Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 47 The Road Encountered a Yellow Monkey

Master and Master follow:

It has been more than eight years since the disciples said goodbye to their masters and mothers and wandered alone. Every time I make progress, I remember the generous gift of my master and my mother, and I dare not or forget it.

During the three years after leaving the dojo, the disciples fought pirates in the East China Sea, rescued civilians, practiced what was in their hearts, realized the various states of the world, and hone their swordsmanship and spirit.

On the way, he met Lieutenant General Garp, the "hero" of the navy headquarters, and joined the navy, one step closer to his disciple's dream.

In another five years, the disciple met Ming Shi in the naval headquarters, and he also had like-minded comrades and superiors, who were cared for by him. Just like the master and the mother, the disciple was afraid and had to work hard.

This disciple has become a brigadier general in this department, and hereby informs you, please do not read.

In addition, Junior Sister Guina should have practiced swordsmanship, and it is a pity that she could not see it in person, so she prepared a gift, and urges master and mother to pass it on to Junior Sister Guina.

This thing is of great importance - just like the ability shown by the disciples at the beginning of the birth of the younger sister, Wanwang, the master and the mother, wear it for the younger sister, which can save one's life!

After three years, the disciples will definitely return to visit.

The book is not satisfactory, Yu Yan face Bing Bing.

Teach Ann.

Does not have.


After writing the letter, Wright put the carefully crafted gift - a lady pendant made of natural crystal stone that has been "light cast" to make "light cast pointing crystal" - into the gift box and lacquered , and send it together with the letter.

Destination - Donghai Shuangyue Village, Yixin Dojo, Koushiro.

When Lightcast Crystal was developed, the first thing Wright thought of was not Rosannadi, but the little junior sister who had a "destiny" with him - Wright's "iron-cutting" realm and "seeing and domineering", to some extent both Inseparable from the contact with the younger sister.

Regarding the fate of this little junior sister's doomed fall, Wright originally wanted to go to protect it in person, but he didn't know the exact time of it, and secondly, for things like "predicting the future", even the most top-level knowledge can only be able to Do predict for a short period of time, such a long period of time cannot be explained.

But having a light-cast crystal can still achieve its purpose-Guina can hang her life at the moment of an accident, and with the help of her master, Wright can quickly go to the rescue when she senses it.

Letting go of his worries, Wright is going to go to the boot camp to have a look - the business of light casting crystals is still progressing gradually, Wright still needs to stay in the headquarters for the time being, and make some light casting crystals from time to time.

Karp originally planned to ask him to go to Sengoku's office to eat and drink, but Wright refused - you two old men, Mianji, if a young man like me shines there for a long time, will it be destroyed by humanity? !

Just as he was slandering, Wright noticed the tall and thin figure walking towards him - Wright was about two meters tall and put it in the "before", but he didn't even dare to think about it. Wright was already very excited. People, general height metamorphosis.

And the man who came here undoubtedly has "the height of a general" - black curly hair, a wretched face, a black gentleman's hat, and a cigarette in his mouth. Naturally, he has the ability to shine fruit, the lieutenant general of the headquarters" Polsalino"!

Did this dead monkey start wearing sunglasses to quit smoking after he became a general?

Thinking about the nonsense, Wright has always been curious about this natural ability person whose body can be turned into "light" - what is the difference between his holy light and the light of the natural system?

Porusalino, who was arrogant, apparently also discovered Wright, a new general: "Oh~ it's scary, look who this is~?"

"I've seen Lieutenant General Polusalino!" Wright stopped and saluted. In front of him was a staunch executor of the so-called "ambiguous justice", a little fish-fingering expert with outstanding combat power, and a mysterious wall-riding faction. He doesn't work hard but thinks that "the crimes of pirates cannot be eliminated", a complicated uncle.

"Brigadier General Wright~" As the top lieutenant general, Polsalino obviously knew some of the arrangements of the bosses: "It's really rare, I couldn't keep up with you when I was promoted to brigadier general. You are this Where are you going~?"

"Return to Your Excellency Lieutenant General," Wright's thoughts turned sharply, because the uncle was criticized by Teacher Zefa for relying too much on fruit ability, and his relationship with Teacher Zefa has not been very good: "I want to go to the boot camp to see, Can you help Lieutenant General Garp find some new recruits?"

"Yeah~" Porusalino squinted his eyes: "Junior Brother Wright~ You don't need to be so outside, we are real brothers~?"

"Although Teacher Zefa doesn't like me very much~ That's because he is used to using fists as an old man~ Senior Brother, I am also humbly accepting Teacher Zefa's teachings and practicing swordsmanship and physical skills~"

This old monkey is very smart!

Wright resolutely borrowed the donkey: "Senior Polusalino is joking, nothing... Recently, too many people in the G3 branch want to squeeze in, and they want to help the old man Karp share the manpower-many people are stuck. It's not easy for old man to refuse."

Seeing that there were already sailors around and noticed that the two of them were talking, Wright raised his eyebrows: "Why don't our brothers eat and talk - how about miso ramen? I'll treat you to my brother!"

"It just so happens that I have some questions about the ability of the light element and want to ask a senior teacher--Senior Brother Polsalino is a big expert in this regard."

Looking at Wright climbing down the pole, each one of "Senior Brother" and "Junior Brother", nothing was seen outside, and Polsalino couldn't help but narrow his eyes and remembered the first time he saw Wright--

In the graduation speech of the boot camp, in front of the marshal, two generals, and several lieutenants, this kid actually lost his mind under Mr. Karp's eyes - genius!

"Oh~, Miso Ramen, I like it very much~" Polusalino laughed, and the whole person became even more obscene: "So, brother, I~ I will ask Brother Wright to spend money this time~ The miso of the headquarters Ramen is delicious~”

"As for the ability of the light system~ I have been paying attention to you for a long time, junior brother~ Junior brother, you have the light energy of the trinity of offense and defense recovery, senior brother, I am very jealous~"

Wright made a gesture of invitation and asked Polusalino to lead the way to his favorite ramen restaurant. While chatting casually with this cheap senior brother, he secretly pondered the reason for this sudden appearance and friendly attitude.

Polsalino just said that he and Wright are real brothers, which makes sense.

Almost all of the new generation of general-level officers in the Navy Headquarters come from the sect of Admiral Black Arm Zefa, but it is not enough to call Zefa a "teacher" after graduating from the boot camp.

Zefa personally taught only the elite teams of each session, and the others Zefa were only nominally "chief instructors", who were more involved in the formulation of training plans and training supervision.

Therefore, only the students from the elite team will directly call Zefa "teacher", and they are "apprentice brothers".

Among them, there is an even rarer phenomenon—Zefa personally teaches all the courses, and even goes off to spar with him, teaching by words and deeds, which can be called "personal disciples"!

At present, such a disciple Ze Fa has only taught four people, and these four people were called "monsters" during the same period. With the crushing power of other students in the same period, they have the resources of generals——

Sakaski, Polsalino, Kuzan, and, Wright!

Therefore, these four people are what Polsalino said, true brothers!

The fourth update on Saturday, thank you for your support and recommendation tickets! Tomorrow afternoon, the second round will be pushed, and the editors will tell you to write well~ Fight for your breath~ As a stupid and cute newbie, I am very scared! Make an appointment for the support of the big guys~

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