Qingyun was unaware of Nami and the others' hard training because he was concentrating on teaching Carmen how to shoot.

Not long after, when Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina reviewed the shooting techniques Qingyun had taught them, they woke up from their dreams and felt more or less ashamed, their faces flushed:

"How did I become like this?!"

"Could it be that I have fallen in love with that bastard Qingyun!"

Nami and the others were more or less embarrassed about this.

But in addition to feeling shy, Dashiqi felt more ashamed and couldn't help but burst into tears:

"I... I actually fell in love with... fell in love with a vicious pirate!"

In addition to being a sword fanatic, Tashigi also hates pirates very much and thinks that all pirates are bad people.

The reason why she chose to be a navy is that she wanted to catch all the pirates with her own hands so that civilians can live and work in peace.

But now, not only did she let the pirate Qingyun teach her how to shoot, she even fell in love with the pirate Qingyun. How could she accept this?

"I am no longer fit to be a navy officer."

Dashiqi walked out of the room in a daze, and walked to the deck of the Sea King in a daze.

Looking at the endless sea, she slowly closed her eyes, then jumped into the sea, wanting to end her life.

Fortunately, Qingyun was able to check the surveillance of the Sea King in real time, and found that Dashiqi wanted to jump into the sea. He arrived in time, grabbed Dashiqi's slender hand, lifted it up, and then held it tightly in his arms like a princess.

When she found that Qingyun had saved her, Dashiqi did not feel any joy, but felt extremely painful. She pleaded with Qingyun in tears:

"Let me go, let me die, let me die"

"If you dare to die, I will kill Smoker and those navy officers right now, and I will kill all the navy officers to bury you with me."

Qingyun said coldly at first, and then he put Dashiqi on the deck and let her move freely.

Dashiqi was stunned on the spot, she stared at Qingyun angrily, and asked heartbreakingly:


"Why do you treat me like this?"

"I didn't provoke you, did I?"

"Why are you torturing me?"

Qingyun looked down at Dashiqi and said righteously:

"You and Nami are the same, they are the women I like."

"I want to give you happiness and realize your dreams."

"But I have to do it my way, regardless of whether you are willing or not."

Dashiqi was still very angry, but also helpless.

Qingyun was too powerful, and she was powerless to resist.

Qingyun turned around and walked towards his living area, and then said:

"The navy is not as righteous as you think. Although there are many people in the navy who are as righteous as you, there are also people in the navy who are more unscrupulous than pirates."

"What's even more vicious is that the navy can't resist the vast majority of the Celestial Dragons"

"To put it bluntly, you navy are nothing more than the running dogs of the Celestial Dragons."

"If you want to help the weak, you should not think about committing suicide, let alone becoming a navy. Instead, follow me and work hard to become stronger, pull down the self-proclaimed gods, and create a new world."

Dashiki was shocked to hear this.

But she knew that what Qingyun said was absolutely right. The vast majority of the Celestial Dragons were indeed conscienceless and did not treat people as human beings at all. They played with them as they wanted and killed them as they wanted.

The navy was just a running dog of the Celestial Dragons.

Almost no one dared to disobey them. Most people were just angry at them but dared not speak out, let alone resist them.

"So, you want to replace the Celestial Dragons and become the ruler of the world?"

Dashiqi looked at Qingyun's back and asked.

"At least I won't be like the Celestial Dragons, bullying, oppressing, or even wantonly killing ordinary people."

Qingyun did not deny it, but said it affirmatively, and then disappeared directly from Dashiqi's sight, and then went to teach Carmen how to shoot.

After hearing Qingyun's words, Dashiqi pondered for a while, and then made up his mind and took a horse stance directly on the deck.


The next morning.

At the dinner table.

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino and Kalina were all looking at Qingyun with shame and anger.

The shame was because Qingyun did not teach them the gun skills last night, and they actually practiced on their own.

The anger was even more because Qingyun did not teach them the gun skills last night, so they could only practice on their own.

Carmen also looked at Qingyun with shame and anger.

The shame was because the scene of learning gun skills from Qingyun last night was still vivid in her mind.

The anger was also because of this.

As a result, they had no intention of eating at all.

Only Tashigi was wolfing down and eating desperately.

Because she felt that Qingyun was not just talking nonsense last night, but felt that Qingyun could really pull the Celestial Dragons off the altar.

Since she could not resist Qingyun, she decided to follow her heart and follow Qingyun to become stronger. In the future, she would work with Qingyun to pull the Celestial Dragons, who despised life the most, off the altar.

"Can you guys learn from Tashigi, eat well, and stop thinking about learning gun skills from me?"

Seeing that Nami and the others were staring at him with resentment, Qingyun teased them with a smile.

Hearing this, Nami and the others blushed.

But Nami was not to be outdone. She stared into Qingyun's eyes and asked with a smile:

"Are you unable to do it?"

"After all, you didn't ask us to learn shooting from you yesterday."

"That's right."

Kalina echoed.

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, and Tashigi didn't say anything, but they all thought the same.

Carmen was shocked:

"So Qingyun had been training you guys with him before?"


Qingyun suddenly realized, he smiled evilly and said:

"I wanted to give you a night's rest, but I didn't expect you to think I was no longer capable."

"It seems that I have to let you see whether I can do it or not."

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! As soon as the words fell, seven long ropes suddenly stretched out from behind Qingyun and tied up Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina and Carmen.

Then they were dragged to the living area.

Nami and the others were dumbfounded.

Nami and Kalina said:

"I'm just saying that."

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino and Tashigi said:

"I didn’t say anything!"

Carmen cried.

"I just learned it last night, and I still haven't mastered it."

"And I haven't even eaten a bite of food yet."

"I know you can do it, can you please let me eat something first?"


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