"Why didn't you use a knife from the beginning?"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at Qingyun in confusion, and then asked.

Looking at Qingyun, he felt that Qingyun was not a masochist.

So he couldn't understand why Qingyun, who was obviously a powerful swordsman, used his arm to resist his slash and was directly cut in two.

It shouldn't be to let him know that he has the ability to be immortal, right?

Nami, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaya also looked at Qingyun curiously.

They were also very puzzled about this.

Only Nokiko, who had seen Qingyun become stronger after being killed by the fishman, thought about why Qingyun chose to use his hands to resist Hawkeye Mihawk's slash just now, and was looking at Qingyun with his eyes wide open:

Could it be that Qingyun really has the ability to become stronger by being killed and resurrected?

"It's none of your business."

Qingyun carried the Sandai Kitetsu on his shoulders, raised his head, looked at Hawkeye Mihawk, and said arrogantly:

"If you want to fight, fight. If you don't want to fight, get out of here. Stop talking nonsense."

Qingyun has now gained the same strength as Hawkeye Mihawk, so there is no need to be afraid of him.

But this also means that he has no way to deal with Hawkeye Mihawk. After all, he and Hawkeye Mihawk have the same strength, and it is difficult to tell who will win even if they fight for three days and three nights.

But since he has already gained Hawkeye Mihawk's strength, there is no need to continue to waste time with him.

Next, there are beauties like Vivi and Robin waiting for him to rob... bah, save.

Seeing Qingyun's arrogant attitude, Hawkeye Mihawk was very unhappy.

Nami and the others were used to it.

After all, Qingyun usually looks like he is the biggest in the world, and he is not afraid of anyone.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, an old man jumped out from Lab's head, staring at Qingyun and Hawkeye Mihawk, and shouted:

"If you want to fight, go fight somewhere else, not here."

This person was none other than the lighthouse keeper of Twin Capes, the former ship doctor of Roger's Pirates, Crocus.

Crocus often read newspapers, and he recognized Qingyun and Hawkeye Mihawk, and knew how powerful they were.

But he had followed Roger and seen many powerful people and many big scenes, so he was not afraid of Qingyun and Hawkeye Mihawk at all.

"Who is that old grandfather?"

"Why are there petals on his head?"

Kaya looked at Krocas and asked quietly beside Makino.

She seldom went out and had never seen someone like Krocas before, so she was very curious.

"I don't know either."

Makino shook her head.

She and Nami were also very curious about this.

"His name is Crocus, and he was the ship doctor of the Roger Pirates.

Qingyun jumped back to the Poseidon, landed beside Nami and the others, and said casually


"That old man is actually the ship doctor of the former Roger Pirates!"

Nami and the others were shocked.

They all knew that the former Roger Pirates were not some unknown small pirate group, but the Pirate King team, many of whom were well-known big names.

They never thought that the old man who didn't look very strong not far away would actually be a member of the former Roger Pirates.


Hawkeye Mihawk snorted coldly and directly controlled his boat to leave.

He was not afraid of Krocus or Qingyun.

He was very calm and knew that Qingyun not only had strong swordsmanship, but also had the ability to be immortal, otherwise Qingyun would have died just now.

He wanted to kill Qingyun and Nami and the others because they disturbed his sleep.

But he could feel that Qingyun's swordsmanship was comparable to his own, and he felt that he might not be able to defeat Qingyun for a while.

In addition, Qingyun still had the ability to be immortal, so he knew that continuing to fight with Qingyun would only be a waste of time.

He became a Shichibukai just to avoid being hunted by the navy, and he didn't want to catch pirates for the navy at all.

He just wanted to leave quickly and find a quiet place to continue sleeping.

Noticing Hawkeye Mihawk's departure, Qingyun did not chase him because there was no need and it would only be a waste of time.

"Qingyun, I want to ask old man Krocus for medical advice."

Kaya looked at Qingyun expectantly.

After spending some time together, Kaya and Nami found that Qingyun was not the vicious pirate as the bounty said.

On the contrary, he was very law-abiding, paid for things, and even saved several fishing boats and towns and villages from pirates.

For example, the Cocosia Village where Nami and Nojiko lived before, and the Xiluobu Village where Kaya lived.

But Qingyun also has a small disadvantage.

That is, he likes to rob women.

And after robbing them on the boat, he directly teaches them how to shoot, regardless of whether they are willing or not.

"Kiss me."

Qingyun smiled and put his face in front of Keya.

Keya's pretty face flushed instantly.

Anyway, we have practiced spearmanship together many times, so it doesn't matter if we kiss each other!

Thinking of this, Keya pouted her lips and kissed Qingyun on the face.



As soon as Keya kissed, Nami immediately moved to the other side of Qingyun's cheek and kissed Qingyun fiercely. She looked at Qingyun expectantly and said:

"I want a very powerful devil fruit"

"That one bite is not enough."

Qingyun smiled slightly and raised the price on the spot.

Since we have come to the Grand Line, there will be no shortage of powerful devil fruits.

And Qingyun has already thought of what devil fruit to give to Nami.




As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, Nami hugged Qingyun's neck and started to bite him wildly.

Nami's actions shocked Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Deza, causing their cheeks to blush.

Even Krocus on Lab's head blushed.

""Okay, okay."

Qingyun quickly pried Nami's slender hands apart, held her aside, and wiped the saliva off his face with disgust.

Who is taking advantage of her?

Qingyun felt that he was not taking advantage of Nami, but that Nami took advantage of him.


Nami smiled thiefly.


Seeing Qingyun's expression, Noqigao and the others couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Wait and see what I will do to you."

After saying this, Qingyun directly controlled the Sea King to sail towards Krocas and Lab, and said to Krocas:

"Krocas, my ship's doctor wants to learn some medical skills from you. Please name a tuition fee."

Kaya blushed and said to Krocas:

"Grandpa, if you don't want to teach me, you can just pretend we didn't say anything."

Crocus narrowed his eyes and looked at Qingyun:

Not only does he master the three colors of domineering, he also has super swordsmanship and immortality!

This young man is really a monster!

If he and Captain Roger were born in the same era, it is estimated that he would be the Pirate King, not Captain Roger!

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