Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 467 - Siblings Meet

Now, the identity of the Germa Kingdom is still a member of the world government, and it has been transformed from a mercenary country to a medical technology exporter early on.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the Kingdom of Germa can send troops to assist the navy. After all, Germa's army is indeed very powerful.

Regarding the relationship between King Gage and Admiral Wright, some people in the upper echelons of the navy know that the two have a good personal relationship. After all, even the heaven-defying technology such as the Lightcasting Beacon was first created by Gage.

And the scientific research level of Jia Zhi, a former colleague of Dr. Vegapunk, is obviously also a point that is highly valued by the Navy's top management.

The support from Germa is reasonable, reasonable, and legal at the point where the Navy Headquarters is about to launch an expedition against the "Four Emperors".

In addition to a large amount of advanced medical material support, Germa will send elite combat teams to lurk in the hostile camp first, to assist the situation at critical moments.

And this early lurking...

In the new world, the Thousand Miles of Sunshine is parked under the huge phone bug battleship. The huge phone bug battleship is marked with the "66" mark. On the shell of the complex mechanical interface is a huge mechanical platform.

On the platform, there is something like a castle!

"Wow! What a big phone bug!"

Luffy shouted happily, the sea was covered with fog, and when the huge phone bug approached, it almost collided with it—fortunately, with Meili's warning, Thousand Miles of Sunshine adjusted its position in time.

"It looks very tasty!"

Luffy's eyes were shining, and he wanted to rush up but was caught by Zoro:

"Hey! That's obviously someone's boat! Are you going to eat someone else's boat?!"

"Take care of the people above first, they look very strong!"

The corners of Sauron's mouth turned up, a little eager to try.

"Huh? No..."

When Robin's complexion changed, Nami, Usopp and Franky immediately noticed:

"What's the matter Robin, you know this phone bug?"

"This is...the mobile kingdom of the North Sea, the warship of 'Germa'..."


When everyone was surprised, Robin smiled slightly:

"They have a deep relationship with Marshal Wright..."


Chopper jumped up: "Robin! It's Germa!"

"That's where I learned medical knowledge! Brother Luo also studied there! Their medical knowledge is super~~ amazing!"

"Huh? Sanji, what's wrong with you?"

Chopper noticed that Sanji was trembling all over, and was staring at him, so he couldn't help but tremble too——Sanji is a chef!


"Chopper...you...you are on the empty island, did you learn medical skills from Germa?!"

Sanji asked tremblingly——

When Robin was on Sky Island, he had intersected with Gage, and Chopper even learned Germa's medical technology on Sky Island, but none of them had ever met members of the royal family other than Gage.

As for that guy, Gage, with his helmet attached to his body, his signature curly eyebrows... neither Chopper nor Robin had the chance to see him.

But Gage asked not to mention his name in front of outsiders. After all, he is the king of a country. The wise Robin and the naive Chopper have both abided by the agreement. Therefore, they have not found out until now——

"You know that old jerk, Gage?!"

"Ah, Sanji... I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and I just called my dad an 'old bastard'. I can only say that it's a good thing he didn't come."

A frivolous voice sounded, and a green-haired figure appeared on the deck of the giant phone bug battleship.

"Huh?! Another Sanji!?"

Everyone exclaimed, and Yongzhi said angrily: "Hey! Isn't that idiot right beside you!"

"Although there's nothing wrong with my resemblance...but my name is Yuuji!"

"Hey~~ they look exactly the same!"

"As for the relationship between me and that idiot, I won't disclose it."

"Isn't this nonsense! You must be his younger brother!"



There was a burst of laughter, and Iji and Niji stepped forward and slapped Yongzhi on the shoulder:

"It's inconvenient to disclose...Are you a fool? Can't you guess it by looking at your appearance and name?"


Everyone in the Straw Hat Group is petrifying—two young men with circle eyebrows appeared again!

"I'm Yiji, this is Niji, you should have guessed it..."

Iji smiled slightly, and looked at Sanji together with Niji and Yuji:

"Third, long time no see. It seems that you are doing well."

"Hey~~~ These are Sanji's two older brothers?!"

Everyone screamed, Nami picked up Chopper:

"Chopper! Didn't you see these three guys when you were in Sky Island?!"

"No...no! There is only Mr. Gaji in Sky Island..."

Chopper opened his mouth wide, he had no idea that things would turn out like this:

"Mr. Gage told me not to mention his name! I'm not dreaming!"


When Iji, Niji, and Yuji saw Nami who was holding Chopper, and Robin who was smiling beside him, their eyeballs immediately became heart-shaped, and they almost stared out:

"Big beauty!! So cute!!!"

Everyone: "Well, it's this guy's brother, that's right."


Sanji's face was dark, he suppressed his anger and looked at the three brothers on the side of the boat:

"What are you doing here!"

"I don't have brothers like you!"

"Vinsmoke Gage isn't my dad either!"

"My father only has one!"

Thinking of the "red-footed" Zepu of "Bharati" in the East China Sea, Sanji said in a deep voice:

"How do you know I'm here!"

"Relax... Sanji."

The three Yizhi brothers were silent for a moment, and just about to speak, they heard a gentle voice, they smiled helplessly and remained silent.

This voice made Sanji startled, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and he saw a big beauty with pink hair appearing on the side of the boat:

"Long time no see, more than ten years...Sanji, it seems that you have found gentle people, I am very pleased."


"Reiju? Another circle eyebrow? Could it be..."


Reiju's figure disappeared and appeared on the deck of Thousand Miles of Sunshine, and everyone felt as if they were facing an enemy—after all, judging from Sanji's attitude, he should be hostile to the opponent.

"Don't be nervous, my brother has troubled you to take care of him..."

"Sure enough! It's Sanji's older sister! She's so beautiful!"

"Reiju! You... what are you here for?"

Sanji let out a long breath, lit a cigarette, and his mood was extremely complicated.

He can speak ill of the Vinsmoke brothers, but he can't do that to Reiju, the only relative he admits to.

"It's great that you're still so gentle...Things are different from what you think, and we're here to help you."


Sanji frowned: "Where do you start with this, I don't need the help of those war machines who don't even have feelings!"

"Hehe...can we talk alone?"

Reiju turned to Luffy, of course she knew that this was Sanji's captain:

"Don't worry, we have no malicious intentions."

Luffy looked at Sanji, who hesitated for a while, then sighed and nodded slightly.

"Okay, Sanji agrees, I won't stop - but you have to remember, Sanji is my partner, if you do anything to hurt him, I will never forgive you!"

Luffy said seriously, Reiju smiled lightly:

"Don't worry, Straw Hat Luffy...I'll explain it to everyone later, please wait a moment—after all, we are also the royal family that joined the World Government, and we have the qualifications to participate in the 'World Conference', so we won't be ignorant of the rules."


Reiju and Sanji walked into the cabin, and everyone realized:

"So Sanji is a prince!!"

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