Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 488 Enlargement

"Is the true power of the soul fruit..."

Smile thoughtfully:

"Indeed, the ability to control the soul in BIGMOM's legend is only reflected in the use of the soul to control the elements."

"The soul is one of the most mysterious powers. We have never known the power of the soul fruit without the help of external objects..."

"Hmph! Crush her body, and there will be no big waves for her soul!"

The hot magma rolled around Sakaski:

"The legendary soul spell? Could it be that she is really stupid enough to think that some of us are afraid of her, an old woman?!"

One of the most famous abilities of Soul Soul Fruit is the "soul spell".

BIGMOM reads the soul spell to the target. If the target is afraid of BIGMOM, then the soul will be controlled by BIGMOM. She can easily extract the target's soul and kill the target!

But if the target has no fear of BIGMOM...

That scene was quite embarrassing, BIGMOM was equivalent to saying some nonsense, and it would have no effect at all.

To put it bluntly, the soul spell is a judgment of spiritual will. If you have a spiritual confrontation with BIGMOM, even if you have a little fear, you will be suppressed by the soul in an instant, and you will be at its mercy.

Use soul spells on Admirals and Marshals?

At this level, who is afraid of whom?

And in the current situation, BIGMOM should be more afraid, right?

To them, soul incantations are probably more useless than a few harsh words.

"No, BIGMOM will not be ignorant of this."

Wright frowned, BIGMOM's state was really strange.

Surging soul coercion rose from her body, almost as real, it was a special deterrent force than domineering domineering power - as if the level of life was different.

Wright remembered one thing - in the world, Homiz, who has the soul of BIGMOM, has the highest level of deterrence, and their mere existence will make other Homiz feel absolutely irresistible pressure.

Even the life card with BIGMOM's weak soul breath can achieve this effect, making ordinary Homiz completely unable to resist.

This is because ordinary Homiz are created using the souls contributed by ordinary people from all over the world, which is inherently different from the soul level of BIGMOM.

However, no matter how strong BIGMOM is, she is still a human being. If it is said that as a soul fruit capable person, her soul has absolute control over other souls, which can indeed explain this.

BIGMOM uses its own soul to create three such powerful Homiz, and will use a similar method to endow souls with elements, such as ocean waves, in battle.

Then BIGMOM's own soul must be incomplete - how can the incomplete soul support BIGMOM's powerful physical strength?

Most people don't think this is a problem. As a soul soul fruit capable person, BIGMOM's soul should be strong. Even if it is incomplete, it must not be comparable to ordinary people.

But Wright, who had carefully studied the fruit of Brook's Yellow Spring, saw something different.

Including the battle in the past half day, Wright's power of holy light did cause a lot of damage to BIGMOM's Homiz, but it couldn't cause soul damage to BIGMOM himself!

This seems to indicate that...

The soul of BIGMOM itself is intact!

The power of the holy light temporarily has no soul damage effect on souls that are intact and have not left their bodies.

"Why does this phenomenon happen?"

This is a question Wright has been thinking about.

And this question seems to be about to be answered.

"Navy... you, you all deserve to die!"

"It ruined my mother's good deeds!"

"Destroyed my mother's dream!"

"Stuck in my mother's house to kill my mother!"

"General? Marshal? You know nothing about real terror!"

"You all have to die!"

BIGMOM's deep roar sounded, and the flaming crown "Prometheus" she wore became more violent and seemed to be injected with more soul power. The long knife Napoleon became longer and sharper, and Thundercloud Zeus had already It began to radiate thunder in the sky furiously.

"The momentum... and breath have become a lot stronger."

Wright frowned, and he could easily "see" the current state of BIGMOM with a domineering look——

Her eyes, filled with endless tyranny, have suddenly turned into a corrugated eye shape similar to "double pupils" with the soul fruit activated to the extreme!

"This is……"

Cavendish also had this kind of "ripple eye" double pupil shape.

As early as when Cavendish came to the Navy headquarters for the first time and met Wright, Wright asked him to demonstrate the "white horse" state——

At that time, the "White Horse" was still a second personality completely different from Cavendish.

In Cavendish's normal state, his eyes are clear and shining, showing his strong mental state.

In the past, Cavendish, who was in the "white horse" state, had a blank gaze—it seemed to symbolize the chaotic and casual nature of the second personality.

But when Cavendish wakes up forcibly in the state of "white horse", and competes with the second personality for the body...

At that time, Cavendish would show a double-pupil state like "ripple eyes"!

Since Wright helped Cavendish get rid of the troubles of the second personality and turned the "white horse" state into a controllable buff, Cavendish never showed this kind of eyes again.

"This state is different from Mihawk's 'Eagle Eye'... Mihawk's eyes are particularly useful, and his insight is meticulous, but it is not a problem with the soul..."

Wright gripped the long knife tightly, frowning:

"Could it be that the dual personality will be reflected in the eyes..."

"Then the current BIGMOM, is it a second personality? What personality does she have besides cruelty and tyranny? The innocent and kind 'A Ling'?!"

Thinking of the amnesiac form picked up by Chopper after BIGMOM attacked Wano Country in the original book and fell into the water...

She actually beat up "Plague" Quinn in order to bring back delicious rice cake and red bean soup for everyone in the town!

"Could it be..."

Thinking of the weird process of BIGMOM's ability to obtain the Soul Soul Fruit, Wright had a wry smile on his face:

"Could it be that what happened on this cake island back then, which even Elbaf didn't understand, was a huge conspiracy?"

"My train of thought seems to have been taken astray... Now it seems that this is the most likely truth..."

"It's hidden deep, this kind of weird ability is really the most unpredictable!"


BIGMOM holds Napoleon in his hand, and his violent demon-like body looks up to the sky and screams:

"Soul Howl!"


The ear-piercing scream like a spear piercing the soul burst out from BIGMOM's mouth, this time it was not an unconscious "weird sound", but the ultimate move of Soul Soul Fruit!

Wright didn't feel anything yet, but Sakaski and Yixiao were sweating on their foreheads. On the other hand, the weak ones of the navy and pirates who were fighting had already fallen to the ground.

Stronger than Jiang Xing and the lieutenant generals, as well as Ace and the others, they were completely unable to make moves, half kneeling on the ground in pain!

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