Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 405 The fighting power of the giants

"Guardian of the Oath", "Practice of Glory", "Absolute Justice and Great Dedication"...

These praises were placed on Shanks by King Ymir. Although Wright was a little surprised, he was not too surprised.

There is no doubt that Shanks did Elbaf a big favor to get these accolades and these powerful allies.

Wright is no longer interested in knowing the specific process, but these adjectives make it easy for Wright to think of a person... well, God.

Azeroth, the guardians of the titans, is the identity of "giants".

And the "King of Order" Tyr is very similar to Shanks?

Broken arms, fulfilling the glory of the creator, fulfilling the oath to protect the temple of order, sacrificing yourself for the creation of the Titans...

"Tsk, isn't it too much praise for this fellow Shanks?"

Shanks noticed Wright's low voice, but he was at a loss as he didn't understand what Wright was thinking.


Wright, Shanks, and King Ymir are visiting the training of the giant warriors of Elbaf.

It has to be said that the average physical fitness of the giant warriors is definitely the top in the world.

But the world's top powerhouses are not born in the giant family.

Even the King of Elbaf, King Ymir, his strength, in Wright's perception, has some gaps with the Admiral of the Navy.

The destructive power of the giants is astonishing, and the average combat strength is astonishing.

The huge size is an extremely suitable war machine when launching a war, but the lack of peak power makes them only "the strongest kingdom in the world", not "the world's top power".

"How? Marshal Wright!"

King Ymir proudly introduces Wright to the giant warriors who are fighting hard:

"The young man who fought two warriors alone is the prince of this king, Loki!"

"Loki is 62 years old this year. In our giant clan, although he is considered a young man, he is also the age when his combat effectiveness is formed. Dongli and Broki have been galloping the sea with the giant pirates for several years at his age... uh …”

"It's just...Prince Loki is a royal family, but he is very powerful, but he can't go out to sea to become a pirate," Shanks saw that King Ymir was a little embarrassed, probably because he was talking about the pirate group in front of the admiral?

So he took up the conversation with a smile:

"Prince Rocky is very excited about the return of Dongli and Broki this time. He grew up listening to the great stories of the two captains, and now he has finally found an opportunity. He wants to learn combat skills from the two captains. "


Wright grinned. Therefore, Etonri and Broki are a little bit stronger than the lieutenant admiral of the giants of the navy, and they are also considered to be rare in Elbaf.

Moreover, although they have not received the scientific and rigorous training of the giant lieutenants in the navy, they have the secret skills of Elbaf that the giant lieutenants will not!

"That stinky boy! Only by learning from this king can you become the strongest giant!"

When King Ymir heard Shanks' words, he felt a little depressed—it can't be said that Loki wanted to learn from Dongli and Broki, who were much weaker than King Ymir.

Although these two only offered a reward of 100 million a hundred years ago, they continued to fight for a hundred years, and compared with King Ymir, who had been squatting in Elbaf for a hundred years and could not find an opponent even if he wanted to do activities. Up, the combat experience is indeed a lot richer.

Despite the fighting style that giants are accustomed to, speaking with strength, if King Ymir makes a move, he can easily deal with Dongli and Broki to join forces.

[Albaf's stunt is powerful, but only a few extremely talented giants can practice it. 】

As a naval marshal and one of the world's top powerhouses, Wright saw the problem of the giants at a glance.

[The giant warriors seem to... not use domineering? But the giant lieutenants will be domineering, although they don't use them very well... Could this be the racial restriction of giants? 】

At the level of Dongli and Broki, they are not domineering. Their weapons have gone through a hundred years of battles and are unbearable to use.

The long sword of the giant clan elder, Yorulu, was broken by a punch from the five-year-old BIGMOM...

However, looking at the "Knife God" Ryoma of the Wano Kingdom, Qiushui has gone through hundreds of years and still ranks at the peak of the 21st Work of the Great Quick Knife!

With the powerful heritage and long lifespan of the giant clan, if you can use the weapon with domineering and domineering weapons, there should be many more powerful weapons of the "black knife" level.

[So, the giants are still more accustomed to using their natural brute force. To put it bluntly, they are talented players. For them, it is better to increase their strength for the armed arrogance that can only be awakened by 'cultivation'. 】

[Indeed, with the level of arrogance of the giant lieutenant generals, that is, they have a bit of an advantage against the natural system, they seem to be inherently not good at using armed colors. 】

[Elbaf's secret secret technique is also a powerful force-generating technique that uses power completely... A young man like Haierding can hit a 'hero's gun' with a 10,000-ton pressure in the original book! 】

[Giants, this is to develop their own advantages to the greatest extent, strength is the biggest advantage of giants! 】

[However... that guy from BIGMOM has a strange power that surpasses those of the giants, and with Elbaf's secret skills, the destructive power is really too fierce. 】

Seeing Wright pondering, Shanks also seemed to understand something:

"Sure enough, you found out so soon, right?"

"Albaf, the strongest is strength, and the most admired is strength, so other combat skills are not paid much attention by them."

"This is also a racial characteristic. Even so, Elbaf is indeed qualified to be called the 'strongest kingdom'."

Wright sighed that the peak combat power of the giants was insufficient, which could not cover up the fact that the overall combat power exploded:

"The qualified giant warriors are almost all of the same strength as lieutenant generals of giants. This is a desperate existence for any hostile force."


"Then, Shanks, Your Majesty Ymir, are you interested in joining the organization that I set up - Dawn Watch?"

After the tour, back to the secret meeting of the three leaders, Wright sent an invitation to Shanks and King Ymir:

"My preparation for 'world peace' is not just the navy!"

"Dawn Watch..."

Shanks repeated the name slowly, looking at this old friend who had never met a few times in total:

"Is this the secret you've been hiding, Wright!"

"It seems that this organization has been established for a long time. Your allies are not just us, right?"

"That's right, it's not uncommon to join in as a unit of 'country', but the giants only need one legion as a guarantee for the final war."

Wright emphasized his commitment:

"To deal with BIGMOM, the giants can do nothing, and so can you Shanks. The final war is the goal of our tripartite alliance!"

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