Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 499 Misleading

Charlotte Katakuri, this name is no stranger to Marie Gioia, the five elders who are the highest authority in the world government.

Katakuri, who has a bounty of 1.057 billion Baileys, has three colors of domineering cultivation and is extremely profound. As the BIGMOM Pirates, he is the second strongest in the true sense. Much more famous.

Although Katakuri's status in Ten Thousand Nations is not as good as that of the red-haired vice-captain Ben Beckman and Whitebeard's first team captain Marco, he is only slightly weaker than Kaido's "fire disaster" Jhin!

The difference is that Katakuri has the full support of the entire Charlotte family, unlike Jhin, whose subordinates are thinking about how to kill him all day long...

Powerful, ruthless, wise and courageous, calm and calm, his ability to deal with things and his combat IQ are all first-class——

He is hailed as "the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family". This is a powerful character who even has the potential to compete for the "Four Emperors"!

"BIGMOM was killed, all nations were destroyed, and Katakuri didn't want to compete for the revenge of the 'Four Emperors', but would he be willing to join the 'Seven Martial Seas'?!"

Even if it is as stable as the five old stars, it has to be shocked:

"you sure?"

"Of course."

Wright knocked on the armrest of the seat and smiled slightly:

"Katakuri, he's not what he used to be."

"At the moment when BIGMOM and its eldest son died in battle and all nations were destroyed, Katakuri, the second son and the strongest, is the remnant of the BIGMOM Pirates, and the supreme leader of course."

"You may not know that Katakuri loves his younger siblings very, very much—however, his eldest brother and most of his younger siblings were killed by BIGMOM."

"A tragedy on earth, isn't it?"

The five old stars looked at each other, even though they were as indifferent as them, they couldn't help but feel a little sympathy-then they were quickly killed by them.

Wright ignored the expressions of the five old stars and continued to talk:

"The current Katakuri is alone - when BIGMOM died, he escaped, but in the process of our capture of the entire world, there are still a few non-combatant children of BIGMOM who were captured by us."

"Now, they and a small remnant of the BIGMOM Pirates are staying in the advancing city—"

"Most of the pirates in the BIGMOM Pirate Group either died or escaped. This is the case in the world of pirates, especially BIGMOM, who has never cared much for its subordinates."

"So, Katakuri's top priority now is not thinking about how to take revenge."

Wright's words made Wu Laoxing understand, the bald and glasses Wu Laoxing is obviously the one who pays the most attention to the topic of Shichibukai:

"In other words, Katakuri's most urgent thing now is to rescue his family and former troops in the advancing city?"

"That's right...and becoming the 'King's Qiwuhai' is the fastest and most effective way!"

Wright nodded and raised his legs:

"Just like Jinbe back then. At that time, the most important goal of Jinbe who became Shichibukai was to use the authority of Shichibukai to get the world government to pardon the members of the Murloc Pirates who were imprisoned in the city of advancement."

"Katakuri obviously had this idea too—however, his original idea was to kill Urki, who is the weakest in the Shichibukai, and send us an application."


The bearded five old star snorted coldly:

"What kind of system is it? Although Urki's strength is a bit weak, he is still up to standard, and he has just been invited to become Shichibukai for only a few months. If he is replaced by him so soon, where is the government's face going?"

"So, didn't I think of this, so I took the initiative to make room for Qi Wuhai~"

Wright's expression of "I'm very understanding" made the five old stars wonder if the scene where the guy just put on a straight face and released his momentum was their illusion:

"Hmph... you took the initiative to share the government's worries..."

"Then that's it, Jinbe becomes the official navy, and the vacant Shichibukai will be replaced by Katakuri!"

The five old stars with long beards make a decision:

"Katakuri's becoming Qibuhai will further enhance the prestige of the world government!"

"Left and right BIGMOM Pirates are finished... It's good to use the remaining heat!"

"Hmm...a wise decision."

Wright's words made the five old stars feel awkward no matter how they heard them, but they couldn't find any faults:

"Since it has been decided, Wright, you should prepare for the guarding work of the World Conference, and make sure nothing goes wrong!"

"Stop this time!"

"Understood~ Farewell!"


Wright left, but Wulaoxing did not leave the meeting room immediately.

"What do you think...?"

The atmosphere was a bit dignified, and after a while, the five old stars with long beards spoke.

"He...has shown some uncertainty, but overall, it shouldn't be a threat in the short term."

The five elders in the black hat paused for a moment with the cane in their hands:

"Although he is younger and more energetic, he seems to know how to judge the situation."

"Hmm... His reputation is too high. This action of destroying all nations has only increased the reputation of the World Government by a large amount. His own reputation and the reputation of the Navy Headquarters will only be higher."

The bearded five old star pondered:

"Even the kings of the Confederate countries are surprisingly unanimous. This is unprecedented-they have always known that the navy is only our watchdog."

"Hehe... If a young man who has already stood at such a height doesn't come up with some new tricks, I will think that this person is sophisticated and there must be something wrong."

The blond-haired, square-faced Wu Laoxing chuckled lightly:

"CP has been secretly analyzing the actions of this young marshal. It's clear that the young man lost his temper and couldn't bear the loneliness—ordinary scheming guy would blatantly suppress the Chambord Islands, and would he dare to unleash his momentum on us? ?”

"So, let's observe for a while. After all, in the current situation of the new world, 'Red Hair' will help Marco to the top. The situation of the three 'Sea Emperors' is also fine."

The bald-headed and bespectacled Wu Laoxing paused for a moment on the scabbard:

"It's just... if there is another time, maybe we will have to 'take measures'."

"'That lord'... His recent thoughts don't seem to be on the navy."

"The development situation of that family is very good, and it seems that they know something that they shouldn't know... This is the thing that may shake... the fundamental thing."

Wulaoxing was silent for a moment before someone spoke up:

"Speaking of which, at the BIGMOM tea party this time, there were two guys who should not be underestimated."

"'Straw Hat Luffy' and 'Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff'..."

"Hmph, Karp, even though he's semi-retired, people have to turn his attention to him..."

"The son is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the disciple is the Admiral of the Navy, the grandson is one of the 'Worst Generation' pirates, the righteous grandson is one of the youngest lieutenant generals in the navy, and the grandson is the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army..."

"After the incident in the Valley of the Gods, I felt that Garp would be a big problem!"

"But his achievements and prestige are too high, and he refuses to be promoted to general at all, so he is not directly under the world government..."

"You Kong and the Warring States Marshals of the two generations kept him... Now it's the third generation, and we still can't deal with him even when his family has caused such a big trouble!"

"Hmph! What does it matter... In short, he is a navy, that's enough!"

"For a man like him, one day he is a navy, one day he will not be a threat!"

"Hehe... That's true..."


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