Aboard the Sea King

"Isn't this provocation too obvious?"

Seeing Zhan Guo's challenge letter, Qing Yun and Nami and the other girls couldn't help but complain.

"Qingyun, can we not accept the challenge of the Little Warring States?"

"Xiao Zhan Guo must know that he, Xiao Garp, Huang Yuan and Crane Sister can't deal with us at all."

"But the Little Warring States still issued a challenge to us. I'm afraid they must have prepared a trap waiting for us."

"I think it is possible that the Celestial Dragons could not ignore you, so they sent out the Knights of God to help Xiao Zhanguo and the others deal with you."

"I heard from Sister He that the Knights of God are the ones who protect the holy land of Marijoa. They are directly under the jurisdiction of the Five Elders. They are all very powerful. The weakest is at the level of lieutenant general, and the strongest is at the level of general."

"Although I know you are not afraid of them at all, and even want to hunt them, I don't want to see you fighting to the death with Sister He, Little Garp and Little Zhan Guo."

Worried that Qing Yun would not be able to stand Zhan Guo's open provocation, Tao Tu said to Qing Yun sincerely

"The Knights of God?!"

Hearing this, Nami and the others, including Tashigi, Domino and Little Sadie, who were originally in the navy, and Jessica, who was the chef in the navy, were all shocked.

They had never heard of the information about the Knights of God.

Although Qingyun knew about the existence of the Knights of God, he was not very familiar with its members. After all, they had not appeared in the original work yet.


Qingyun smiled and nodded to Taotu.

How could he not agree to his woman's request?

"Thank you, thank you.

Taotu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Qingyun sincerely.


Qingyun scratched Taotu's nose affectionately and said with a smile:

"There's no need to be polite between us"


Taotu showed a sweet and happy smile.

"Let's go to the North Sea."

Qingyun suddenly said again.

As soon as he finished speaking, he controlled the Poseidon to fly to the North Sea.

He had already known through reading the thoughts of the navy he met that Zhan Guo guessed that he would go to the Sabaody Archipelago to coat the ship, and then go to Fishman Island to rob the mermaids, and had already laid a dragnet in the Sabaody Archipelago.

He guessed that the reason why Zhan Guo issued such an obvious challenge was that he saw that he did not go to the Sabaody Archipelago, but was constantly hunting people with special abilities to become stronger, but he could not stop it and was desperate.

Since he had promised Taotu not to have a head-on conflict with Zhan Guo and the others, of course he had to change the route and not go to Fishman Island first.

"What are we going to Beihai for?"

Nami and the others looked at Qingyun curiously.

They could imagine that Qingyun went to Beihai for either beauties or to hunt people with special abilities.

They were curious about which beauties Qingyun was going for, or which, or even dozens of beauties, and which people with special abilities.

"You will know when you get there."

Qingyun smiled mysteriously.

Qingyun first spent a whole morning controlling the Poseidon, flew directly over the doldrums and returned to the East China Sea.

Then he controlled the Poseidon and flew towards the North Sea.

He planned to fly directly over the Red Earth Continent and then fly to the East China Sea.

However, the speed of the Poseidon was not particularly fast, and it was only three times faster than the sailing speed of ordinary giant ships.

Until about six o'clock in the evening, the Poseidon had not yet left the East China Sea.

Qingyun did not rush.

He directly controlled the Poseidon to fly to the sea surface, letting it move slowly with the wind and sail towards the Red Earth Continent.

He and Nami and the others helped Makino, Carmen and Jessica to prepare dinner for today.

In order to prevent being disturbed by the navy.

It was also for"fishing".

Qingyun controlled the Poseidon to activate its camouflage function, disguising the Poseidon as a giant merchant ship.

This was not because Qingyun was afraid of the navy.

But he did not want to conflict with the navy. It was difficult for Tashigi and the others.

An hour later, a fish was really hooked.

That was the Poker Pirates on the nearby Clockwork Island.

In the original work, the Poker Pirates were defeated by Luffy and his men because they captured Nami and angered the Straw Hat Pirates.

But now, since Nami is not on Luffy's ship, and Luffy is busy chasing Qingyun, he didn't run into the Poker Pirates at all.

So the Poker Pirates are still bullying on the Clockwork Island. The one who led the people to rob the"merchant ship" was the leader of the Poker Pirates, King Big Bear.

And King Big Bear's right-hand men, the five Poker brothers.

The people who patrolled before saw the giant"merchant ship", but they did not act rashly because they were worried that there were too many guards on the giant"merchant ship".

Instead, they sent people to monitor it, and at the same time sent people to report the news of the discovery of the giant"merchant ship" to King Big Bear.

After King Big Bear got the news, he immediately led almost everyone to rob.

"A fish has taken the bait."

When the Poker Pirates approached the Sea King with a siege, intending to surround the giant"merchant ship" and catch it in the jar, Qingyun, who was helping Makino and the others cook with Nami, showed a wicked smile.


Aisha nodded. She also noticed


After Qingyun said this, Nami and the others carefully sensed and found that the Poker Pirates were surrounding the Sea King Group.

"Is that so?"

But there are also people who haven't noticed.

That is Bonnie, who looks ten years old and is actually ten years old.

Now, under the care of Qingyun and Nami, Bonnie has taken off her disguise and become good friends with everyone.

The best ones among them are Qingyun and Aisha.

Qingyun and Nami also love Bonnie, who has a tragic life but is very brave.

"But they are just a bunch of minor characters"

"Mariannu, you take action."

Qingyun looked at Miss Huang Jin and said


Miss Golden Week readily agreed.

Immediately, Qingyun picked up Miss Golden Week in a princess hug, and then used the power of the Float-Float Fruit to fly her out.

Bonnie was very curious and followed immediately.

Seeing this, Aisha also followed.

Nami and the others who had nothing to do also followed.

Just as the Poker Pirates surrounded Qingyun.

The members of the Poker Pirates took out their weapons, and everyone was excited.

As soon as the Great Bear King gave an order, they would rush up, rush onto the giant"merchant ship", and rob all the money, goods and women on it.

The Great Bear King was also excited and looking forward to it. He smiled and ordered:

"Guys, everyone.……"

However, before the Great Bear King finished speaking, he stopped and was shocked.

Everyone else was also shocked.

Because at this moment, Qingyun flew out of the Sea King with Miss Golden Week in his arms.

Although it was getting dark, the people of the Poker Pirates did not recognize Qingyun at first.

But just from the fact that Qingyun could hold his sister in his arms and fly in the air, everyone in the Poker Pirates knew that Qingyun was definitely not an ordinary businessman or guard.

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