Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 437 Changes in the Chambord Islands

In the Chambord Islands, floating bubbles slowly rose from the ground, floated into the air, and burst...

Strange landscapes, bustling crowds, even the pickiest and high-grade people will linger on the beautiful scenery here.

Compared with two years ago, the order in the Chambord Islands is much better.

The new Admiral "Orange" Wright, withstood the tremendous pressure from the world government and the Tianlong people, and carried out a large-scale resolute attack on the illegal areas and human trafficking business on the island with a strong hand.

Two years ago, the Straw Hat Pirates beat the Celestial Dragons at the population auction of the Chambord Islands, which provoked the Admiral Kizaru, directly kicked down the No. 27 mangrove tree, and captured 500 pirates on the island to do coolies. , the pirate supernovae known as the "Worst Generation" are almost wiped out...

Only then did the pirates realize that the admiral is even more terrifying than the legends say.

And when the "War on Top" was broadcast live by the Navy Headquarters, the Navy ended the pronoun of the era with an overwhelming advantage. After the "Four Emperors" Whitebeard, the new powerful Navy Headquarters headed by "Orange Xiao" Wright The luxurious lineup of high-end combat forces has already shocked the Chambord Islands to tremble.

The Tianlong people are very arrogant, but the world knows that Marshal Wright is not very interested in the Tianlong people. When he started to suppress the population business of the Chambord Islands, it is said that some Tianlong people want to put pressure on the Navy headquarters through the world government.

However, this matter was eventually dismissed by the World Government itself-to be honest, the current Wright, even the World Government, is unwilling to be offended by these trivial matters.

Unlike the previous admirals of the navy, Wright's reputation is so high that the world government will not simply regard him as a "card".

In particular, during this period, several Tianlong people were on the verge of death due to ineffective treatment of diseases. After being rescued by Wright's superb healing ability, the world government's attitude towards Wright, the admiral of the navy, became even more secretive.

These big figures in high positions have rights, money, and enjoyment, but they are healthy...

Although the world government has the world's top medical system, it can't stand the ever-changing diseases. World government officials and Tianlong people are not powerful fighters, and things like diseases may still kill them.

In the past two years, countless Tianlong people have suffered from some strange illnesses unknowingly.

Visceral tumors, hyperplasia, leukemia, skin ulcers, eye problems, etc...

There are even vague rumors that because of the chaotic blood relationship and out-of-the-ordinary behavior of the Tianlong people...

The blood of the "God" is falling, which is why there are so many strange diseases, each of which is comparable to the platinum-lead disease in the "white town" more than ten years ago, and even the best doctors in the world cannot effectively cure it.

This kind of legend came out of nowhere, and the world government was furious and suppressed it forcefully, finally disappearing the rumor on the surface.

However, the Tianlong people restrained somewhat because of these things, because they knew that the Tianlong people who had the strange disease were the ones who made the most trouble.

Is it important to have your own life in the Chambord Islands population auction business?

Therefore, even though the illegal area of ​​the Chambord Islands was greatly reduced by the suppression of the navy, the Tianlong people did not dare to make trouble anymore. The illegal area of ​​No. 1-29 on the entire island was reduced by half, and No. 1-5 and No. 20-29 were all in under the control of the Navy.

Nos. 1-5 are mostly gray businesses of human trafficking, and Nos. 20-29 are mostly civilian streets, hospitals, restaurants, bars and other civilian facilities. Therefore, these two parts were liberated by the Navy from pirates and lawbreakers.

However, this is the limit of what the navy can do at present, and it is also the limit that the world government can tolerate. After all, the world government still has many shady activities that need to be carried out through the Chambord Islands.

The Chambord Islands has ushered in a new batch of pirates who are about to go to the new world.

In order to change the situation that the Chambord Islands were unable to suppress the pirates, Admiral Wright dispatched young admirals under his command to sit in the Chambord Islands in turn, and achieved great results.

The young admirals, Rear Admiral "Flying" Kuina, Rear Admiral "Fire Fist" Ace, Commodore "Nine-Tailed Fox" Dashiqi, and "White Horse" Cavendish are all under the command of Marshal Wright of the Navy Headquarters in recent years. powerful newcomer.

Major General Peng En, the "Boat Slayer", has recently become famous, but he is obviously not a rookie at his age...

These four young generals took turns sitting in the Chambord Islands, which was not only a vacation in the New World, but also a strong suppression of the important hub of the Chambord Islands.

At the same time, it is also a powerful support for the Fishman Island under the protection of the navy.

At this time, Major General "Fire Fist" Ace is sitting in Shambord.

Ace handles naval affairs at the Naval Base in Chambord. Although he prefers to rush into the enemy line alone rather than leading troops to fight, he obviously knows that he can't accomplish great things by himself.

Therefore, he still reluctantly learned a lot of military strategy knowledge for leading an army, but his style was still relatively wild.


After a big stretch, Ace yawned and rubbed his neck.

"It's really weird... It doesn't matter if you fight for three days and three nights, but why do you feel so tired after two hours of military affairs..."

"I really don't know how the teacher handles so many affairs in the entire navy every day."

Ace knew what great things the teacher had done in addition to handling military affairs in the past two years.

Why do Tianlong people suffer from so many strange diseases?

Isn't it easy for Kairo Shichibu, who has mastered the "Super Surgery Bloodline Factor" series, to guard a few escaping dragons?

With the elusiveness of the fruit of the operation, Luo can even activate his abilities from all kinds of weird terrain environments.

To deal with the weak Tianlongren, Luo didn't even need to use his abilities with all his might like he did against Quinn. Within the coverage of "ROOM", only a little change was needed...

Tianlong people don't even feel it, and the "blood factor" in the body will be changed silently, so to some extent, it is not unreasonable for Tianlong people to "degenerate blood".

Whenever the Tianlong people are having a lot of trouble, they will be very quiet if they do this.

If this disease spreads, no one can cure it except Wright, not even Luo himself.

"Major General Ace!"

Ace, who was in admiration of teacher Wright, moved his neck, and saw a sailor running over to report:

"Report to Major General Ace! In the mangrove area No. 46 on the island, we found the legendary pirates 'Straw Hats' who were exterminated two years ago. They are now recruiting partners with great fanfare and preparing to go to the 'New World'!"

"Many pirate rookies with tens of millions of rewards, and even this year's 'supernova', are gathering at Mangrove Area 46, asking for support!"


Ace's eyes widened, his jaw almost dropped:


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