
The three fishmen officers were shocked.

Seeing that Along had already rushed forward, they also tried to overcome their fear of the Conqueror's Haki, then showed their weapons and rushed towards Qingyun.

""Be careful!"

Seeing this, Nokigo and Nami reminded Qingyun in unison.

Although Nokigo knew that Qingyun had bad intentions towards her.

Although Nami didn't know Qingyun yet.

But they all knew that Qingyun was besieged by A-Long and three fishmen cadres for them. He was their partner.

Unfortunately, they couldn't fight alongside Qingyun, they could only cheer him up.

It's a good time for me to try out my Observation Haki!

Qingyun was not in a hurry, and quietly activated his Observation Haki.

"Go to hell!"

Along rushed to Qingyun, opened his fangs and bit Qingyun's head fiercely, wanting to bite Qingyun's head directly.

However, Qingyun dodged it with the smallest movement.

Then came the water cannon attack, which was also dodged by Qingyun. Then Xiaoba's knife and Kroobi's heavy punch could not touch Qingyun at all. Even if they attacked at the same time, Qingyun dodged them all easily.

It's worthy of the observation Haki!

Along can"see" the attacks of them clearly!

Qingyun was overjoyed.

"Wow... so amazing!"

Nojigo and Nami were stunned by this scene.


"Why can't I attack him?"

Along and the other four fishmen were very angry, but they could do nothing.

After trying the power of observation Haki, Qingyun didn't want to waste time with Along and the others. He directly used the armament Haki and snatched Xiaoba's samurai sword.

Then, with the help of observation Haki, he dodged the attacks of Along and the others and dealt a fatal blow to Ju, gaining his positive and beneficial abilities, strengthening his own physical fitness, etc.

Seeing Ju being killed, Along and the others were very angry and wanted to kill Qingyun for revenge.

But Qingyun had become stronger because of killing Ju, and they could not attack Qingyun anymore.

Qingyun did the same thing and killed Ju again. Kroobi, then Xiaoba, and finally Along, who died with his eyes wide open.

After killing Along, Qingyun still did not stop there, and directly killed all the unconscious fishmen.

Nokiko and Nami watched this scene with their own eyes, and were somewhat frightened by Qingyun's decisiveness in killing.

But they did not sympathize with Along and the others, but felt very happy instead.

Their great revenge, the great revenge of the village was finally avenged.

Qingyun put down the bloody samurai sword, took Nokiko and reunited with Nami.

Along was dead, Nami and Nokiko did not need to pretend, and directly hugged each other happily.

"Nojigo, are you willing to board my ship this time?"

Qingyun sent Nojigo an upload invitation again.

This is a necessary step to conquer others. Only when the other party agrees, the system will determine that Qingyun has conquered them.

"I do."

Nokigo nodded affirmatively.

Nami was very touched.

She knew Nokigo and guessed that Nokigo must have agreed to board Qingyun's ship in order to let Qingyun rescue her.

【Congratulations to the host for conquering Nokigo and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Nokigo's position.】

【Fighter, navigator, ship's doctor, cook, singer, nurse, maid……】

Qingyun was shocked:

The first few were fine, but why did they become more and more unserious as they went on?

He thought quickly and said with a smile:

"Very good, from now on, you are the nurse of my Sea King Group. As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun gained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Nojigo, such as the flexibility of the body.


Nokigo and Nami were a little surprised.

They didn't expect Qingyun to let Nokigo be a nurse.

"Nami, will you come on my boat too?"

""Follow me to travel around the world and collect treasures."

Qingyun looked at Nami and invited her directly.

Nami was very tempted.

After all, she loved treasures the most and wanted to see the world.

Moreover, Qingyun not only saved her, but also helped her get revenge.

The key is that he is very handsome and his strength is beyond imagination.

"Are you a pirate?"

But Nami did not answer directly, but looked at Qingyun and asked.

Because of Along and the others, she now hates pirates very much.

If Qingyun is a pirate, she has to think about it carefully.

Nokigao also looked at Qingyun curiously. She still doesn't know Qingyun, she only knows his name.

"You could say so.

Qingyun thought about it and nodded.

"What does it mean?"

"Are you or are you not?"

Nami and Nojiko looked at Qingyun in confusion.

"I guess so."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Nojigo is already on my ship"

"You can refuse, but I will make you agree."

Nami and Nokigo both heard the threat in Qingyun's words and felt a little angry.

However, they still knew the situation and knew that they did not have the strength to refuse.

So Nami bit her teeth and nodded:

"OK, I'll join"

【Congratulations to the host for conquering Nami and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Nami's position.】

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled happily:

"From now on, you are the navigator of our Sea King Group."

The next moment, he also gained Nami's positive and beneficial abilities, such as navigation.

"Do you know where the treasure of the Dragon Pirates is kept?"

Qingyun then asked Nami

"Of course I know!"

Hearing the word treasure, Nami's eyes lit up immediately.

Immediately, Qingyun, Nojiko and Nami swept away the treasures that the Dragon Pirates had collected over the years and moved them all into the treasure house of the Sea King.

"Qingyun, let's go back to Kokosia Village first, let's pack up our things and say goodbye to the villagers."

Noki Gao asked Qingyun.

Nami looked at Qingyun.


Qingyun nodded:

"But before that, we have to go to the 16th Division of the Navy."

"The mouse colonel there colluded with A-Long to oppress the civilians in the area."

"If you don't get rid of him, your village will surely suffer again."


Hearing this, Nojiko and Nami felt a little happy.

It seems that Qingyun is a good person!

However, the next moment, Qingyun suddenly smiled greedily:

"Besides, he has been colluding with Aaron for so long, he must have got a lot of money, let's go and take it all away."

Nojigo and Nami:


Even the Dragon Pirates couldn't do anything to Qingyun, so Colonel Mouse and the local navy were naturally no match for him.

When Qingyun arrived at the 16th branch of the Navy, he broke in directly, found and asked Colonel Mouse where he had hidden the money he had collected over the years, and then killed him directly. All the navy who dared to stop him were also killed.

After taking all of Colonel Mouse's money and putting it into the treasure house of the Sea King, Qingyun took Nokiko and Nami back to Cocosia Village.

While Nokiko and Nami were packing up and saying goodbye to the villagers, Qingyun transplanted all the orange trees left by their adoptive mother to the planting area on the living area of the Sea King.

When Nokiko and Nami boarded the ship and discovered them, they were extremely surprised.

Because these orange trees are not only what their adoptive mother Bell-mère left behind, but also carry all their memories.

"Qingyun, thank you, thank you for transplanting these orange trees here."

Nojigao and Nami thanked Qingyun sincerely.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Compared to verbal thanks, I still prefer you to thank me with actual actions."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun picked up Nokigo and Nami and walked towards the captain's room.

Nokigo and Nami couldn't help blushing:

"Don't be so impatient, let's cultivate our relationship first."

Qingyun smiled shamelessly:

"As the saying goes, time breeds love."


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