"What does that guy want to do?"

Seeing Qingyun jumping into the battlefield, the senior agents of Baroque Works were a little confused.

However, Qingyun took the initiative to jump down, which was what they wanted.

They immediately ran to the place where Qingyun jumped down, trying to stop Qingyun from disturbing Crocodile.


Qingyun didn't say much, just glared with his eyes and released his domineering aura with all his strength.

In an instant, his black eyes flashed a terrible dark red light.

The next moment, his whole body burst out with dark red domineering aura, sweeping in all directions with a terrifying momentum like a hell Shura.

Anyone who was frightened by Qingyun's domineering aura had their eyes white, cold sweat all over their bodies, and then they fell to the ground and fainted.

Almost in an instant, thousands of Alabasta's kingdom army and rebel army who were fighting all lay on the ground in a mess, and the war naturally ended.

Even though they were not hit head-on, Nami and the others were only affected by the aftermath of Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki; and the senior agents of Baroque Works couldn't help but break out in cold sweats, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Although the anime has not yet been shown, Hawkeye is known as the world's number one swordsman, and he is an opponent who can rival Red-Haired Shanks. How could he not have Conqueror's Haki?

Moreover, the characteristics of Hawkeye's Conqueror's Haki are the terrifying Shura, which is exactly the same as Zoro's Conqueror's Haki that awakened the King of Hell.

Qingyun had been killed by Hawkeye before, and he obtained all of Hawkeye's positive and beneficial abilities, which naturally included Hawkeye's Conqueror's Haki.

The reason why Qingyun was ecstatic after being killed by Hawkeye and resurrected was precisely because he obtained all of Hawkeye's positive and beneficial abilities.

"Qingyun's domineering aura is much stronger than before, and also much more terrifying!"

"Didn't he release his full power before?"

Nami and the others looked down at Qingyun from the Sea King in horror.

"Is this... his Conqueror's Haki? It's too strong!"

Ikarem looked at Qingyun in horror.

The senior agents of Baroque Works were also looking in the direction of Qingyun in horror.

But they did not retreat.

After they recovered, they continued to rush in the direction of Qingyun.

After Qingyun defeated the Kingdom of Alabasta's army and rebels, he walked towards the palace slowly and said loudly to Nami and Ikarem:

"If I remember correctly, the tallest building in Albania has a giant bomb."

"I'll leave that giant bomb to you."

"I'll take care of Crocodile"


Nami and Ikalem were all shocked when they heard this.

"We know."

But they knew that this was not the time to ask Qingyun why he knew, so they quickly answered and rushed to the control room of the Sea King.

Then, under Weiwei's guidance, they controlled the Sea King to fly towards the tallest building in Albana.

Not long after Qingyun left, he met the senior agents of Baroque Works.

There were Mr. 1 and Miss Double Fingers.

Mr. 2.

Mr. 3 and Miss Golden Week.

Mr. 4 and Miss Christmas.

The leader was naturally the most powerful Mr. 1.

"This road is blocked."

Mr.1 looked at Qingyun and said coldly.

Qingyun snorted and said disdainfully:

"Just you guys?"

From beginning to end, he never stopped.

Qingyun walked and walked, and then he walked into a strange black symbol, and then suddenly stopped.

"Color matching - Black of betrayal"

"Once they come into contact with black paint, no matter how important a partner is, they will want to betray."

Miss Golden Week said lightly when she saw this.

Mr.1 and the others all smiled slightly.

Because they knew the horror of Miss Golden Week's move.

Even they, even Crocodile, would be fooled.

However, the next moment, a scene that shocked them all appeared.

Qingyun did not betray Vivi as they expected, no longer wanted to save Vivi's father, solve Crocodile, and turned around and left, leaving them an opportunity.

Instead, he walked out of the strange black symbol as if nothing had happened.

"It’s actually ineffective?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Miss Golden Week and other senior agents all stared at Qing Yun in astonishment.

Qing Yun continued to walk slowly towards the palace, looking at Miss Golden Week and sighing:

"Hypnosis and mind control are really powerful and potential abilities."

"But unfortunately, you are still too weak now, and you can't hypnotize and control my emotions and actions at all."

Miss Golden Week's ability is extremely rare in the world of pirates, and is a psychic ability that is rarer than devil fruits, and even the domineering Haki that is now everywhere.

Although there are many devil fruits that allow the user to attack others with psychic means, such as the Empress's Sweet-Sweet Fruit and Big Mom's Soul-Soul Fruit.

But Miss Golden Week is the only one who has psychic abilities.

Luffy, Roger, and the damn Momonosuke all have the ability to listen to the voices of all things.

And Shirahoshi has the ability to summon sea kings to help him.

But rather than being psychic abilities, Qingyun feels that their abilities are more like the abilities of a"king."

Although he doesn't know what kind of"king" Momonosuke is.

But he knows Roger and Luffy are the Pirate Kings, while Shirahoshi is the Sea King Poseidon.

However, the original author hasn't said it yet, so he can't be sure.

But the mental ability of Miss Golden Week is certain.

If Qingyun hadn't been strong enough, and his divine power wasn't strong enough, he would have really been tricked by Miss Golden Week.

If it were the previous Crocodile, he would be immune to Miss Golden Week's hypnosis like Qingyun.

But since Crocodile challenged Whitebeard and was defeated by Whitebeard, he lost his heart as a strong man and even thought about relying on external objects to become stronger. He is no longer the strong man he used to be.

Naturally, he can't withstand Miss Golden Week's mental hypnosis. He was even defeated by the fledgling Luffy.

"Miss Golden Week, Mariannu, come on my boat, I can make you stronger.

Qingyun stared at Miss Golden Week and invited her directly.

""How do you know my name?!"

Miss Huang Jinzhou was shocked and asked in confusion.

Because she had never seen Qingyun before, and she had not used her real name for a long time, she really couldn't understand why Qingyun knew her real name.

Other senior agents were also looking at Qingyun in disbelief.

Because even they, even Miss Huang Jinzhou's partner, Mr. 3, didn't know Miss Huang Jinzhou's real name.

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