Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The Poseidon had just surfaced, the hull hadn't stabilized yet, the membrane that was wrapped around the ship hadn't dissipated yet, and the pirate guerrillas fired hundreds of cannons at the Poseidon.

"Leave it to me."

Makino said confidently.

As she spoke, she made a gesture.


At the moment when Makino completed the gesture, an indestructible barrier was formed, directly wrapping up the huge Poseidon.

Through unremitting practice, Makino's barrier is now large enough to cover the entire Poseidon.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

More than a hundred shells bombarded the barrier deployed by Makino, but could not shake the barrier at all.

"There is actually someone with the ability of the Barrier Fruit!"

"What a trouble!"

Zeff recognized Makino's barrier fruit ability and immediately felt a headache.

""Teacher Zefa!"

Tina was shocked when she noticed Zefa, and immediately felt very ashamed.

Because she used to be Zefa's proud student and knew Zefa very well.

But now she stood on Qingyun's side, and she felt ashamed to face Zefa who had taught her so carefully.

""Little Zefa!"

Taotu saw Zefa and immediately felt mixed emotions.

Because she also knew Zefa very well.

But now she stood on Qingyun's side and had to stand on the opposite side of Zefa.

They all knew that Zefa would not let them leave this sea area easily.

Either he died or I died.

This time, they did not ask Qingyun for Zefa's mercy.

Because they knew that Zefa was different from the previous navy. He didn't want to catch Qingyun, but to kill Qingyun.

""General Zefa!"

When Tashigi, Jessica, Domino and Little Sadie saw Zefa, they were just a little surprised.

Because although they knew Zefa, they didn't know him very well.

The same was true for Nami and the others.

Ain was also very beautiful!

Qingyun was not attracted by an old man like Nami and the others, but by Ain next to Zefa.

Ain had soft wavy sea-blue hair, jade-like skin, and a delicate, beautiful and resolute face.

She was wearing a purple short shirt, brown shorts, and a blue cloak on her shoulders, which showed her graceful figure and slender and beautiful long legs to the fullest.

Although there was an X-shaped scar on her right leg, it did not destroy her beauty, but added a bit of wildness and mystery, which made people very curious.

"Gion, Tina, I never thought that you two would betray the navy and join the pirate group"

"You really disappoint me."

Zephyr also noticed Taotu and Tina, and shouted angrily.

At first, Zephyr heard that Taotu and Tina had to agree to board Qingyun's ship in order to save the navy who were not killed by Qingyun, and he was proud and angry about their self-sacrifice.

But when he heard that Taotu actually helped Qingyun and his group stop Kizaru in the underwater prison, he knew that Taotu had betrayed the navy.

Later, Tina also helped Qingyun and his group deal with the navy and hunt pirates, and he was sure that Tina had also betrayed the navy.

Hearing Zephyr's words, Taotu and Tina lowered their heads in shame

"You said Gion and Tina betrayed the navy?"

Qingyun knew that Zefa's words would affect Taotu and Tina's mood, and even Tashigi, Jessica, Domino and Little Sadie's mood. He couldn't remain indifferent to this. He stopped admiring the beauty and looked at Zefa.

"Do I need to tell you this?"

Zefa sneered.

"I am very curious, what method did you use to make Gion and Tina betray the navy and join your pirates?"

Zeff asked curiously.

Because he also knew Taotu and Tina very well, and knew that they, like Ain, looked down on pirates.

Ain and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously, and they were also very curious about this.

Taotu and Tina blushed.

Because the reason why they chose to stand on Qingyun's side was largely because Qingyun's marksmanship was so superb.

But this is really hard to say.

"What is the Navy?"

"What is a pirate?"

Qingyun did not answer, but asked Zefa instead.

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this.

They did not expect Qingyun to ask Zefa such a simple question.

"It's so simple, even a three-year-old child knows it, how come you don't know it?"

Zefa said with a joking smile:

"In that case, let me teach you a lesson."

"The so-called navy is the embodiment of justice, doing absolutely just things"

"The so-called pirates are the embodiment of evil, just like you, who specialize in burning, killing, robbing and abusing others."

Hearing this, Nami and the others could not help but feel angry.

Especially Nami and Nojiko, as well as Vivi and Robin.

Because although they hunted people with special abilities and robbed property together with Qingyun, most of the people they killed were pirates, and most of the people they robbed were also pirates.

The Navy not only ignored the Dragon Pirates' occupation of the mountains, but also joined forces with the Dragon Pirates to oppress villages such as Cocosia Village. It was also the Navy who destroyed O'Hara, killed Robin's mother, and burned all the bodies of O'Hara's scholars.

"Indeed, we often burn, kill, rob and abuse"

"But your navy isn't much better."

"For example, it was your navy that destroyed O'Hara and killed almost all of O'Hara's scholars."

"And you navy guys also like to go along with the pirates"

"As small as the village of Kokosia, where Colonel Mole���Collaborating with the Dragon Pirates, bullying the villagers of Cocosia Village and others"

"So big that they reached a cooperation with the big pirates, making them the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and they were even more impunity."

"For example, the Kingdom of Alabasta was almost destroyed by Crocodile."

"There are many examples like this.

Qingyun was not willing to be outdone and said directly, becoming more and more angry as he spoke.

"Qingyun is right."

Nami agreed immediately, and then added excitedly:

"Although we often burn, kill, rob and abuse, most of the people we kill are pirates, and many of them are extremely vicious pirates."

"We have never robbed ordinary people of a single needle or thread, nor have we killed any ordinary people. We have even saved many people."

"That's right."

Nojigo and the others immediately echoed excitedly.

Hearing what Qingyun and Nami said, Zefa and Ain were unable to refute and felt very ashamed.

Because they all knew that what Qingyun said was the truth.

From this point of view, their navy was no different from pirates. In fact, they were much worse than pirates.

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