Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 419 The Prophecy Twenty Years Ago

Another new year.

The ruins of Oden Castle, the mansion of the former Kuri daimyo Kozuki Oden, was burned by flames twenty years ago in Wano country.


A ray of light flashed, and five figures suddenly appeared in the ruins that had been in ruins for twenty years!

"Eh...this...this is...?"

"Is it a dream?! Where is this place?!"

"Where's the city? Where's the fire? Where's Lord Shi?!"


"Where is mother?! Kinemon!!"


"Lord Kang Family!!"

Jiuli, Pickle Village, one of the secret strongholds of the Resistance Army.

It is close to the ruins of Oden Castle, where the resistance leader Yasuzuki Shimotsuka sits here, constantly monitoring the movements of Oden Castle.

If Madam Shi's prediction is correct, then this year will be the twentieth year after the death of Kozuki Oden!

According to the intelligence and analysis of the ally "Navy Headquarters", the source of all changes will appear in the ruins of Oden Castle!

"What's up?"

Shuangyue Yasushi's complexion changed when she saw the samurai who was summoning the message so excited that she could barely speak:

"Could it be!"

"Master Yasushi! The people monitoring Oden Castle have sent back news! There is movement at the Oden Castle ruins!"

"Five people suddenly appeared there—the big four and one small, who disappeared 20 years ago. Kinemon, Raizo, Kikunoko, Kanjuro, and..."

The samurai sucked his snot hard, and then wept bitterly:

"Momonosuke! It's Momonosuke-sama! They are still alive! After 20 years, they are the same as before!"

"Momonosuke-sama is still 8 years old, nothing has changed!!"


In an instant, countless images flashed through the Shuangyue Kang family's mind. 20 years of waiting seemed to be all intertwined at this moment. After 20 years of mental forging, the leader of the resistance army could not help but be speechless.

"Good...good, good!"

Shuangyue Kangjia clenched his fists tightly and took a few deep breaths. As the leader of the resistance army, he must remain sensible under any circumstances, even with such important news!

"Has that thing been observed?! Has anyone taken the initiative to contact them?"

"Yes! Lord Kang!"

The samurai also reacted quickly, and quickly collected his emotions and reported seriously:

"According to the previous plan, although the surveillance personnel were excited, no one took the initiative to contact Momonosuke-sama and the others..."

The warrior's face became serious:

"And, we really found some problems!"


"When several 'Red Sheath Nine Heroes' appeared... From their vicinity, a few birds flew away... In the direction of the Flower Capital!"

The samurai said in a deep voice, "But because of the pollution from Kaido's factory, Kuri, no, and even the entire Wano country, other than the flower capital, has not seen birds and birds for more than ten years!"


Shuangyue Kangjia was silent for a moment, and covered her face with trembling hands in pain:

"So... our inference, has it really come true..."

"The order goes on! Keep an eye on the actions of Kinemon and the others. We have to see clearly and confirm again, it is him! What the hell is he trying to do!"

"All comrades of the resistance army, before further orders are issued, absolutely do not take the initiative to contact Kinemon and the others, and do not reveal everything about the resistance army to them!"

"Be sure to remember that this matter is related to our success or failure this time... If the plot that happened to Oden and Ah Shi 20 years ago is repeated again..."

The Shuangyue Kang family gritted their teeth: "We can't wait another 20 years!"

"Yes! Lord Kang!"


The capital of flowers, Hualou.

"It's finally here..."

Kuangshiro, the "Red Sheath Nine Heroes" Denjiro, looked at the report in his hand and burst into tears.

"It's unbelievable...but, did the inferred change actually occur!"

Denjiro's eyebrows stand upright, and blue veins burst out on his forehead:

"The thing I can't believe the most, actually... actually!"

"Damn... But the Kang family is right, we still need further evidence, maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe it's a bird that was sent together 20 years ago..."

Denjiro's hands trembled violently, trying his best to restrain his urge to rush out with a knife. He didn't believe this assumption!

The fire of Oden Castle burned down 20 years ago. How could there be birds who didn't escape at that time? !

The most important thing is that, as the escort of the general Orochi, Denjiro knows exactly that the situation of Orochi is different!

Although this year is the "twenty years later" in the prophecy, until today, the big snake has not shown any unusual timidity and fear!

In the past 20 years, although the snake has always remembered Mrs. Shi's prophecy, there has never been a time when he was so panicked as today!

[This situation can only explain one thing - the 'traitor' who once killed Master Oda, after 20 years, once again delivered news to Orochi! 】

After the Navy Headquarters Rosannadi helped Yasuyuki Shimotsuki and Denjiro to build the complete structure of the resistance army, especially with the magical light cast beacon, they could continuously obtain supplies from the outside world, and the resistance army could secretly develop and accumulate strength.

But according to Wright's cryptic hint, Rosannadi analyzed the hidden information behind the failed battle of Kozuki Oden's crusade against Kaido for Yasuzuki Yasuki and Denjiro.

Shimotsuki Yasushi and Denjiro were shocked to find that Oden decided to raid Kaido temporarily, but Kaido had assembled a large number of troops to stand by. Almost at the same time, Oden Castle was raided by Orochi's forces, and Mrs. Shi even shot an arrow in order to protect the child. , Oden Castle was also destroyed by fire!

These two events directly led to the failure of Kozuki Oden to defeat Kaido, and Kaido at the time said intriguingly: "Maybe there is a traitor among you..."

At the critical moment at the time, everyone thought it was Kaido's plan to sow discord, but after careful analysis and interpretation, Yasushi and Denjiro had to face up to this fact...

Traitors really exist!

And Shuangyue Yasushi noticed how the black charcoal serpent emptied Jiuli's savings step by step during the days when Guangyue Yutian went to sea...

There are various indications that this so-called "traitor" is very likely to appear among the "Red Sheath Nine Heroes", these most trusted retainers of Koyuki Oden!

So, who is it!

Denjiro first ruled it out, he passed Wright's thinking test, and there is absolutely no problem.

The remaining Red Sheathed Samurai, "Asura Boy", even experienced the "Shamingzhi" incident that desperately prevented the samurai from going to Oni Island to die even ten years ago. Now that he has joined the resistance army, it is absolutely impossible. Traitor!

Inuarashi and Cat Viper became enemies after the death of Oden, and had already left Wano and returned to Zou. Due to the special nature of Zou, it is difficult to reach without a life card. They were only contacted through the navy a year ago!

And they were originally outsiders, and they would become Koyuki retainers by fate. They have no position at all, and they have no reason to help Kaido and Orochi, and they will not be traitors!

Now, Inuarashi and Cat Viper have learned about the rebels' plan, have reconciled, shared intelligence with the rebels, and are quietly accumulating strength in the Furry Principality.

"Kappa" Kawamatsu, he was ordered to escape from Oden City with Koyukihi and the princess, and did everything for Her Royal Highness, and then he was caught in the quarry of the Rabbit Bowl, or with the help of naval agent Senor, not long ago. Only secretly rescued him!

He can't be a traitor either!

Then the problem can only lie in the four "Red Sheath Warriors" who mysteriously disappeared twenty years ago!

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