
The girls nodded.

Some were looking forward to it.

Because the people they wanted to revive were killed when they were young.

For example, Nami and Nojiko's mother.

But some were very disappointed.

Because the people they wanted to revive were either dead of old age or had no remains left.

For example, Kaya's parents died of natural causes of old age and illness.

But they were not particularly sad.

For example, Kaya.

With the help of Qingyun and Miss Golden Week, she had seen the souls of her dead parents and told them that she was living well now.

"Well, let's go find the Germa Kingdom."

Although the Germa Kingdom is the only maritime country in the world without a fixed territory, it usually consists of hundreds of snail ships that move separately and merge together to form the Germa Kingdom, resulting in erratic whereabouts.

However, Qingyun's system still provided him with a permanent pointer to the Germa Kingdom.

Under the guidance of the permanent pointer, Qingyun controlled the Poseidon and flew straight to the Germa Kingdom.

Two days later.

At about ten o'clock in the morning.

Qingyun and his group boarded the Poseidon and finally arrived in front of the Germa Kingdom sailing on the sea.

The Germa Kingdom had long detected the approach of the Poseidon.

The king of the Germa Kingdom, Vinsmoke Judge, recognized that the spaceship was Qingyun's Poseidon and was very surprised.

Seeing that the Poseidon was not friendly, Judge immediately put on combat uniforms, and asked his three children to put on combat uniforms and come to the stage with him to prepare for the battle.

Judge also asked the Germa soldiers to enter a state of combat readiness. The artillery of the whole country had been loaded with shells and aimed at the Poseidon.

""I wonder what you are doing here, Lord Qingyun?"

Judge asked loudly at the Poseidon.

He did not dare to act rashly and launch an attack on the Poseidon directly.

Because he knew what Qingyun had done during this period, and he knew that Qingyun's strength was extraordinary, not to mention Nami and the others.

Judge knew that even if the whole country of Germa was mobilized, it was very likely that they would not be able to defeat Qingyun and his gang.

That's why Judge would respectfully address Qingyun as Your Excellency.

As Judge finished speaking, Qingyun and Nami and the other girls appeared at the bow.

Really pretty!

Looking at Reiju beside Judge, Qingyun's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

So beautiful!

Even Nami and the others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they looked at Reiju.

Reiju has medium-length pink hair covering her right eye, and wears earmuffs with the number 66 engraved on them. Her pretty face is very delicate and fair, her left eyebrow is a counterclockwise circle eyebrow, and her purple eyes are as crystal clear as gems.

She has a blue scarf around her neck, a pink combat uniform, and a butterfly-shaped cape.���, with a"6" tattoo on each leg, and wearing white and pink boots.

Reiju's outfit matches her slender figure and long legs, and she looks extremely charming, hot and seductive, like a poisonous moth. Even though you know she is extremely dangerous, you still can't help wanting to fly into the fire.

"I want Reiju"

"And your Germa's genetic modification and cloning technology."

Qingyun came straight to the point.

Judge, Reiju, and Reiju's three brothers were not surprised at Qingyun's answer.

After all, the whole world knows that Qingyun is lustful.

And Reiju's beauty is recognized as the best in the North Sea.

Even in the whole world, it is one of the best.

It is not surprising that Qingyun came to"invite" Reiju.

Germa's genetic modification and cloning technology is coveted by the World Government, and it is understandable that Qingyun wants it.

"What benefits can I get if I agree to you?"

Judge asked Qingyun with some expectation.

Judge is extremely hypocritical and selfish, and will do anything to achieve his goals.

For example, in order to revitalize the Vinsmoke family, he transformed his own children and forced his wife to undergo surgery, and he did not think that what he did was wrong.

Judge knew that even if he fought with all his strength, he would most likely not be the opponent of Qingyun and his gang. If he refused Qingyun, he and everyone except Reiju would be killed by Qingyun.

Instead of fighting to the death, it is better to use Reiju and genetic modification and cloning technology to negotiate with Qingyun in exchange for appropriate compensation.

Hearing Judge's words, Reiju was not surprised or sad at all.

Because she knew Judge too well, and she had expected such a day to come.

So even if she still had emotions, she did not feel the slightest heartache.

Reiju was not sad, so naturally her three brothers who had no emotions at all would not be sad either.

"You actually want to trade your own daughter!"

On the contrary, Nami and the others felt unfair and angry for Reiju.

Especially Nami and Nojiko.

Because their mother is a great mother who is willing to sacrifice herself for them.

"Let me think about it.

Qingyun began to think.

Hearing this, Judge looked at Qingyun expectantly.

Don't give him any benefits!

Nami and the others looked at Qingyun nervously.

Reiju and her three brothers looked at Qingyun expressionlessly.

"If that's the case, I can let you die more comfortably."

After thinking for a while, Qingyun said generously.

He hated Judge very much, especially what Judge did to his wife and children.

He didn't intend to let Judge be his father-in-law.

He felt that Reiju must hate Judge as well.

However, since Reiju had been transformed by Judge and was completely unable to disobey Judge's orders, she did not resist Judge, but was ready to perish with the Vinsmoke family.

Qingyun felt that even if he really killed Judge, Reiju would not resent him for it.��

"What did you say?"

Jiazhi looked at Qingyun in disbelief, thinking that he had misheard.

How could someone want someone else's woman and then kill her?

"Are you deaf?"

Qingyun laughed:

"If you didn't hear clearly, you can let your good sons tell you what I said"


"Well said!"

Hearing Qingyun's words, Nami and the others were very supportive.

Although they didn't know what Judge had done before, they hated Judge for using their daughter as a bargaining chip to exchange for benefits at this time.

He came here to kill his father?!

Reiju was very surprised.

She didn't want to stop Qingyun at all. She even wanted to help Qingyun.

But she couldn't disobey Judge's orders and couldn't resist Judge.

"Father, are you so old that your hearing has stopped working?"

"Qingyun just said that if you agree to hand over Sister Reiju, genetic modification, and cloning technology to him, he can consider letting you die in a more painful way."

The eldest son, Vinsmoke Iji, said to Jiaji expressionlessly.

The second son, Niji, and the fourth son, Yongji, also acted as if nothing had happened.

They had no emotional fluctuations at all when Qingyun wanted to kill Jiaji.

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