Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 497: Summoning by the Five Elder Stars (500 Monthly Pass plus Update)

The matter of Cavendish has come to an end for the time being, and Wright can proceed to the next step after waiting for the results of Dr. Vegapunk's research.

Wright has learned the wisdom of a top scientist like Dr. Vegapunk.

If it was a cooperative attitude before, Dr. Vegapunk admired Wright's philosophy, ability, and personality. He joined "Dawn Watch" because he believed that the world would become a better place under Wright's leadership.

Working for the world government and the navy, Vegapunk is definitely the headquarters of the navy under the leadership of Wright.

Then after this incident...

Vegapunk's attitude is to "help with all your strength".

This "strongest scientist" seems to have truly understood the difference between Wright and the world government at this moment.

This filled him with unprecedented enthusiasm.

It's not that long until the World Conference.

After the raid on Cake Island this time, the lieutenant generals who participated in the battle took the battlefield murderous intent to break through the territory of the "Four Emperors" to carry out the guard work of the franchise countries, unexpectedly...

Widely acclaimed.

The kings of the franchise countries expressed that they felt an unprecedented sense of peace of mind seeing such vice admirals.

The Navy Headquarters made a strong attack, which could be called a heavenly soldier, and uprooted the huge "ten thousand nations" in just a few days.

Now, Admiral "Blue Pheasant" Kuzan is still staying in Wan Guo to deal with follow-up affairs, which makes the world government countries all over the world have full confidence in Wright, the admiral of the navy.

How many years have you not seen such a powerful naval headquarters?

The praises of the kings were widely published in the World Economic News, and as the "guardian of the sea", the image of the Navy Headquarters was once again elevated.

The name of Dr. Vegapunk once again appeared in front of the world——

The mysterious naval equipment he developed enables the navy to achieve cross-regional precision strikes. It is really a powerful force that scares pirates and reassures allied countries.

Of course, it is impossible for the World Government to remain silent about the destruction of the "Four Emperors". After pinching their noses and publicizing the positive image of the World Government, Wright received a summons order from the Five Old Stars.

Holy Land Marie Joa, the meeting room of the highest standard of the Five Old Stars.


Wright sat on the seat with a smile on his face, looking at the five old things with different expressions.

The position of Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is completely different with Wright here.

The five old stars did not support Wright's succession as marshal, but they had nothing to say when the marshal candidate Sakaski they chose lost in the fairest duel.

Wright's reputation is too high.

Coupled with his unparalleled healing ability, Wu Laoxing and the entire world government had to maintain a delicate relationship with this admiral who seemed not to deal with them very well.


One of the five old stars spoke. He was wearing a dark blue suit, with long straight white hair and a long beard.

"The strength of the navy is getting stronger and stronger. I really didn't expect that you can directly break the power of a 'Four Emperors'."

"But it's too risky for you to do this... Before you, there has never been a naval admiral going deep into the enemy's base camp."

"Haha... Isn't this very good, my life-saving ability is second-to-none."

Wright said nonchalantly: "And I'm here in person, not to mention the boost to morale, the damage to the soldiers alone is reduced to almost negligible."

"No matter how you calculate it, it's an extremely cost-effective thing. The price is just that I work harder...but this is what it should be. Marshal, you must work hard."


Seeing Wright's expression of "Quickly award me the Medal of Honor", the faces of the five old guys twitched.

"But if you do this, the naval headquarters is empty. At that time, the yellow monkey was in Mary Joa. If the naval headquarters is attacked, can you bear the responsibility!"

The short, bald, five-year-old star has an uneasy complexion. He is wearing a dark green suit, has a two-shaped beard, and has a birthmark on his forehead:

"As the admiral of the navy, he should be in the headquarters. If you have to bother you when you go out to fight, what are the four generals for?"

"That's right..." Wearing a black suit, with curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face, Wu Laoxing looked silent:

"The navy's primary duty is to guard Mary Joa. No matter how fast your teleportation device is, it cannot avoid risks."

"After all, nothing major happened in this operation. Press it for now—but not in the future!"

"Well... I admit that I have been a little negligent about the headquarters."

Wright's words eased Wu Laoxing's expression, but what he said next made them pull their faces down again.

"Then that's fine. Polusalino is permanently stationed in Mary Gioia. Next time I go out, I will leave Kuzan to stay at the headquarters. There will be no problem."

"There are Sengoku old man, Garp old man and Zefa-sensei in the headquarters. Besides, I uprooted the BIGMOM forces. Now Kaido and Red Hair are the ones who are threatening."

"The guy with the red hair has no ambitions. The 'Four Emperors' of the New World... oh, the 'Three Emperors'. His aggressiveness is the least."

"I gave Kaido a hundred guts, but he didn't dare to come. That shameless thing has become stronger and stronger in recent years, but has he ever attacked a naval base?"

Wright smiled coldly:

"Our power in the new world has been greatly enhanced, and Kaido is not unaware of fear. He doesn't go out much at all now, and he is hiding in Wano country to do some conspiracy."

"Didn't you say that you can't do this in the future!"

Wearing a white Taoist robe, bald head, wearing glasses, and holding a long knife, Wu Laoxing said coldly:

"You are simply changing the concept secretly!"

"Well...it's not that serious~"

Wright waved his hand, with a look of "you must understand me":

"You are also a powerful swordsman, isn't that the first generation Onitsu?"

"The Supreme Sword, so does my 'Ash'. You know how painful it is for swordsmen like us to stay in the office all day, right?"

"I don't feel pain!"

"You're getting old, I'm only in my thirties!"


"Okay, Wright, you have to be serious, what's the matter!"

Wearing a dark red suit, blond hair, golden beard, Wu Laoxing with a scar on his chest frowned and said:

"I called you here today, on the one hand, to give you certain 'suggestions' on your combat style!"

"The World Conference is coming up soon. You have made such a big noise, and it will bring credit to the World Government..."

Speaking of this, the five old guys unconsciously felt another headache.

In the past few days, the praises of the kings of the franchise countries published in the newspapers are full of praise for Wright's actions of taking the lead, going deep into the enemy's lair, and facing the enemy's big boss.

Wu Laoxing has no doubt that if a king proposes to increase the number of his own naval garrison at the World Conference, most of the kings will respond.

Although this is a very tempting proposal, it is also a huge pressure on the world government.

The Navy Headquarters is, after all, the admiral's general authority.

This means that the world government should delegate more power to Wright!

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