"Despite this, it was indeed me who killed Moria."

"If you want to avenge Moria, just come and kill me."

Qingyun looked at Perona and said calmly.


Perona hesitated for a while, then suddenly knelt down and burst into tears.

Of course, she wanted to kill Qingyun to avenge Moria and repay Moria for raising her.

But she couldn't resist Qingyun's charm and couldn't control herself from killing Qingyun.

"Qingyun, you just said that if your Yomizu fruit ability is awakened, you can revive the dead. Is that true?"

Nami came to Qingyun and looked at him expectantly.


Others also looked at Qingyun with hope.

Even Perona couldn't help but look at Qingyun with hope.


Qingyun nodded affirmatively.

"Then when your Yomizumi Fruit ability awakens, can you revive my mother?"

Nami was overjoyed and asked Qingyun.

The others were also overjoyed and stared at Qingyun.

Qingyun shook his head:

"After my Yomiuri fruit ability awakens, I will be able to freely enter and exit Yomiuri and the human world, bring back the souls in Yomiuri, and use this to revive the dead."

"But there is one necessary condition, that is, the body of the dead person must be intact and not corrupted."

"That's right."

Hearing this, the women were all disappointed and felt very lost.

"What about Lord Moria?"

"Where is Lord Moria's body?"

Perona immediately asked Qingyun with hope.

"It has been shattered into ice and cannot be revived."

Qingyun said calmly.

Perona was heartbroken.

"But when my Yomizu Fruit ability awakens, I can bring her soul back and let her see you and Nokigo now."

Qingyun put his hand on Nami's head, gently rubbing her head, and said with a smile


Hearing this, Nami was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked at Qingyun with excitement.

Nokigo and the others were also like this.

Even if they couldn't be resurrected, they were very happy to see the person they cared about the most.


Qingyun nodded affirmatively, and then immediately continued:

"However, it is still very difficult to awaken the devil fruit. I don't know how long it will take me to awaken the power of the Yomi fruit."


Nami nodded:

"I understand"

"I'm not in a hurry, and neither should you. Just take your time. Don't force things."

"That's right, that's right."

Others followed suit.

"I know"

"You guys continue preparing dinner."

"I'm taking Perona to be baptized."

"As for Xinduoli, just treat the Sea King as your home, but don't break the dishes."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the voice fell, after taking back the iron bars on the zombie Xinduoli, Qingyun turned into thunder and lightning and took Perona back to his room.

Of course, Qingyun did not forget to put away the Shadow Fruit.

But he had just killed Moria. If he decided the ownership of the Shadow Fruit in front of Perona now, it would continue to hurt Perona.

In Qingyun's room.

Unlike before, after he brought Perona here, he directly put Perona on the bed and began to undress.

"What do you want to do?"

Perona stared at Qingyun with her eyes wide open, but there was a lot of desire in her eyes that shouldn't be there.

This was because Qingyun was still using the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to strengthen his charm.

Perona, who had been living on the Horror Three Ghost Sailboat and had never experienced the world, could not resist at all.

"Don't worry, since you have agreed to board my ship, you are mine."

"Me, Nami and the others are all your family"

"You won't be alone.

Qingyun smiled and started teaching Perona how to shoot.

Due to the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit and Qingyun's handsome appearance, Perona did not rebel or hate studying, but studied very hard.……


With Qingyun's superb marksmanship, his loving care, and the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, he quickly conquered Perona and the Cube sisters.

The next day.

Qingyun took out the Shadow-Shadow Fruit in front of Perona and told her the advantages and disadvantages of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

Then he decided to give the Shadow-Shadow Fruit to Kalina.

Kalina was very happy about this.

The girls, even Perona, had no objection.

In this way, the Sea King Group has gained another powerful ability user.

After lunch.

Qingyun controlled the Sea King and headed towards the Judicial Island.

He went to the Judicial Island to seize the wolf form ability of the Dog-Dog Fruit of CP9 member, Gabra, as well as the devil fruit.

He felt that this devil fruit should not be weak.

A day later.

At noon.

Qingyun controlled the Sea King and sailed into the waters where the Judicial Island was located.

"Qingyun, can you please not kill the navy on Judicial Island indiscriminately later?"

Seeing that Qingyun's target was Judicial Island, Dashiqi immediately came to Qingyun and begged Qingyun


Jessica, Taotu, Tina, and Kalina all followed Qingyun.

Although Qingyun didn't say it, they knew the purpose of Qingyun's coming here, either for the beauty or for the devil fruit.

But no matter which one it was, they believed that the navy of Judicial Island would definitely resist fiercely and would not let Qingyun get what he wanted.

They knew that Qingyun was decisive in killing, and if they didn't plead in advance, Qingyun would most likely kill directly.

They didn't want Qingyun to massacre the navy of Judicial Island, so they all pleaded in advance.


Qingyun smiled and agreed.

"Thank you."

Seeing Qingyun agreed to their request, Tashigi and the others were very happy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

At this moment, the navy of Judicial Island, who noticed Qingyun's group, fired at the Poseidon. Nearly a hundred shells suddenly attacked the Poseidon like rain, with a dark cloud pressing down on the city, which looked very scary.

If it were the original work, Nami would have been scared to tears when she saw this scene.

But at this moment, she was not afraid at all, and even a little excited.

"Leave it to me, so I can try out the new weapon I just made."

Nami said as she walked to the side of the boat, then took out a magic weather stick from her chest and stretched it to be almost as long as her height.

This was made by Nami and Qingyun based on the research on Xiaokong Island.

Compared with the original, it is only stronger, especially in terms of electricity.

Because Nami stored not ordinary thunderclouds, but also her own thunder and lightning.

"I'll leave it to you then."

Everyone looked at Nami.


Nami grabbed the end of the magic weather stick with her right hand, held the middle with her left hand, pointed the other end at the incoming shells, and directly cast Thunderbolt, releasing the lightning stored in it in advance.

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