As a spy agency directly under the world government, CIPHER-POL, or "CP" organization, is the real confidant of the world government and one of the most important sources of intelligence.

Among them, CP1-CP8 are well-known and well-known, and are mainly responsible for intelligence collection, camouflage and lurking, and reconnaissance behind enemy lines.

CP9 is a secret assassination agency, and its status is higher than CP1-CP8. It not only has excellent spy skills, but also has high combat effectiveness.

What even the people of CP9 don't know is that above CP9, there is a secret agency - known as "the world's strongest spy agency", the highest level of CP1-CP9, "CP0"!

Unlike CP1-CP9, which are directly under the World Government and under the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies Steel Bone Kong, CP0 is directly under the world aristocrat "Tianlongren", and can even be honest with the Admiral of the Navy.

At the same time, CP0 has extremely high authority, and even the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Kong, has no direct jurisdiction over them.

The identities of the people in CP0 are extremely secretive - when they perform tasks, they will wear different masks to hide their identities, but there are exceptions.

As the "strongest shield of the Tianlong people", the leader of CP0 seems to have a combat power comparable to that of the "general" of the Navy headquarters. In many cases, such a strong person does not need to hide his identity.

For example, now, Rob Lucci, who came out of the holy land of Mary Gioia, and Kaku and Gabra beside him, are not wearing masks.

"Lu Qi, let that bastard Spandam join CP0 just like that? This is so stupid!"

Gabra gritted his teeth and said viciously:

"It's because of the world government's sake that they didn't tear him apart... This bastard actually kicked his nose in the face!"

"This time I have to admit that Gabra is right, not everyone can join CP0."

Kaku said disdainfully: "God knows how much effort Spandam's father, Spanda, spent to send him to CP0 and how many favors he spent, hum! Are you trying to be a father..."

"Entering CP0, it's not something that can be controlled by human relationships..."

Lu Qi spoke lightly, but the coldness in his voice made Kaku and Gabra smile slightly:

"At this height, Spandam is like a clown to me... He doesn't even have the qualifications to arouse my killing intent."

"Now that I have passed the test of 'the strongest shield' and become the leader of CP0, Spandam will always be at the bottom and become a piece of trash in the shadows."

With a grim smile, Lu Qi raised his top hat and turned to look at Marie Gioia's tall and magnificent palace:

"Thinking that you can do whatever you want by climbing to CP0 after framing us... Naive, in this world, after all, we still have to rely on strength to speak!"

"Now, our former 'leader' can only live in 'fear' and cannot live in peace... This is more interesting than killing him."

"Well... I feel much more comfortable after talking about it this way."

Kaku touched his chin and nodded: "With this idiot around, many things are much more convenient."

Gabra stuck out his tongue and licked his lips: "It's just a pity that Bruno and Khalifa can only wear masks and carry out espionage work with secret identities..."

"Otherwise, the blow to Spandam should be even greater? Hahahaha!"

"It doesn't matter... The existence of CP0 was beyond our expectations, and it was thanks to the help of that adult that he succeeded."

Lu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly: "I'm really excited... It turns out that there are so many things we don't know about the World Government. This feeling is so wonderful..."

"It's just that the legendary 'strongest shield' is not as good as the admiral of the navy. There must be a limit for the world government to put gold on its face..."

"Let's go!"

With a wave of Lu Qi, he took Kaku and Gabra to the Bubble Cable Car:

"There are still a few 'predecessors' in CP0 who can influence our actions. Next, we must work harder to suppress them..."

"After all, now we are struggling to even blur the news of Qi Wuhai - Your Excellency the Lieutenant General and Your Excellency the Marshal still need our cooperation."

Kaku and Gabra quickly followed, and the two agreed once in a while:

"Of course... it's too exciting to do small tricks under the eyes of the'God'!"


The exciting Rob Lucci and the others, what they have to do now is to go to Wano Country.

Originally, after the fall of Doflamingo more than half a year ago, the arms trade between Wano Country and the World Government was interrupted.

Although it was difficult for the underground trading channel that Drake took over to swallow all the goods, without Doflamingo as the middleman, even the shrinking transactions had significantly increased profits.

This made Kaido and Orochi overjoyed, and fully supported Drake's underground trading activities.

Wano Country is one of the most important sources of weapons for the world government. They have no psychological burden at all to buy weapons from pirates to fight pirates.

But weapons are not unique to Wano Country after all. They can also be bought in the Golden City and Underground World. Although the price has increased, it will not be a problem for a while.

Of course, the world government is well aware of the source of weapons in the Golden City and the underground world, but at most it has changed to a middleman, which is barely acceptable.

The most terrible thing is the Hailou Stone exported by Wano Country.

For resources such as Hailou Stone, even Kaido and Orochi will not allow it to flow into the underground world in large quantities.

Sea tower stones are too scarce, if they flow into the underground world, almost none of them will be traded by the bigwigs in the underground world. Even if there are, the price will be too high for the world government to bear.

For the world government and navy that regard Hailou Stone as a strategic material, if Kaido and Orochi do this, they will force the world government and navy to declare war on Wano!

Therefore, the world government sent CP0 to directly negotiate a deal with Orochi.

It's a pity that Orochi is obviously very confident in Wano Country's monopoly position on Hailou Stone, and the World Government obviously doesn't like middlemen, and they also want to deal directly with manufacturers.

"The Wano country's export of weapons and sea stones can continue...but the condition is 'warship'!"

At that time, Heitan Orochi, who was so ambitious, was backed by Kaido, and unscrupulously proposed his trading conditions to CP0, which surprised the CP0 people who went to negotiate.

As a powerful conventional combat force of the navy, warships are obvious to all.

Wano has been closed to the outside world for hundreds of years. Although it can be self-sufficient, its navigation technology, shipbuilding technology, and even naval warfare technology have been abandoned for hundreds of years-what are you making if you don't use it?

Of course there are large nautical ships, and there are quite a few. After all, Wano Country has to build a large number of cargo ships for export transactions, but there are very few warships in the true sense, let alone compared with the navy's warships.

If this is considered an excessive condition in the eyes of CP0, if Orochi followed, it would make CP0 think that his brain is broken.

"This time it's a warship, next time it will be Dr. Vegapunk!"

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