Soon, the messenger of Hogubak came.

It deceived Qingyun and his group, saying that at night, there would be many zombies and ghosts coming out to harm people on this island, and invited them to go to Hogubak's mansion.

Qingyun did not expose it, and directly took the girls to follow it to Hogubak's mansion.

Unlike the original book, the messenger of Hogubak did not take Qingyun and his group to the fake Hogubak mansion first.

Instead, he took them directly to the real Hogubak mansion.

Click~ Click~

Just as the group arrived at the door of the mansion, the rope of the well next to it suddenly started to spin rapidly by itself.

"What's going on?"

Everyone looked curiously in the direction of the voice:

"How come the well rope started to turn by itself?"


A female zombie with lines on her face but still very beautiful appearance and hot body, holding a stack of plates in her hands, suddenly appeared from the well and said to Qingyun and Nami indifferently.


The timid Ke Ya and the others were startled and screamed.

"She should be a zombie too, right?"

Nami and the others were a little surprised and immediately became alert.


She's so beautiful even after death!

She must have been very beautiful when she was alive!

Qingyun looked at the beautiful female zombie and thought to himself.

He recalled carefully.

By the way, her name seems to be Xin Duoli, right? She was a famous actress, but she fell to death accidentally.

After her death, she was dug out by Hobak and made into this by Moonlight Moria.

What a pity!

After thinking about it, Qingyun sighed in his heart.

"One, two, three, four, five.

Suddenly, the zombie Xin Duoli threw five plates at Qingyun.

Bang! Bang!

Qingyun was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He quickly caught the plates one by one and threw them to the ground and broke them.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you suddenly attack Qingyun?"

Before Qingyun could say anything, Nami and the others got angry and angrily asked Zombie Xin Duoli.

"The mansion cannot accommodate him."

Zombie Xin Duoli pointed at Qingyun and said firmly

"Everyone else can come in."

It pointed at the others and continued.

Then, it pointed at Qingyun again and said coldly:

"go to hell"

"Six, seven."

As soon as the voice fell, it threw two more plates at Qingyun.



But they were caught by Qingyun again and smashed directly.

Nami and the others were angry and prepared to take action.


""Enough, stop it."

At this moment, a voice came from the mansion, and the zombie Xinduoli stopped.

Hearing this, Nami and the others also stopped temporarily and looked towards the door.


After a while, the door opened.

A man with thin limbs and a fat torso walked out.

He was the owner of this mansion, Hogbak.

"It's okay to have an exception occasionally, Xinduoli-chan."

Hogbak said to the zombie Xinduoli with a smile on his face as he walked out.

Then, he smiled at Qingyun and his group:

"Sorry to scare you."

"This woman once smashed all of her wealthy fiancé's precious plates to test his love for her"

"As a result, he was kicked out directly and had a tragic past."

"It's the maid who hates dishes, Xin Duoli"

"So that's it."

The girls suddenly realized what was going on, but they couldn't help but question:

"But this can't be a reason for it to attack Qingyun, right?"

However, Hogbak seemed not to have heard the girls' questions, and continued to talk to himself:

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

"I am the world famous Doctor Hogbag"

"Known as a genius"

"do not know"

""Never heard of it."

Nami and the others said in unison.

They really had never heard of Hogback, because before that, they were not interested in medicine, nor did they care about any big names in the medical field.

Ke Ya also became interested in medicine after boarding Qingyun's ship.

But since she boarded Qingyun's ship, she has been staying on the ship to study and practice, and has no time to care about these things.


Hogbak was very embarrassed and asked in disbelief:

"I'm a world-famous doctor."

"He is called a genius by many doctors."

"Have you really never heard of it?"


The girls shook their heads and said calmly

"Nine, ten."

At this moment, the zombie Xin Duoli threw the two remaining plates in her hand to Qingyun one after another.



But they were caught by Qingyun again and thrown to the ground.

Hogbak was even more embarrassed:

"I say...Xin Duoli, didn't I tell you to stop?"

Hogbag came to the zombie Xin Duoli:

"If you don't listen to me, I will lose face."

However, the zombie Xin Duoli did not give Hogbak face at all. It stared at Hogbak and said coldly:

"I wish plates and other things would disappear from this world."

"I know, I know everything"

"Didn't I just tell them everything?"

Hogbag was not angry, but explained to the zombie Xin Duoli in a panic.

"Who is the master among them?"

Nami and the others, even Qingyun felt speechless.

Zombie Xinduoli ignored Hogbag directly, turned around and walked to the door, then looked at Qingyun and his group and said:

"Then go in and talk."

"Today, all of you are specially allowed to come in."


After saying that, it went straight into the mansion.

""That's right, that's right, hurry up and go inside."

Hogback said with a smile.

Nami and the others did not agree directly, but looked at Qingyun.

They felt that everything here was wrong.

They felt that Qingyun must be the same as before, and most likely knew everything.

"Let's go in."

Qingyun was not in a hurry to expose Hogback, but directly carried Aisha into the house.


Nami and the others followed.


After Qingyun and Nami entered the house, the zombie Xinduoli slammed the door without waiting for Hogbak to come in.

Hogbak was stunned:


"I haven't... I haven't gone in yet, Xin Duoli."

The living room in the mansion

"Oh ho ho"

"Welcome to my house."

"I'm so sorry."

"I really didn't expect so many guests to come. There are not enough tables and chairs."

"But don't worry, you will definitely have enough water and food."

Hogbak smiled embarrassedly.

"Hogbak, why are there so many zombies and strange creatures on this island?"

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Xinduoli should also be a zombie, right?"

Nami looked at the zombie Xinduoli who was serving tea and water, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Nojigo and the others also looked at Hogbaq curiously.

Qingyun still didn't rush and looked at Hogbaq quietly.

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