Soon, Qingyun killed all the fainted pirate hunters.

He came to Miss Valentine.

Miss Valentine looked at Qingyun, who was holding the Sandai Kitetsu in one hand and the Explosion Fruit in the other, and whose eyes were as terrifying as the god of death, and felt extremely scared.

She immediately put her head on the ground and cried, begging Qingyun again:

"I was really forced to deal with you."

"I really know I'm wrong"

"Please let me go"


Qingyun looked down at Miss Valentine who was kneeling on the ground, first collected the Sandai Kitetsu, and then said:

"You raise your head"

"Yes... yes."

Miss Valentine didn't dare to disobey Qingyun. She immediately raised her head slowly and looked up at Qingyun. Her beautiful eyes like sapphires were full of fear.

Qingyun stretched out his right hand towards Miss Valentine.

Miss Valentine was terrified, but she didn't dare to resist or dodge. She could only kneel there in horror, watching Qingyun's right hand approach her.

Qingyun put his hand on Miss Valentine's chin, lifted Miss Valentine's upper body upright, and then took a closer look.

Miss Valentine's face was very delicate, and her golden hair was very beautiful.

She was wearing a yellow sleeveless miniskirt, which showed off her fair and slender limbs, as well as her delicate and plump figure. She looked very sexy, fashionable, beautiful and charming.

"Not bad."

Qingyun nodded with satisfaction.

Miss Valentine looked into Qingyun's eyes, feeling very uneasy.

She was afraid that the decisive Qingyun would kill her.

She was even more afraid that Qingyun would rape her first and then kill her.

"As long long as you let me go, I can do anything you ask me to do."

Miss Valentine said to Qingyun

"Miss Valentine... No, I should call you by your real name, Mitchita."

Qingyun spoke slowly.

Miss Valentine was shocked and felt very unbelievable:

"How do you know my real name?!"

""Mikita, are you willing to get on my ship?"

Qingyun did not answer Miss Valentine's question, but asked directly.

Miss Valentine was stunned when she heard this.

She thought Qingyun kept her alive, most likely to rape her and then kill her.

She never thought that Qingyun would actually invite her on board.

Nami and Vivi were not surprised at all.

Because when Qingyun excluded Nico Robin, Miss Two Fingers, Miss Golden Week and Miss Valentine, they had already guessed that Qingyun would invite them on board.

"You...what did you say?"

Miss Valentine asked Qingyun in disbelief.

She really couldn't believe that Qingyun would invite her, an enemy, to board the ship.

Qingyun naturally knew that Miss Valentine was an enemy, but before Nami and the others boarded the ship to accept his baptism, who was not his enemy, who was not afraid of him? It didn't matter if they were enemies, anyway, as long as they boarded his ship, they would all be his own people in the future.

"I don't want to say the same thing twice."

Qingyun said lightly.

But this was equivalent to answering Miss Valentine's question. Although

Miss Valentine was very scared at the moment, she could still conclude that she had not heard it wrong just now, Qingyun was really inviting her to board the ship.

"I do, I do."

Miss Valentine did not hesitate at all and quickly agreed.

Now, her life is in Qingyun's hands.

Whether she lives or dies depends on Qingyun's thoughts. How dare she go against Qingyun's wishes?

【Congratulations to the host for conquering Miss Valentine Mitaki and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Miss Valentine Mitaki's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From now on, you are the maid of my Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Miss Valentine, such as body flexibility and the ability of the Light Float Fruit.

Miss Valentine was not happy about this.

I am a senior agent and a devil fruit ability user, and you actually asked me to be a maid?

But Miss Valentine was just angry but dared not say anything, and immediately replied:

"Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Qingyun looked down at Miss Valentine's eyes and warned righteously:

"Since you have joined my Sea King Group, you are not allowed to kneel down and beg for mercy no matter who you are facing in the future. Do you hear me?"

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Miss Valentine quickly answered affirmatively.

Qingyun let go of Miss Valentine's chin, turned and walked towards Nami and the others, and said to Miss Valentine:

"Get up"


Miss Valentine breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly stood up, picked up the umbrella beside her, and followed Qingyun's footsteps.

"How about it?"

"Ikalem should be okay, right?"

Qingyun came to Nami and the others, looking at Kaya and Nokigo who were applying medicine and bandaging Ikalem, and asked

"Ikalem was seriously injured, but his life is not in danger. He should be able to fully recover in about three months."

Kaya answered Qingyun while bandaging Ikalem.

After hearing this, Weiwei finally let go of her worries.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

""Yes, you are worthy of being my chosen doctors and nurses."

Qingyun praised Ke Ya and Nuo Qi Gao affirmatively.

Ke Ya and Nuo Qi Gao were very happy to receive Qingyun's praise and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm also very good"

"If I hadn't controlled the Sea King in time yesterday, we would still be wandering on the sea."

Nami hurried to Qingyun's side, and said coquettishly with a look of seeking praise.

The weather on the Grand Line is unpredictable, and the only thing you can trust is the recording pointer and the permanent pointer.

When Qingyun was teaching Weiwei to practice shooting yesterday, fortunately Nami was in control of the overall situation, so the Sea King didn't get lost on the sea.

Qingyun smiled and touched Nami's head, and at the same time smiled and praised:

"Not bad, you are worthy of being the navigator I appointed."


Nami smiled happily.

"Nami, Kalina, take Mitchita to the town to plunder the treasures of these pirate hunters."

"Makino, Carmen, take Dashiqi and Dezaya to search for delicious food in the town."

Qingyun then ordered.


Hearing the word treasure, Nami and Kalina's eyes lit up immediately, and they hurriedly took Miss Valentine's Day away.


Makino and Carmen also took Dashiqi and Dezaya to look for food.

"Captain Qingyun, thank you."

Weiwei thanked Qingyun sincerely.

She knew that Qingyun knew that she was worried about Ikalem, so she didn't let her go with him to look for treasure or food.

"You're welcome."

Qingyun smiled slightly.

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