."

Wright is having a face-to-face communication with the Giant King Ymir.

Adult giants are generally more than 12 meters tall, and the giant king Ymir has a height of 20 meters. Wright is by his side as an adult and a baby.

But King Ymir will not ignore Wright at all, that is like a substantial coercion - this is the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, one of the world's peak powerhouses!

Moreover, this Marshal Your Excellency, but in the previous war on the top, he personally killed the "world's strongest man" Whitebeard!

Compared with Whitebeard, what is the fighting power of a giant?

"We believe that the top of the precious tree is the kingdom of God, and God is watching us from the kingdom of God!"

Wright was noncommittal about Ymir's statement:

"Your Majesty Ymir, you must be clear about my purpose. It is about the 'Four Emperors'. If Shanks has a secret passage that can go directly to the Navy headquarters from the New World, it will be a huge threat to the Navy. "

"Therefore, my conjecture, please give me a clear answer from Your Majesty - can 'Treasure Tree Adam' go directly to the 'White White Sea' above 10,000 meters?"

Ymir stared straight at Wright, of course he knew what Wright had been doing all along, but...

"Your Excellency Marshal, the giants regard honor and commitment as more important than life."

King Ymir spoke slowly:

"If it is an ordinary matter, this king can directly inform His Excellency the Marshal, but I can only forgive me for this matter."


Wright squeezed his brows, and had no comment...

Well, then the matter of the treasure tree passage is basically stable.

"That's it, I understand, that guy Shanks is really lucky, how did he become an ally with Elbaf?"

"This...still has no comment!"


The giants never lie under the watchful eye of the god Elbaf, which is a good habit.

In this way, Wright's guesses were basically confirmed.

"Come out, you want to hide your rotten hidden skills from my knowledge?"

Wright shook his head and cried, and when the giant king Ymir changed his face, he heard a helpless voice from behind his huge throne:

"Oh... So I said, Your Majesty Ymir, your way of speaking is too direct."

"But... it doesn't matter. Ever since Wright's eyes were fixed on Elbaf, I never thought I could hide it from him."

The figure that came out from behind Ymir's throne was the "Four Emperors" Red-haired Shanks!

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