Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 456 The Ability of Vampires


Standing up from the ice wall, Laidfield moved his slightly numb wrist—just now he blocked Wright's knife without a moment, which made him secretly startled.

【Strength, speed, arrogance... He is stronger than when he was fighting Newgate! 】

"Hey~ I got slapped in the face so quickly~ How does it feel~"

Polusalino pouted and complained wildly, probably because he was the oldest in the navy? I always look at Redfield a little uncomfortable:

"Warning you~ Marshal's mouth cannon~ I am ashamed of myself~"


The corners of Wright's eyes twitched, and he glared at Polusalino, who didn't think it was a big deal. How could the yellow monkey talk like this!

"Heh heh heh... two generals and a marshal, your navy really has spent a lot of money..."

Redfield sneered:

"Doesn't this just prove that my current strength makes you have to invest such a large amount of power!"

"Although I didn't expect your navy to have such a technology... Send people to the designated location in an instant? It's scary..."

"During the war, you used this technique to instantly teleport to the city of advancement, and then return to the battlefield in time, right?!"

"That's right, so, since the top secret is exposed to you, why don't you leave today and go back to Jinjin City for tea?"

Wright watched Redfield on the opposite side slowly rise into the air under the glow of blood, smiled, and left his feet off the ground:

"I asked Director Magellan to help you repair the cell you were originally staying in a year ago. It is guaranteed to be more stylish than the original one!"


Redfield's body was filled with blood, and the long sword was also entangled with strong blood:

"Are you going to fight me one-on-one? You are so confident, what the two generals failed to do, you can do it yourself?!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The golden light and the bloody light each occupied half of the sky, and Kuzan guarded the surroundings, and used ice walls to prevent the aftermath of the battle from time to time:

"Ah la la... This is not something that can be done in a short while, or I can sleep for a while..."

"Well~ let's say goodbye~ the old man thinks~ it's about to~ we'll make a move~"

Polusalino sighed rarely:

"So~ to deal with this~old gentleman~every time the marshal takes action~"

"Ah, being a general is pretty embarrassing..."

Kuzan rubbed his chin and watched Smoker fly around in the air with the video phone bug:

"Especially there is evidence... Really, Smoker, where do we put the faces of our two generals in such a photo!"

"Navy... Marshal, you must be very strong! Boss, is he in danger..."

Pa Dong nervously watched the collision of a bloody light and a golden light in the air, the bloody mist intertwined with the golden lightning, and the powerful domineering confrontation could be said to spread across thousands of miles.

"It's very strong~ junior brother~ I have to say~ stronger than us~"

Polusalino glanced at Padon who was about to cry:

"How can there be no danger~ We are going to catch him back~ Old Mister, he will be defeated~"

"Boss, he won't lose!"

Pa Dong was silent for a moment, then suddenly became resolute:

"Boss still has a dream. If he works hard for his dream, he can exert even stronger power!"

"Hehe... civet cat, when it comes to dreams, our Marshal is no match for this old gentleman."

Kuzan folded his arms and smiled slightly:

"If we talk about the old man's dream, 'One Piece', there is at least one other Roger in this world who has reached this height..."

"Then the dream of 'world peace' has never existed for eight hundred years..."

"Perhaps, it has never happened before..."

"Competing dreams? How could Junior Brother Wright lose..."

Another round of confrontation, Wright shook his head:

"Senior, it's time to show some real skills. I don't believe that the power of your Phantom Beast Devil Fruit is only so small."

"At this level, you are still far from your great dream!"


Redfield looked serious. Naturally, it is impossible for the vampire fruit to have such a little ability, but the problem is that it has not been half a day since he ate the fruit. Although he has become familiar with the fruit's ability in constant battles, it is obvious that in-depth development cannot be done in a short time. arrived.

"Hehehe...Although I haven't used it proficiently yet, I can still do it if I pay a little price..."

The Phantom Beast Fruit, in addition to bringing powerful basic quality bonuses to capable users, will also bring various special magical abilities corresponding to Phantom Beasts.

Redfield has already demonstrated the vampire's ability to restore youth by sucking blood, manipulate darkness and cover, and fly, but...

The biggest bonus of the vampire fruit to Redfield is the arrogance of knowledge and domineering!

Cooperating with the flying ability, Laidfield next showed the domineering arrogance of "predicting the future" level!

"Is it one of the general ability bonuses of Bat Fruit... not bad!"

Wright's eyes flashed with golden light, facing the bloody light flashing in Laidfield's eyes, he also launched his domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge at the level of "foreseeing the future", once again on par with Laidfield!

As for "spying people's hearts"... as early as on the top of the battlefield, Redfield, who was lurking secretly, knew that his trick was ineffective against Wright!

"It seems that the weird vice-admiral's abnormally high spiritual cultivation is also helped by the admiral of the navy!"

Redfield understood in his heart that the two are at most evenly matched on the side of domineering and knowledgeable, then——

"Boom, boom..."

A violent explosion suddenly occurred at the place where the two fought. For the two who could foresee the future, the confrontation returned to the same starting line.

"Is this... a sound wave?"

The wall of holy light prevented Wright from taking any damage, but he immediately realized what kind of attack could produce this effect:

"Well...bats, it makes sense."


With a single slash, Redfield turned into a cloud of blood mist, dodged directly with a deformation method similar to the natural system, and then rushed directly to Wright!


While Wright resisted quickly, he also found that his surroundings had been covered by thick darkness, and it was as if the night had fallen ahead of time—and under the darkness, a bloody moonlight shone down, making his body feel a bit sluggish, and his spirit also felt a bit strange!

"Hmm... dual control of body and mind? As expected of a phantom beast!"

Stepping on the foot, the violent holy fire spread out, "Devotion" dispelled the darkness at the first time, and at the same time, the golden storm-like slashes strangled the strange things rushing from all directions!

"Is this... a bat?"

As soon as the holy storm went down, and with the dedication, the darkness around Wright disappeared, and Redfield showed his body in surprise.

"You are not affected at all!"

Feeling the special sense of oppression that Wright brought to him, Redfield was puzzled, as if... the golden light on the Admiral's body opposite him, even if he just touched it, would cause a lot of damage to him!

"How could such a ridiculous thing happen! I didn't feel this way at all when I was on the battlefield!"

"Well... you probably haven't heard of it, Holy Light, to a certain extent, is the nemesis of vampires..."

A raging sacred fire ignited on "Ash", Wright's body was full of golden light, and the golden light in the sky slowly suppressed the blood light:

"So, now you still firmly believe that one person can become the 'One Piece'?"

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