After she realized it, Uta couldn't help but be moved.

Thinking back to the past, when Uta was deceived by Shanks and his subordinates, as well as Gordon, and learned that it was the Red Hair Pirates who burned, killed, robbed and abused Elegia, she still wanted to go on an adventure with the Red Hair Pirates. She also cried because she was abandoned by Shanks and his companions.

Over the years, Uta has been missing Shanks and his subordinates all the time.

Not long ago, when Uta saw the video of the year from the Den Den Mushi that she accidentally got, she learned that she was the real murderer who killed all the people in Elegia.

She realized that the reason why Shanks and others abandoned her was actually to protect her, and she missed Shanks and others even more.

After experiencing what happened that year, Uta had a strong ideal.

That is to establish a new era of peace and happiness through her voice.

Now, when Uta heard Qingyun say that he could not only take her to see Shanks, but also realize her ideal, how could she not be moved?

At this moment, in Uta's mind, a very magnetic and seductive voice suddenly sounded:

"Don't believe him!"

"He must be deceiving you!"

"Just like the Red Hair Pirates back then!"

"Only by bringing him and everyone in the world into your musical spiritual world can you create a new world where everyone can live in peace and happiness."

"Come on, sing the music of Toth, first bring him and his companions to your world of musical spirit, and let them see how beautiful your world of musical spirit is."

This voice was none other than the music demon that Uta accidentally released that year.

At the beginning, it was this music demon that destroyed the island and massacred the residents on the island.

Although it was stopped by Shanks and others because of Uta's exhaustion, and it was sealed up again.

But a trace of the will of this music demon, or the soul, remained in Uta's spiritual world, and has been constantly interfering with Uta's thoughts.

In the movie version, the reason why Uta was a little crazy and wanted to take people to sink into the world of musical spirit was largely because of the interference of this music demon.

And this music demon The reason why the devil did this was to use Uta to bring everyone to the world of musical spirits.

When Uta's body and mind are exhausted, and her spirit has reached its limit, it can control Uta to sing Toth music, and let Uta release it to both the real world and the world of musical spirits at the same time.

After that, it will not be weakened by Uta's collapse due to exhaustion, and will be sealed again (the above is purely original, and it can be said to be for the purpose of whitewashing Uta, but Uta is so evil that I believe that even if she is not whitewashed, everyone will like her).

And no matter how injured it is, even if it is killed, it can It can be revived directly with full health.

Only when it is fatally injured in the same part of the body in both worlds at the same time, just like in the theater version, will it die completely.

Now, the music demon saw that Uta was somewhat persuaded by Qingyun, and was afraid that Uta would really board Qingyun’s ship and affect its plan. Of course, it could not continue to sit and wait for death.

However, this was only a trace of the will of this music demon. It did not have the ability to directly control Uta, who was just a little tired. It could only interfere with Uta with words.

Uta was not at all surprised by the devil’s whisper that suddenly sounded in his mind.

Because this is not This is the first time this music demon has come out.

Uta didn't know its identity at first, but when she got the Den Den Mushi and saw everything that happened that year, Uta finally knew that this demon was the music demon she released that year, which destroyed Elegia and killed all the residents on the island.

Uta hated it very much and wanted to get rid of it, but she didn't know how to get rid of it at all, so she could only let it go.

Despite this, Uta still believes the words of this music demon now.

Because at first glance, what this music demon said seemed to make sense.

But Uta also wanted to see Shanks very much, so she became a little hesitant.

"Don't worry, after you bring them into your music spiritual world, you can control them in the real world and let them take you to see Shanks."

In Uta's spiritual world, the music demon saw that Uta was indecisive and immediately continued to seduce Uta.

"What you said makes sense"

"But Uta wants to bring us into her musical spiritual world, so it seems that we don’t need to sing Toth music, right?"

At this moment, Qingyun's voice suddenly sounded in Uta's mind.

Uta's spirit body and the music demon's spirit body were all shocked when they heard it, and they all looked in the direction of the voice in disbelief.

Looking closely, they saw that Qingyun's soul body had appeared beside them without knowing when.

"How did you get here?!"

Uta and the spirit of the music demon asked Qingyun at the same time.

Before this, they had never seen anyone who could leave their soul and enter other people's spiritual world.

They had never even heard of it.

The reason why Qingyun could leave his soul and enter Uta's spiritual world was one of the abilities after the awakening of the Yomiuri fruit.

But there is a great risk in doing so.

After all, it is entering the spiritual world of others, and everything here is dominated by others. It is very likely that you will lose more than you gain.

So Qingyun and Miss Golden Week have not used this ability yet.

The reason why Qingyun used it today was because he not only discovered a trace of the spirit of the music demon in Uta's spiritual world through his powerful observation Haki, but also bewitched Uta.

He knew that if the spirit of the music demon was not eliminated, Uta would always be affected by it.

So he planned to help Uta get rid of it so that Uta would no longer be affected by it.

By the way, he would brush up Uta's favorability.

But Qingyun would not answer their doubts.

He stared at the spirit of the music demon closely, and then said righteously:

"Your real purpose is to let Uta release you again, and release you in both her musical spiritual world and the real world."

"This way, even if Uta is exhausted, you will not be weakened like before, and you will not be sealed again."

"You can only be killed by inflicting fatal injuries to the same part of your body from two worlds at the same time."

"But this is almost impossible to do, and you are invincible."

Hearing Qingyun's words, the spirit of the music demon couldn't help but be excited.

《The Music of Thoth, and frees the demon that previously destroyed the island.

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