Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 442 Hunting Pirates

"Marshal... that kid in the straw hat and Baron Eggy and Pokmus of the BIGMOM Pirates fought...Although he is very arrogant, I personally appreciate his courage."

Cavendish said angrily:

"But they found Baron Dandan and Pokmus with the murlocs and mermaid hostages - the Straw Hats went berserk on the spot and threatened to beat BIGMOM away..."

"But when BIGMOM negotiated with us this time, it sent more than two insignificant fighters over!"

"Leading the team is BIGMOM's third son, Bean Minister Charlotte Daifuku, and the fourth son, Brown Minister Charlotte Owen!"

"When I arrived with my troops, they had already contacted the Straw Hat Pirates first, and they started fighting!"

"Have the murloc and mermaid hostages been rescued?" Wright asked.

"Of course, all of them have been rescued safely. Originally, we planned to solve the problem by force, but we didn't even dispatch 'generals' over there. How confident we are!"

"Didn't we dispatch the lieutenant general..."

Wright's words made Cavendish choke, and pouted:

"You guys who play tactics, your heart is..."


"Ahem...all, all are well thought out, it's hard for a conflict of this scale to turn into an all-out war..."

Cavendish wept silently, but continued:

"Mr. Jinbei is here, are we going to arrest BIGMOM?"

"Both sides are attacking together, they are all pirates, don't give Ace and Guina any face... Well, catch them all if you can!"

[Don't give Ace and Guina any face... Isn't this all about your face, Marshal! 】

Cavendish complained silently, the corner of his mouth curled up in a subtle arc:

[If I can arrest the two sons of the straw hat gang and BIGMOM who have just caused a sensation, my popularity will definitely explode! 】

"Obey! Marshal!"


Fishman Island, Coral Hill, the former bustling port town has become deserted due to the large population migration, but it is still a rare tourist attraction.

Now, this port town has been completely destroyed—the Straw Hat Pirates vs. the BIGMOM Pirates, and the naval soldiers led by Cavendish and Jinbe, part of the "Sea Beast's Tooth" team, and Nipu led by the right minister of the Dragon Palace Kingdom The appearance of the Dun army further escalated the battle.

"Hey Luffy!"

Sauron had just repelled Charlotte Dafu's lamp demon, and saw that the navy and the fishman island army had surrounded him, reminding Luffy who was fighting Charlotte Owen:

"It seems that they put us all within the attack range. We don't have time to continue to entangle with them now. We must leave Murloc Island as soon as possible and go to the new world!"

"Luffy! The navy has already rescued the murlocs. We don't need to fight them here. It won't be too late to decide the outcome in the new world!"

Sanji kicked Pokmus away, and looking back, Cavendish, who was wearing a coat of justice, was drawing out his sword, ready to attack:

"If you don't leave, it's too late! The leader, Cavendish, is very strong, and the one next to him is the 'Seven Martial Sea' Haixia Jinpei!"

"Rubber Rubber Elephant Gun!"

With one move to force Charlotte Owen back, Luffy shook his hand:

"It's so hot! But it's not as hot as Ace's temperature!"

"Let's go! Let's go to the New World to decide the outcome!"

Greeting Brooke, Chopper and Usopp who are fighting Baron Dandan and other pirates of the BIGMOM Pirates, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji decisively prepare to retreat.

"Go to 'Sea Forest'... Robin, Nami, and Franky brought Meili and Sonny there, they should have read the 'History Text'!"

"Let's go straight from there to the new world!"

Luffy waved goodbye to Kemi and Pappagu who were protected by Neptune's army:

"Let's go! Thank you for your hospitality - let's go to the sea and enjoy the sun!"

"Brother Dafu, we have to withdraw too, this operation has completely failed..."

Owen saw the Straw Hats retreat decisively, frowned and said:

"The navy brought so many people here, and they didn't intend to negotiate a deal with us...Although Pokmus was impulsive, he hit the right button anyway. Now it's much easier for us to rush out."

"Hmph! That arrogant rubber boy..."

Dafu retracted the lamp demon guards and waved his hand:

"Retreat! That kid is so provocative to mother, when he arrives in the new world, he will see the horror of the 'Four Emperors'!"

However, shortly after...

"Damn! Why are the navy chasing us!"

Dafuku and Owen led their men to beat and retreat angrily, but a "White Horse" brigadier general and a "Shichibukai" Jinping in the navy all led the army to chase them and beat them fiercely. On the other hand, it was the Straw Hat Boy, only mere The Puton Army pursued...

And there was no fight at all!

Cavendish and Jinbei are like mirrors, what is the background of the Straw Hat Pirates?

Although Your Majesty the Marshal said that we must fight all of them... But they run separately, and we only have two main combat forces, and we are not sure about chasing either side separately. We must choose one side to chase.

Isn't it obvious which side to choose?

"BIGMOM Pirates, you have another enemy, we are very pleased!"

Cavendish said loudly, and the famous sword "Durandall" slashed out flying slashes:

"If you dare to continue to catch fishmen and mermaids, the marshal will be furious, but it's not a problem with such a small team!"

"I would like to thank you for sending my compatriots back intact... But, in the future, I won't bother BIGMOM!"

Jinbei made a "Shawa Righteous Fist", and Owen blocked it with all his might, his teeth almost shattered:

"Brother Dafu! This is the deep sea, we have almost no chance of winning against them!"

"It's time to use 'that'!"

Dafu snorted angrily, controlled the lamp demon to stop Cavendish, and took out a phone bug:

"Fortunately, we were prepared! Bree, start retreating!"

Owen and Dafu came on a pirate ship. On the pirate ship, the witch-like Mirror Fruit ability user Charlotte Bray put down the phone bug, and said with a smile:

"Hey hey... it's time for me to appear!"

Bree appeared on the deck, looked at his brother and subordinates who were approaching quickly in the distance, and the navy that was chasing after him, and opened his hands:

"Super Large Mirror World!"

A huge mirror was made by Bree and erected on the bow of the pirate ship, the figures of the pirates and the navy were reflected in the mirror:

"Multiple mapping!"


All the pirates and navies reflected in the mirror became real, rushed out of the mirror, and rushed towards the navies chasing the pirates!

"Quick! Enter the mirror! Give up the pirate ship!"

Daifuku and Owen ordered loudly, the pirates had obviously seen this situation before, and rushed into the mirror one after another, but it was the first time for the navy to encounter such a situation, and they were a little confused for a while, and were pulled away by the pirates. distanced.

"What kind of ability is this?"

Cavendish was shocked: "There are still people with this ability under BIGMOM?!"

Bree has been stationed in the "Forest of Temptation" on Cake Island, and rarely shows up, so her reputation is not obvious to the outside world, but her ability is an extremely rare space-type ability!

"Hot Wind Fist!"

Owen tried his best to unleash a scorching and powerful attack. The last one jumped into the mirror, and the mirror disappeared quickly. There was only one pirate ship left in the BIGMOM pirate group, and all the pirates disappeared!

"This way they can all run away..."

Cavendish and Jinbei looked at each other and sighed:

"Worthy of being under the command of the 'Four Emperors'..."

"However, at least there is a pirate ship, let's see if it is enough to compensate for the loss of Coral Hill."

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