
Qingyun greeted Hancock with a smile.

He was not surprised at all to meet Hancock here.

Because he had already used his more powerful observation Haki to check.

He deliberately stopped in front of Hancock.

Otherwise, he would not have stopped, and would have returned to the gate of the underwater prison with Miss Olib in his arms to meet up with Nami and the others.


Seeing that Qingyun was safe and sound, Hancock finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Her hanging heart was finally put down.

Affair... Affair!

However, seeing that Qingyun was still holding Miss Olib in his arms, Hancock suddenly became jealous. She couldn't help but pout slightly, stare, and bite her teeth lightly.

What a beautiful woman!

Miss Olib looked at Hancock. Although they were both women, she couldn't resist Hancock's charm and couldn't help but be attracted to her.

"Qingyun, who is the woman in your arms?"

"Is she your woman too?"

"The reason you broke into the underwater prison, besides hunting people with special abilities, was it to rescue her?"

Hancock looked at Miss Olib with envy, and asked Qingyun in a tender voice.


Although he had read Hancock's thoughts, Qingyun couldn't help but burst into laughter after hearing this.

He laughed!

It's true!

Seeing Qingyun laughing, Hancock was sure that her guess was correct. She couldn't help but feel more envious and jealous, and also felt sad. She couldn't help but cover her mouth, and tears flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She was already much later than Nami and the others. She never expected that she would be later than Miss Olib.

Qingyun felt even happier when he heard Hancock's voice using his observation Haki.

"No, no."

"You misunderstood."

Before Qingyun could explain, Miss Olib saw Hancock's charming appearance and was afraid that she would misunderstand him. She quickly jumped down from Qingyun's arms and explained anxiously:

"you misunderstood"

"I'm not his woman"

"I'm the one who just agreed to board his boat"

"My name is Miss Olib"


Hearing this, Hancock looked at Qingyun expectantly:

"Is everything he said true?"

"It's true."

Qingyun nodded affirmatively.


Hancock turned her sorrow into joy and cried.

Although she knew that this also meant that Miss Olib would also become Qingyun's person, she would still have to wait behind her.


Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Miss Olib breathed a sigh of relief.

""Okay, stop crying."

Qingyun walked to Hancock and gently wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"The Navy Headquarters is here, let's hurry up."

Immediately, Qingyun picked up Hancock with one hand and Miss Olib with the other, and turned into lightning again, and rushed towards the gate of the underwater prison.


Time goes back a little bit.

Just when Qingyun killed the Blood Red Count and went to the fourth floor to look for Miss Olib

, Sengoku, Garp, Crane and Kizaru, along with several vice admirals and a number of navy officers, sailed into the sea area of the Undersea Prison.

Among them were Smoker and Jonathan.

"Gion, don't be afraid, we are here to save you."

Chatun saw Momotosa from a distance and immediately shouted at her.

Chatun was Momotosa's loyal pursuer.

He had confessed to Momotosa a hundred times.

But every time he was rejected by Momotosa

"Tina, don't worry, we are here to save you."

Smoker saw Tina from a distance and felt very guilty.

Because Tina was his good friend at the same time, and she was captured by Qingyun because she wanted to help him save Tashigi.

"Dashiqi, you idiot, why did you stand on Qingyun's side before?"

""Have you been brainwashed by him?"

However, Smoker saw Dashiki from a distance, and remembered that Dashiki had helped Qingyun and Nami to deal with him and the navy. He couldn't help but feel extremely angry and asked in a harsh voice.

But Dashiki was Smoker's subordinate after all, so he still thought of an excuse for Dashiki.

"Jessica, why on earth did you stand on the side of that bastard Qingyun?"

"Have you also been brainwashed by him?"

Jonathan saw Jessica, tears in his eyes, and asked in disbelief.

"Colonel Smoker, I was not brainwashed by Qingyun"

"I want to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons together with Qingyun."

Dashiqi answered Smoker loudly without any hesitation.


Smoker was shocked when he heard this.

"Jonathan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry……"

Jessica said to Jonathan in shame.

Hearing this, Jonathan was immediately heartbroken.

Xia Lulia didn't mention Smoker and the others at all, as if they were not here to save her, and she didn't mind at all.

Because she has completely fallen in love with Qingyun now. She doesn't want to go back to become a Tianlongren at all.

"Big sister!"

"Little Cap!"

"Small Warring States!"


Momotu was very worried about Qingyun, but she was even more worried about He and the others.

Momotu was the younger sister of Vice Admiral He, so she had a very good relationship with Garp and Sengoku.

But at this moment, she had already fallen in love with Qingyun, and was in a dilemma.



Tina was the same.

She also liked Qingyun and didn't know who to help for a while.

"Warring States Marshal!"

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Lieutenant General Crane!"

"Admiral Kizaru!"

Domino and Little Sadie noticed the four people on the boat and were terrified.

They knew that Kizaru, as an admiral, was so powerful.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, as a veteran vice admiral, was unfathomable.

As a naval marshal, Sengoku's strength was above that of an admiral. As a naval hero, Garp was the strongest force in the navy, and his strength was far above that of an admiral.

They didn't expect that these four people would go out together.

They had just agreed to board Qingyun's ship, so they were considered to be a member of Qingyun's group.��

"Has that bastard Qingyun gone to the Undersea Prison to hunt down criminals with special abilities?"

Zhan Guo looked carefully and found that there was no trace of Qingyun. He immediately guessed where Qingyun was going and felt something was wrong.

"Yellow Monkey, you go in first and stop him, otherwise he will be more difficult to deal with."

Zhan Guo immediately ordered Yellow Monkey


Kizaru answered lazily.


Immediately, Kizaru turned into a flash of light and flew quickly towards the gate of the underwater prison.

Crack! Crack!

At this moment, Nami turned into a flash of lightning and flew towards Kizaru.


In a flash, Nami and Kizaru collided violently, causing a violent explosion, and the originally calm sea surface was rippling.

The speed of the two reached the speed of light, with no difference.

Although Kizaru is stronger than Nami in terms of strength and other aspects.

But Nami's Thunder Fruit is stronger than Kizaru's Flash Fruit ability, which just makes up for the disadvantage in strength, and the two fought evenly.

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