Although Qingyun's next goal is Dressrosa, before going to Dressrosa, he took the girls to the closer Punk Hazard.

"Qingyun, Punk Hazard is the government's island"

"Three years ago, a terrible accident occurred on the island, and a large amount of corrosive substances were released from the island, causing the island to become an uninhabited island."

"What are we doing here?"

At noon the next day, they came to the sea where Punk Hazard was located. Looking at Punk Hazard filled with a faint poisonous fog, Ain asked Qingyun in confusion.

Hearing this, Nami and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously.

Although Nami and the others knew that Qingyun went to a certain island or a certain country basically for beautiful women.

But Punk Hazard is an uninhabited poisonous island.

Qingyun smiled mysteriously:

"You will know in a moment."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun came directly to Reiju's side, picked her up in a princess hug, and then said with a smile:

"Reiju, neither you nor I are afraid of poison, please come with me"

"The rest of you just wait on the boat, we'll be right back"


Reiju, who had already had an in-depth discussion with Qingyun, did not feel shy at all. Instead, she felt very happy and nodded with a smile.


Nami and the others nodded.

Then, Qingyun carried Reiju and flew to Punk Hazard.

Tashigi and Jessica couldn't stay idle, so they started practicing immediately.

Seeing this, Nami and the others didn't want to be left behind, so they also started practicing.

Qingyun didn't take Reiju to wander around, but used his observation Haki to lock on Caesar Clown, who had secretly returned to Punk Hazard a year ago and was now producing SAD for Doflamingo; and the snow girl Monet who was sent by Mingo to assist Caesar. Then he carried Reiju and went straight to Caesar and the snow girl.

"There's an intruder!"

"Everyone on alert!"

A guard saw Qingyun holding Reiju and heading straight for the experimental base, and immediately shouted loudly, raising his gun, ready to shoot at Qingyun and Reiju.

Upon hearing this, the other guards immediately looked in the direction of the voice and followed suit.

"There's someone here?!"

"Why are the lower bodies of these people all prosthetic limbs?!"

Looking at the guards, Reiju was very surprised.

She didn't think that the current Ain would deceive Qingyun.

That's why she was a little surprised.

These guards were the prisoners who were abandoned by the World Government and left after the Punk Hazard explosion two years ago, and sealed off Punk Hazard, causing the lower body to be paralyzed due to inhaling too much poison gas.

A year after the explosion, Caesar quietly returned to Punk Hazard and purified the air on the island (actually compressing the H₂S gas into"Slime"")

And equipped prisoners who could not walk with equipment to assist them in their movements, accepting them as his subordinates.

"You will know soon.

Qingyun continued to keep the secret.


The captain of the guard saw Qingyun and Leiju���had already entered their shooting range. Although he did not see clearly that the people coming were Qingyun and Reiju, he saw that the two were coming aggressively, so he immediately gave the order and pulled the trigger.

The other guards also pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The next moment, several bullets poured out towards Qingyun and Reiju.

However, in front of Qingyun's observation Haki, the speed of these bullets was as slow as a turtle, and he dodged them easily.


Click! Click! Click!

After dodging, Qingyun suddenly accelerated, and instantly came to the front of the guards holding Reiju, and then released a terrifying cold air, instantly freezing all the guards, the gate, and the monitoring Den Den Mushi on the gate.


Qingyun slowly put Reiju down, then directly shattered the gate that he had frozen, and swaggered into the experimental base.

With curiosity in her heart, Reiju also followed in.

"Qing... Qing... Qingyun!"

At the same time, Caesar, who was in the central laboratory, saw the last image of the surveillance Den Den Mushi and became extremely terrified:

"How could he be here?!"

The news that Qingyun came to the new world had not yet spread.

Caesar had never expected that Qingyun would actually appear here.

"Damn it!"

Monet on the side also noticed Qingyun's arrival and felt very bad.

"Could it be that he knew I was here and came here specifically to hunt me down?"

Caesar knew that Qingyun was a hunter of special abilities, so he didn't have time to think about why Qingyun came here, but instead began to worry about his own safety.

After all, he was the strongest natural devil fruit ability user.

"Monet, hurry up and help me stop Qingyun, so that I have enough time to escape."

Caesar had no intention of resisting and immediately ordered Monet in a hurry.

Because he knew that Qingyun was not only a hunter with special abilities, but also a pirate who could kill the admiral of the navy, break into the underwater prison, and kill all the vicious criminals on the sixth floor alone. He was also a super ruthless man who dared to kill the Celestial Dragons and capture a Celestial Dragon.

Although his backer was Mingo, and Mingo's backer was Kaido.

But he knew that his backer was not enough in the eyes of Qingyun.

Facing Qingyun, he had only one choice, and that was to escape.

"Don't forget, I am Mingge's most important partner. If something happens to me, you will definitely not survive."

In order to prevent Monet from running away because of fear of Qingyun and not stopping Qingyun, Caesar immediately reminded Monet loudly.

For Caesar, although Monet is a capable assistant, he is also a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.

"Don't worry, I will complete my mission."

Monet didn't complain at all, and there was no expression on her pretty face. She just said lightly and walked out of the central laboratory.

"What a stupid woman."

"He actually went to die."

Caesar cursed with a sly smile as he watched Monet disappear.���She had no idea that for Monet, Doflamingo, who saved her and her sister, Sugar, was someone she could sacrifice her life for in order to achieve Mingo's goal.

As long as it was for Mingo, Monet would not hesitate to go through fire and water.

Caesar just thought that Monet's behavior of forcing himself even though he knew he couldn't win was very stupid.

If it were him, he would have escaped long ago.

But it was precisely because Monet was a"fool" that Caesar had time to escape.

Caesar did not stay for long. After sorting out the most important information, he first ordered his subordinates to capture the invaders and use them to help stop Qingyun so that he could have more time to escape, and then he escaped from the evacuation passage that had been prepared in advance.

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