
With a tired voice, Weiwei squinted her eyes and opened them.

She sat up and was surprised to find that although her lower body was very painful, her physical fitness and other aspects had become stronger.

What's going on?

Learning marksmanship from Qingyun can actually improve my physical fitness?

Was I dreaming just now?

Just like Nami and the others who learned marksmanship from Qingyun for the first time, Weiwei was also puzzled and inexplicably felt a liking for Qingyun.

At this moment, she noticed that there was a striking red stain on the sheets under her.

She was sure that she was not dreaming.

Her DYC was really gone.


Suddenly, Qingyun's voice rang out.

Weiwei looked in the direction of the voice and saw Qingyun sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, holding a glass of red wine and swaying gently.


Weiwei wanted to say something, but after looking at the red stains under her body and Qingyun who was tasting wine, she didn't know what to say.

Just when she was at a loss

, Qingyun's next words made her feel that she had fallen into an endless abyss.

"Don't sit there stupidly. When you wake up, come and help me put on my clothes. Don't you know what a maid should do?"

Qingyun asked Weiwei lightly.

Weiwei was stunned, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but sparkled with tears.


Turtle eggs!


Are you a human being?

I just gave you DYC!

Not only do you feel sorry for me, but you're ordering me around just after the job is done?

Don't you know that I'm in a lot of trouble now?

A wave of grievances surged in my heart, and Weiwei couldn't help cursing in her heart and complaining fiercely.

The slight good impression she had just had on Qingyun was instantly wiped out.

Weiwei stared at Qingyun angrily, and really wanted to rush up and give him a few big B fights


But when she thought of what Qingyun had promised her, and that she was now a maid on the Sea King, Weiwei gritted her teeth, pursed her lips, and answered with all her grievance, anger, and pain.

Immediately, Weiwei first picked up her own clothes and put them on, then picked up Qingyun's clothes, got out of bed and walked towards Qingyun.


But Weiwei just took a step and fell to the ground.


Weiwei couldn't hold it in any longer and couldn't help but scream, tears streaming down her cheeks.

However, Qingyun's next words made Weiwei feel extremely wronged and she couldn't help but burst out

"Is your body so weak?"

"Are you qualified for the position of maid?"

Qingyun asked Weiwei calmly.

"You despicable, shameless bastard!"

Weiwei no longer kowtowed, and looked directly at Qingyun in grief and anger, cursing:

"Is it because I am weak?"

"It's obviously because you, a bastard, are too strong.……"

Before he finished speaking, Weiwei realized that Qingyun had come to her without her knowing when. She was stunned and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

This guy... won't he be tired?

Without saying a word, Qingyun picked up Weiwei carefully in a princess hug.

This guy, he still knows how to be gentle and considerate to women.

Being held in Qingyun's arms, Weiwei thought that Qingyun had a change of heart and knew to be nice to her.

However, Qingyun's next words made Weiwei realize that she was overthinking.

"How dare you scold me?"

"It seems that you still don’t know who is the owner of the Aquaman?"


The wind is whistling and the Yi River is cold.

Will Weiwei never come back after she leaves?


Around ten o'clock the next morning.

Weiwei squinted her eyes and opened them again, feeling very frightened.

She secretly swore in her heart that she would never scold Qingyun again. But that was only in front of Qingyun.

She would still scold him behind his back.

Because she could only scold him behind his back.

Weiwei didn't know the time, so she hurriedly got up to check, intending to serve Qingyun desperately, for fear of being punished by Qingyun again.

Seeing that Qingyun was not in the room, and only Keya was sitting on the chair reading a book, Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you awake?"

Seeing Weiwei sitting up, Ke Ya put down the medical book and smiled at Weiwei.


Weiwei nodded and asked curiously:

"Why are you here?"

"Where is Captain Qingyun?"

Ke Ya stood up and walked towards Wei Wei, smiling at the same time:

"Qingyun went to control the Neptune and sail towards Whiskey Mountain"

"He asked me to take care of you and even left a lot of delicious food for you."


Hearing this and seeing the many delicious foods on the table, Weiwei's eyes lit up and she swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

There was no way, she consumed too much last night, and now Weiwei was very hungry.

"Did Captain Qingyun really leave those foods for me personally?"

Even though Ke Ya looked very kind and didn't seem like someone who would lie, Wei Wei still didn't believe it.

After all, if Qingyun was so kind to her, she wouldn't be lying here, not even knowing how much time had passed.


Ke Ya didn't explain much, just nodded affirmatively.

Hearing this, Wei Wei believed Ke Ya's words a little and felt a little warm.

But it was only a little bit.

It was not enough to offset the bad things Qing Yun did to her.

"You must be hungry, put on your clothes, eat something, and then take a shower."

Ke Ya picked up the clothes that she had put away for Wei Wei and said to her with a smile.


Weiweiweiwei nodded, lifted the quilt, and asked Ke Ya to help her put on her clothes.

"By the way, I still don’t know your name?"

"What's your name?"

Weiwei asked curiously while helping Ke Ya put on her clothes.

"My name is Ke Ya"

"Keya, did you and the others volunteer to board Captain Qingyun's ship?"

"Or were you like me, forced or bribed by him to get on board?"

Weiwei asked

"We are basically all like you, we were coerced and lured by Qingyun to get on board."

Ke Ya did not lie and said directly

"As expected."

Weiwei was not surprised by this.

Because she felt that although Qingyun was handsome and powerful, he had no compassion for women and killed people without hesitation. If it weren't for coercion and inducement, it would be impossible for so many beauties to board his boat.

"But Qingyun is still a very good person.……"

"Captain Qingyun is a good man?"

"What's good about him?"

"Not only is he a vicious pirate, but he also has no sympathy for women."

"I begged for mercy last night, but he still wanted to punish me."

Ke Ya just wanted to speak up for Qing Yun, but before she finished her words, Wei Wei couldn't help but complain angrily.

Ke Ya was not angry, but said affirmatively:

"Indeed, Qingyun is very powerful."

Then, Ke Ya said:

"But he's doing this for your own good."

"Feel it carefully, have your physical fitness and other aspects become stronger?"

Hearing Ke Ya say that Qing Yun was doing this for her own good, she felt a little angry.

But when she heard Ke Ya's next words, she temporarily suppressed her anger and felt it carefully.

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