"I'll cut you with one knife."

Qingyun looked at Tesoro with a grim look and said coldly.


Snap! Snap!

At the same time, Qingyun continued to use the Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and used the Conqueror Haki to further strengthen it. He also used the Thunder Fruit ability and the petrification ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to greatly enhance the power and armor-breaking effect.

Hearing this, Tesoro looked at Qingyun and felt an unprecedented fear. He realized that Qingyun was not just talking. The next attack would be extremely terrifying and he would be very difficult to resist.

But he knew that at this time, he had no way to avoid it. He had no choice but to fight.

"If you can do it, just give it a try."

Tezulo shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to boost his momentum and dispel his fear.


Immediately, he controlled the golden giant to raise his hands and gathered several golden pillars into a very large missile head.

This is Tesoro's strongest move, which can only be used in the awakened state.

In the original work, he once used this move to suppress the Lion King Bazooka used by Luffy in the fourth gear state (the fourth gear plus the third gear, refer to the Great Ape King Spear that defeated Mingo), and the power can be seen.

"Divine punishment!"

Tezoro controlled the golden giant to swing his hand towards Qingyun, and the huge missile head he condensed also rushed towards Qingyun with a shocking force.


At the same time, Qingyun held the Sandai Kitetsu in his right hand and quickly attacked Tezoro.

Thunder God Fragrance Slash!

Rushing in front of the huge golden missile head, Qingyun wielded the Sandai Kitetsu with all his strength, and slashed at the former with a crushing force.

Twenty thousand pounds!

When the collision was about to take place, Qingyun suddenly used the ability of the Light Floating Fruit to greatly increase the weight and thus increase the power.



Qingyun's Sandai Kitetsu collided violently with Tezoro's golden missile head in the air. Although the latter was much larger than the former, it was like an elephant and a little wolf.

However, the latter was completely unable to withstand the attack of the former and was directly split in the air and quickly petrified.


Although he had expected it, Tezoro was still in disbelief when he saw that his attack was so vulnerable.


Qingyun did not stop there, but directly chopped off Tezoro's golden missile head from a distance, and finally chopped off the golden giant's head from a distance, cutting off Tezoro's neck hidden in the golden giant's head, and separating Tezoro's body.

This was not the end.

After the body was separated, Tezoro's body quickly petrified and soon died on the spot

【The host kills Gild Tesoro, and his physical fitness increases to 66... and he gains the ability of the Golden Fruit, as well as the Golden Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had a golden fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the power of the golden fruit, to the same level as Tezoro.

In other words, Qingyun's current power of the golden fruit has also been awakened.


"That's great!"

Nami and the others couldn't help but cheer for Qingyun.

"Seconds...killed in seconds!"

"It’s really great!"

"We are finally free!"

Even many people in the Golden City couldn't help but cheer for Qingyun.

Because even among Tesoro's men, most of them had to succumb to Tesoro's tyranny and work for Tesoro because they could not resist Tesoro.

For example, Bakara.

She actually knew that she was just a substitute for Tesoro's old love. At the beginning, she had to stay by Tesoro's side because of Tesoro's coercion.

Later, she was gradually convinced by Tesoro's strength and kindness to herself, and she was somewhat moved by Tesoro.

But Tesoro was a pure love warrior. In his heart, there was only his dead old love, Stacy, and he could not accommodate anyone else.

Bakara knew that it was impossible for her to get into Tesoro's heart, and she also discovered Tesoro's perverted desire for domination and cruelty.

Although Tesoro He didn't touch Bakara, but he also didn't allow Bakara to be with other men, not even to have a meal together.

So Bakara gradually began to hate Tesoro.

But she was no match for Tesoro, and most of what she had now was given by Tesoro.

So she gave up being with Tesoro, thinking of staying by Tesoro's side and working hard to make money.

So when Bakara saw Tesoro being killed by Qingyun, she, like Tesoro's other subordinates, didn't feel particularly angry, but felt a sense of relief.

Qingyun knew that Bakara didn't have deep feelings for Tesoro, and the two cadres, Tanaka and Dais, and knew that killing them or not would not affect Bakara's getting on his ship.

So he just killed them all and put an end to it.

"Bakara, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun put away the Sandai Kitetsu and the Golden Fruit, turned to Bakara, looked down at Bakara, and asked directly

"I do."

Bakara, who had just seen Qingyun kill Tezoro in an instant, dared not refuse Qingyun and agreed without hesitation.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Bakara and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Bakara's position. 】

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction:

"very good"

"So from now on, Bakara, you are the waiter of my Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Bakara, including her lucky fruit ability.

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Monet replied with a fake smile.

Because she thought Qingyun said she was his from the beginning, and she thought Qingyun was attracted to her. She never thought that Qingyun would let her be a waitress?

"This golden city is mine."

"All of you have ten minutes to leave, otherwise you will die."

"Anyone who dares to take my gold when I leave will die."

Qingyun then said loudly to the others in the Golden City.

"Yes, yes."

People began to flee in all directions.

They did not doubt Qingyun's words at all, but they did not hate Qingyun either.

Because many of them were slaves of Tezoro and owed Tezoro a lot of money, even if they were Tezoro's subordinates.

So they were already extremely satisfied to escape from Tezoro's rule.

But there were still many people who could not resist the temptation of gold, always thinking of taking advantage of the situation, sneaking away some gold, and trying to take it away. However, what they did not expect was that although their position was very hidden and their methods were very skillful, they still could not escape Qingyun's eyes.

Qingyun also followed his words and killed all the thieves directly.

Seeing that Qingyun did what he said and killed without blinking an eye, people were a little scared.

Those who could not resist the temptation of gold and wanted to take some gold, but had not had time to do it, were scared to death, and they did not dare to steal gold at all.

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