Reiju was very tempted.

After all, as long as she agreed to Qingyun, she could revive her mother whom she missed day and night.

But she was also very conflicted.

Because she heard that Qingyun was very lustful, and judging from the fact that Qingyun's crew was all beautiful women, without a single man, and that the main reason for coming to Germa was because of her, this rumor was probably true.

If she agreed, she would definitely not be able to escape Qingyun's clutches.

And that's not all.

Qingyun also wanted to use the genetic modification and cloning technology she mastered.

If Qingyun wanted to use this to revive and modify someone and cause harm to the world, wouldn't she be an accomplice?

"Whose body do you want me to help you rebuild?"

Reiju didn't beat around the bush and asked Qingyun directly.

"Like your mother, she died young."

Qingyun looked down at Nami and the others who were killing the Germa soldiers, and said gently, his eyes full of tenderness.

Hearing this, Reiju looked down as well, and realized that Nami and the others were most likely people with ill-fated lives like herself, and she couldn't help but have a better impression of them.

Reiju looked at Qingyun, and noticed that Qingyun looked at Nami and the others with tenderness in his eyes. She immediately had a better understanding of Qingyun, and immediately realized that Qingyun might not be as vicious as the bounty order said.

That's right.

If Qingyun was really a very vicious person, how could they all willingly obey Qingyun's orders?

Reiju looked into Qingyun's eyes and thought to herself...

"Okay, I promise you.

Reiju agreed directly

【Congratulations to the host for taming Vinsmoke Reiju and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Vinsmoke Reiju's position.

Qingyun smiled slightly and looked at Reiju happily:

"Very good, from now on, you are the scientific combatant of our Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Reiju, including the ability of Reiju to resist and release poison brought by the bloodline factor.

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Reiju answered affirmatively.

""Okay, let's move the equipment needed for Germa's genetic modification and cloning technology, as well as some important technologies and Germa's treasures to the Sea King."

Qingyun continued


Reiju nodded, and then said with a headache:

"But there are a lot of equipment, and they are very heavy."

"It would probably take a long time for the two of us to finish moving everything."

"It's okay."

Qingyun grabbed Reiju's slender hand and pulled her towards the interior of the Germa Kingdom:

"Just tell me those things are useful."

"Leave the job of moving the goods to me."

Reiju's pretty face couldn't help but turn red, and her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up. Because she had never been grabbed by a man in her life, and she had never kissed or done anything intimate with a man.


Reiju didn't hate this cute feeling. She nodded and let Qingyun pull her to the Germa Kingdom.

"By the way, do you have a beautiful chef in Germa? I think her name is Cosette, right?"

"Do you know where she is now?"

Qingyun asked Reiju expectantly.

He had a deep impression of Cosette.

After all, Cosette was not only good at cooking and beautiful, but also a cook who dared to cook for those crazy people in Germa.

Although in the original book, Cosette was almost disfigured by Niji because the food she cooked did not suit Niji's appetite. But it was precisely because of this that Qingyun had a deep impression of Cosette.

Hearing Qingyun's question, Reiju's somewhat shy face suddenly darkened.

Qingyun is too greedy! He hasn't even eaten the food in the bowl yet, but he's already looking at the food in the pot!

"I saw it."

Before Reiju could say anything, Qingyun noticed Cosette running away with the people who served Germa, such as the cook and the servants:

"It should be her, right?"

Cosette had a yellow ponytail, a delicate face, and bright eyes.

The freckles on her face did not detract from her appearance, but made her look different, which complemented her pretty face.

She was wearing a wine red dress with a white apron tied around her waist. Although it almost covered her entire body, it could not hide her curvy and tall figure.


Qingyun quickly landed in front of Cosette, scaring the fleeing Cosette so much that she couldn't help but scream with horror on her face.

Qingyun didn't want to fight with Cosette, so he used the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit directly to greatly increase his charm, then smiled and asked Cosette:

"Cosette, are you willing to get on my boat?"

Cosette, who was originally frightened, was instantly fascinated by Qingyun.

Just like a butterfly seeing a blooming flower, her eyes turned into pink hearts, and she couldn't refuse Qingyun at all.

Even though Qingyun's request was very rude, and he even asked Cosette to take off all her clothes on the spot.

He actually knew my name!

And invited me on board!

Cosette was very happy.

"I do."

Cosette answered affirmatively without hesitation.

"I am willing to do so too."

At the same time, Reiju was unable to resist Qingyun's charm and replied in fascination.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Cosette and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Cosette's position. 】

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction and said to Cosette happily:

"Very good, Cosette, from now on, you are the fourth cook of my Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Cosette.


Cosette replied with a silly smile

"All right."

Qingyun took Cosette's hand, and���He flew up with Cosette and Reiju, and continued to look for equipment and treasures with Reiju.

During this time, Qingyun stopped using the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

However, Reiju and Cosette were deeply fascinated by Qingyun after using the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit. Although they were not as obsessed with Qingyun's charm as when Qingyun used the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit, they could not easily reject Qingyun.

Germa is indeed a scientific power. There are countless scientific equipment of all kinds, and some are particularly huge.

Reiju and Cosette felt that the three of them could not move all these equipment.

But after seeing Qingyun reach out to touch these equipment, and these equipment disappeared out of thin air, Reiju and Cosette were shocked, looking at Qingyun in disbelief:

"Where did you put the machine for growing clones?"

Qingyun smiled mysteriously:


Although Qingyun refused to say it, Reiju and Cosette still guessed that Qingyun might have mastered the ability of the Devil Fruit such as space.

Qingyun did not deny or confirm this.

As a country that waged wars all the year round, Germa had plundered countless treasures.

But now they were all in Qingyun's pocket.

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