After insulting each other, Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper raised their heads and looked at the bright full moon in the sky.

Snap! Snap!

The next moment, Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper suddenly grew bigger, their hair turned white, their hair became longer, their tails became bigger, their eyes became red, and they exuded a terrifying aura. Their strength, speed and other attributes were significantly improved.

"what happened?"

"How come their bodies have become bigger!"

"And it seems to have become much stronger!"

It was the first time that Nami and the others saw the Mink Tribe's human-moon lion transformation. They were all shocked and looked at Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper in disbelief.

"That should be the Moon Lion transformation unique to the Fur Tribe."

"After training, the Furries can transform into their true Furries form during a full moon."

"The strength of the fur tribe that has transformed into a moon lion will be greatly improved."

Taotu explained in surprise.

Because although she knew that the fur tribe could transform into a moon lion, this was the first time she saw it with her own eyes.

"So that's it!"

Nami and the others suddenly realized

"The Moon Lion forms of Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper!"

"It's been a long time since we last met!"

The people of the Fur Tribe were very moved when they looked at Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper.

Qingyun looked at Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper who had entered the Moon Lion state, and felt their improved strength. He couldn't help but smile greedily:

I must get this ability!


Seeing that Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper were about to complete their transformation, Qingyun directly used the Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and then used the Conqueror Haki to strengthen it.

At the same time, Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper had already completed their transformation.

They looked at Qingyun again and could feel that Qingyun was also ready for battle.


Snap! Snap!

"We are going to attack."

The Duke of Inuarashi drew out his sword, and the Boss Cat Viper showed his fangs and claws, leaned down, and prepared for attack.

As soon as the voice fell, the Duke of Inuarashi's sword and the Boss Cat Viper's claws flashed with lightning.

Although they were not the users of the Thunder Fruit, nor were they the ones who could use lightning.

But they were the Fur Tribe, and the Fur Tribe was best at using electric currents wrapped around their bodies or weapons to attack their opponents.

"Come on, come on."

Qingyun also took a stance.

Everyone else looked at Qingyun, Duke Inuarashi, and Boss Cat Viper nervously.



Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper didn't say much, and rushed directly towards Qingyun.

The speed was so fast that it seemed as if they disappeared, and only a residual image could be seen.


Bang! Bang! Bang! -

Qingyun also rushed towards Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper at a speed so fast that even sonic booms were produced, and even the residual image was difficult to capture.

Today's Qingyun has seized the abilities of many strong men.

So even if he didn't use the ability of the Thunder Fruit, his speed was incredibly fast.


Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper used all their strength. The former used all his strength to stab Qingyun with the sword in his hand.

The latter swung his right claw with all his strength and grabbed Qingyun.

The two of them were on the left and the right. Although they had not seen each other for a long time, they still had a tacit understanding.

Qingyun also swung the Sandai Kitetsu with all his strength, and swung it towards Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper with a devastating force.


Snap! Snap! -

The knife and the sword collided with the claws in the air, producing an extremely violent sound and creating a powerful shock wave.


Duke Inuarashi and Cat Viper Boss saw the figure of Gekko Oden in Qingyun's attack.

The reason is that Oden, like Qingyun, uses a knife and can also use Tyranny.

However, the former Oden, even at his peak, is no match for Qingyun today.

After all, Qingyun has now seized the abilities of countless strong men, including physical fitness, three-color Haki, and Devil Fruit.

Just looking at the numerical panel, let alone Oden at his peak, even the Four Emperors at their peak, or even the peak Roger in his peak period was no match for Qingyun today.

Although Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper have both entered the Moon Lion form, in the original work, the two of them, plus Kin'emon, could not defeat Kaido.

Now, how could Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper be Qingyun's opponents?

Qingyun's Sandai Kitetsu just collided with Duke Inuarashi's sword and Boss Cat Viper's claws in the air, and he directly knocked the two of them away in the air.



Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper fell directly After crashing through several buildings, it barely stopped and was crushed by a collapsed building.

This was the result of Qingyun showing mercy.

If Qingyun wanted, he could use the petrification ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit to enchant the Third Generation of Kitetsu and kill the Duke of Inuarashi and the Boss of Cat Viper with one sword. The reason why he showed mercy was because he knew that the Minks were very loyal.

If he killed the Duke of Inuarashi and the Boss of Cat Viper in front of Carrot and the others, they would definitely not obey him even if they died.

"Duke Inuarashi!"

"Cat Viper Boss!"

Seeing this, Carrot and the others were all in disbelief. They were all very worried about Duke Inuarashi and Cat Viper Boss, and immediately chased after them.

""So awesome!"

Nami and the others looked at Qingyun in admiration.

Although they knew Qingyun's strength and could imagine that Qingyun could defeat Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper in seconds, they knew that if any of them were to take over, they would not be able to defeat Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper in seconds like Qingyun did.

They might even be defeated by the two of them in seconds.

"You win."

After a while, Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper crawled out from the ruins.

At this moment, they had both released their Moon Lion forms, were injured, and were dirty, looking very embarrassed.

"Tell me, what are your demands?"

"As long as we can do it, we will never refuse.

Duke Inuarashi looked at Qingyun and asked

"First, we want to invite Carrot, Wanda, Klee, Xiaoya and Xiaohong to come aboard."

Qingyun didn't beat around the bush this time. He looked at Carrot, Wanda, Squirrel Nurse, Fox Chef and Leopard Doctor one after another and spoke at the same time.

The reason why he knew the names of Squirrel Nurse, Fox Chef and Leopard Doctor was, of course, because he saw them through the system's search function.

"As expected"

"What do you mean we should think about it? It's obviously you who thinks about it!"

Nami and the others were not surprised at all, and even couldn't help muttering and complaining.


However, the people of the fur tribe, especially Carrot, Wanda, Squirrel Nurse, Fox Chef and Leopard Doctor, were very surprised.

They didn't expect that Qingyun and Nami came here to invite them on board.

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