Back on the Sea King.

Qingyun did not explain too much this time, and directly called Laqi, saying that he would give her the wolf form of the Dog-in-Dog Fruit to eat.

Although the girls were a little surprised and confused about this, they had no objection.

Laqi also ate the wolf form of the Dog-in-Dog Fruit.


After trying out the wolf form of the Inu-Can Fruit herself and transforming twice, Laqi was extremely happy.

She returned to her human form, but kept her wolf ears and tail, and gave Qingyun a big kiss.

She was originally a fighter, and the wolf form of the Inu-Can Fruit greatly increased her speed and strength, which was very suitable for her.


Looking at Laqi who kept her wolf ears and tail, Qingyun couldn't help but get excited and his heartbeat accelerated

"Nami, enter the exclusive sea current of the navy, and let's push the city forward."

Qingyun said to Nami.

Snap! Snap!

Then, without waiting for Nami to answer, he turned into lightning and took Laqi to practice his marksmanship.

"Advance City!"

"Could it be that Qingyun is going there to subdue beauties and hunt people with special abilities?"

Although they knew that Impel Down was the world's largest underwater prison and a place that countless pirates dared not approach, the girls still guessed the purpose of Qingyun's going to Impel Down.

And their guess was not wrong at all.

Nami immediately went to control the Poseidon, stepped into the Gate of Justice from Judicial Island, entered the exclusive ocean current of the Navy, and headed towards Impel Down.

At the same time.

After hearing that Qingyun was not coming to the Sabaody Archipelago to coat the ship so as to enter Fishman Island and then enter the New World, but was going to attack Judicial Island, Sengoku couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"It seems that Qingyun is most likely trying to use the ocean currents that our navy uses to go to the underwater prison to hunt for people with special abilities there, and coerce and lure the beauties there to board his ship."

After pondering for a while, Zhan Guo guessed with certainty


Garp nodded affirmatively while eating senbei.

Crane and Yellow Monkey also agreed with this.

They recalled Qingyun's deeds these days and found that he had been doing these two things.

The underwater prison holds many powerful criminals with devil fruit abilities.

For Qingyun, it is the best hunting ground.

"Even Akainu and Aokiji died at the hands of that guy. I'm sure Magellan couldn't stop him even if he called on Shiryu."

"If he kills Magellan, and there are superpowered criminals imprisoned at the bottom of the underwater prison, he will become even more difficult to deal with."

"If he didn't kill those super criminals who were not superpowers, but let them escape, it would be an extremely troublesome matter."

"We must stop him."

He said

"That's right."

Sengoku, Garp and Kizaru all agreed.

"Immediately send a message to Magellan, asking him to be on high alert"

"We will set off immediately and head to Impel Down."

Sengoku gave the order...

At this moment.

Red-haired Shanks came to Marijoa and met the Five Elders...

The speed of the exclusive current was very fast. In less than half an hour, the Poseidon arrived at the Gate of Justice leading to Impel Down.

The navy of Impel Down naturally would not help Qingyun and the others open the Gate of Justice.

The Gate of Justice cannot be bypassed.

Because the currents on both sides of the gate are reverse vortices caused by whirlpools, the ship cannot move forward.

If it were another ship, as long as the navy did not open the Gate of Justice, it would be trapped in this vortex current forever, wandering back and forth between Judicial Island, Impel Down and the Navy Headquarters.

But Qingyun's Poseidon can fly.

After he found that he had arrived at the destination, he came out directly with Laqi, and then controlled the Poseidon to fly over the Gate of Justice and flew towards Impel Down.

"Qingyun, when we break into the Impel Down City later, can you please not kill the navy guarding the prison indiscriminately?"

Seeing the underwater prison in front of her and the navy who were already on high alert, Dashiqi came to Qingyun and asked.

"Yeah, they shouldn’t be your target, right?"

"They are just doing their duty."

Jessica, Taotu and Tina followed and asked Qingyun.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

After hearing this, Dashiqi and the others were completely relieved.


Seeing that Qingyun and his group had really arrived, Magellan immediately gave the order.

Bang! Bang! Bang! In an instant, all the warships fired at the same time, and hundreds of shells poured down on the Sea King in the air like raindrops.

"Leave it to me."


After saying that, Tashigi pulled out Shigure directly, used the Armament Haki to strengthen it, took a stance, used the Magma Fruit ability, and her whole body and Shigure turned red, and billowing hot steam came out.

""Rock Flame Slash!""


Dashiqi swung her sword fiercely, and a strong sword energy with hot magma flames instantly formed and rushed towards the incoming shells.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, all the shells were ignited and exploded.

"Is that the magma fruit ability of Admiral Akainu?!"

Seeing this, Magellan, Shiryu, Hannibal, Domino, the deputy warden of Impel Down, the chief jailer of the Undersea Prison, and all the navy officers present were all shocked.

They had heard that Qingyun could take away the devil fruit ability of others, and guessed that Qingyun had the magma fruit ability.

But they never thought that Tashigi also had the magma fruit ability.

""How amazing!"

Nami and the others couldn't help but exclaimed at this scene.

Kaya and the others were suddenly filled with envy, and they also wanted to become as powerful as Tashigi and Nami.

Tashigi couldn't help but smile.

Qingyun was right, the magma fruit was indeed very suitable for her.

The combination of sword skills and the magma fruit ability not only allowed her to exercise the control and power of the magma fruit ability while practicing sword skills, but also allowed the power of the two to be superimposed, achieving an effect of one plus one being greater than two.

"Well done."

Kacha! Kacha!

After praising Tashiki, Qingyun turned into lightning and rushed to Magellan and others who were standing in front of the gate of the underwater prison.

""So fast!"

Everyone was shocked and took out their weapons to prepare for the battle.


Qingyun didn't say much, he just glared, his eyes flashed red, and the blood-red domineering aura burst out, sweeping towards the navy who were attacking from all directions.

The next moment.

Almost all the navy rolled their eyes, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

Except for Magellan and Xilu, who only had cold sweats on their heads.

Other navy officers above the rank of colonel, including Hannibal, Domino and Little Sati, even if there were some who didn't faint, all broke out in cold sweats, and knelt directly on the ground, looking at Qingyun in horror, as if they had seen the god of death.


Suddenly, Xilu quickly came behind Magellan, strengthened his hands with armed aura and his sword Leiyu, stabbed Magellan's back with one knife, and burst out of his chest.


Magellan could not help but groan in pain, and blood immediately flowed out from the corners of his mouth and wounds.

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