"Did the fight start?"

"Qingyun, you must be okay."

Feeling the slam between Qingyun and Golden Lion, Nami and the others put their hands together and silently prayed for Qingyun.

"What a big noise!"

"I want to get out, too."

On the sixth floor, the criminals who witnessed Golden Lion escaping by cutting off his own legs, felt the battle between Qingyun and Golden Lion, and couldn't help but get excited, but also helpless.


At the same time, Golden Lion could not resist for less than a second, and his double swords were directly cut off by Qingyun.

Golden Lion's strength lies in his ability of the Floating-Floating Fruit, which allows him to form a powerful air force.

He once relied on this advantage to run rampant on the sea. He even almost let Roger and his gang die in the sea.

In the theater version, the reason why Golden Lion was defeated by Luffy was entirely because Luffy had the aura of the protagonist, and he had both the right time, the right place, and the right people.

However, at this moment, Golden Lion had just escaped from prison and had not yet reorganized his air force.

Although his swordsmanship was not weak, he was above the lieutenant general and even the quasi-general, but below the general.

He was no match for Qingyun today.


Qingyun did not stop there, and with a knife, he directly split Golden Lion into two, and froze Golden Lion and his double swords together.

Golden Lion, enough

【The host kills the Golden Lion Shiki, and his physical fitness increases by 70... and he obtains the ability of the Float-Float Fruit, as well as the Float-Float Fruit……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a Piaopiao Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the Piaopiao Fruit to the same degree as the Golden Lion.

"The first one."

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction, put away the Sandai Kitetsu and the Piaopiao Fruit, and continued to move towards the sixth floor.

Since the guards on the fifth and sixth floors had almost been killed by the Golden Lion,

Qingyun was able to move forward more smoothly.

After a while, he came to the cell area on the sixth floor with the keys to the cells on the sixth floor.

Qingyun's arrival instantly attracted the attention of all the criminals.

They were almost all curiously looking at Qingyun, a young man who had never seen him before but had many cell keys.

Qingyun began to scan the area to see if there were any beautiful women imprisoned here.

But the result disappointed him a little.

Because there are very few female prisoners here.

Even if there are, they are all ugly like Xuanyue Hunter and Catalina Dipo.

It can't be said that they are not good-looking.

They are simply incredibly ugly.

"What a handsome little brother."

"Come to me quickly, I will let you experience the happiness of being an adult."


Suddenly, Katarina smiled and said to Qingyun.

But her smile was not only ugly, but also extremely scary, like an old witch.

The reason for this was that Katarina was ugly.

However, her mythical beast dog-dog fruit, the nine-tailed fox form, could make her beautiful and charming.

Before she was caught, she often used this ability to hunt men to replenish her yin. She was very familiar with seducing men, and the title of Xuanyue Hunter came from this (Xiao Zi's imagination, everything is subject to the original author's supplement in the future).

Her favorite , that is, a handsome guy.

Her favorite thing to do is to turn into a beautiful woman to seduce handsome men and take yang to replenish yin.

Afterwards, she will return to her original form and make the man wail in pain.

Katarina hasn't seen a handsome man for a long time, and she has never seen a man as handsome as Qingyun, so her desire was aroused all of a sudden.

She even forgot that her legs were locked by seastone chains, and she was completely unable to use the power of the devil fruit to turn into a beauty to seduce Qingyun.

Qingyun felt very nauseous.

Fortunately, he had good self-control and didn't take Katarina seriously, so he didn't vomit directly.


The other prisoners burst into laughter.

They were usually imprisoned in the cells, unable to do anything and very bored.

Today they finally had some fun.

Qingyun ignored Katarina and threw the keys of each cell accurately in front of the door of each cell, then said coldly:

"Come out and die."

It's not that Qingyun didn't want to kill the criminals in each cell directly.

But every cage here is made of seastone.

It's difficult for him to kill the prisoners from the outside.

Just let them come out by themselves and then kill them all.

The prisoners were stunned when they heard this and looked at the key in front of the cage.

They didn't know Qingyun either, and they all thought Qingyun was a navy man.

If Qingyun wanted to release one or two prisoners, they could understand.

After all, they had seen navy men who would release one or two prisoners and then beat, torture, or even kill them for escaping from prison.

But Qingyun wanted to release them all, which shocked them.

There are only two possibilities in this situation.

Either Qingyun can really deal with all of them.

Or Qingyun has a hole in his brain and forgot to take medicine.

They all think the first possibility is more likely.

After all, the navy can't let a young man with a hole in his brain who doesn't know the height of the world come to the underwater prison.



"Hurry up!"

"Don't be so hesitant."

Although they knew that the first guess was very likely, almost all the prisoners took action.

They were almost going crazy from being locked up.

If they could get out, they would not mind being killed.

After Katarina undid her shackles and was able to use the power of the devil fruit, she immediately used her power. She turned into a girl with a curvy figure, a beautiful face, nine-tailed fox ears, and nine furry tails.

She looked extremely charming and sexy, and she was very attractive.

She opened the cell door, walked towards Qingyun with a sexy cat step, and said in a charming voice:

"Little handsome boy, stop fighting and come play with your sister."

Plop! Plop! -

Hearing this, Qingyun and almost all the prisoners couldn't help but be moved.

Especially those prisoners.

Each one was like taking stimulants and starting the emperor's engine, with blood boiling and evil fire rising.

There was no way, after the change, Katarina's every frown and smile had a magical magic that could make countless men moved.

Qingyun was okay.

After all, the beauties on his ship were all stunningly beautiful, and he had just taught a beast-eared girl how to shoot.

In addition, he had just seen Katarina's true face, and he didn't want to have in-depth exchanges with Katarina at all, nor did he want Katarina at all.

It's not that he discriminated against ugly women, he just didn't like them.

But for the vast majority of other prisoners who haven't had meat for many years.

Katarina is now like a lamb, and they are like hungry wolves, who really want to pounce on Katarina directly.

"Sister, stop playing with that little bean sprout and come play with your brother."

The prisoners rushed out of the cage and pounced on Katarina.

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