Miss pointed at Qingyun, who remained calm, and wanted to turn around and run away.

But her body had become stiff. She couldn't and didn't dare to run away, for fear of following in Mr. 3's footsteps.

The same was true for Miss Golden Week who came out of Mr. 3's armor.

Although they were a little angry that Qingyun had killed their colleagues and even partners, they were just a little angry and didn't dare to think about killing Qingyun to avenge them.

Because they followed Crocodile's men, one was to seek refuge so as not to be caught by the navy again.

The other was to make money.

They didn't have a particularly deep relationship with their colleagues or even partners.

After all, Crocodile didn't regard anyone from Baroque Works as a companion, and most of his men were naturally the same.

""Pola, Mariannu, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun looked at Miss Shuangzhi and Miss Huangjinzhou and asked with a smile.

Although he didn't want to say the same thing twice to outsiders, this was a necessary step for the system to determine that he had conquered others. He could only ask Miss Huangjinzhou once more.

Although Qingyun's smile was very elegant, in the eyes of Miss Shuangzhi and Miss Huangjinzhou, it was like the devil's smile, extremely terrifying.

"I do, I do."

Miss Shuangzhizhi and Miss Huangjinzhou didn't dare to refuse at all, fearing that Qingyun would kill them on the spot, and they immediately agreed.

【Congratulations to the host for conquering Miss Two-Finger Pola and Miss Golden Week Mariannu to join the Sea King Group. Please choose the positions of Miss Two-Finger Pola and Miss Golden Week Mariannu. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"So from now on, Pola, you are my maid of the Sea King Group."

"Mariannu, you are the painter and hypnotist of our Sea King Group."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Miss Two Fingers and Miss Golden Week.

For example, the flexibility of the body, the ability of Miss Two Fingers' thorn fruit, and Miss Golden Week's mental ability, hypnosis.

Miss Two Fingers was very unhappy about this.

I am the second-ranked senior agent of Baroque Works and the ability user of the devil fruit. You actually let me be a maid?

And let Miss Golden Week, who is weaker than me, be a painter and hypnotist?

But Miss Golden Week was just angry but dared not say anything, and immediately replied:

"Yes, Captain Qingyun"

"Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Miss Huang Jinzhou was naturally happy to hear that Qingyun asked Miss Shuangzhi to be a maid, but asked her to be a painter and hypnotist, and immediately replied

"Very good, follow me."

Qingyun then walked towards the palace.

He took the two with him, firstly to prevent them from running away, and secondly to let them see how he defeated Crocodile.


The two immediately followed.……


"260 AD, Peter's reign was ruled by Dimas……"

In the underground secret room, Nico Robin was interpreting the text of the historical text to Crocodile.

But when Crocodile heard that Nico Robin had been interpreting the history of Alabasta for him, he couldn't help but turn from joy to anger:

"Hey, wait a minute."

"You should know that I don't want to know the history of this country, right?"

Crocodile stared at Nico Robin's back and said in a deep voice:

"Tell me quickly where the worst weapon in the world, Pluto, is sleeping on this land?"

Nico Robin slowly turned around, looked at Crocodile, and said lightly:

"There is no record of this"


Crocodile was very surprised

"It only records history."

Nico Robin said calmly, in the same tone as usual.


Crocodile didn't believe it at all.

Nico Robin turned to the main text of history:

"‘The word 'Pluto' has never appeared before."

Crocodile fell silent after hearing this.

The king of Alabasta, Nefertari Cobra, was very surprised.

He naturally knew what was recorded in the main text of Alabasta's history, but he did not expect Robin to lie to Crocodile.

Crocodile closed his eyes and said with some regret:

"So that's it."

"What a pity!"

"Although you are an excellent partner……"

Crocodile opened his eyes, and his gaze became sharp and cold:

"But I'll kill you here anyway."


Feeling Crocodile's murderous intent, Robin couldn't help but take a step back, sweat on his head, looking at Crocodile in horror.

"Four years ago, we reached an agreement. Your condition was that I bring you to the historical text. Now I have done it."

"But my condition is that you give me the information of Pluto, but you haven't fulfilled it."

Before he finished speaking, Crocodile swung his left hand and attacked Nico Robin with the scorpion venom needle, but Robin jumped back to avoid it.

But Robin's hat was also knocked off by Crocodile.

"Is it that the historical text does not record the information about Pluto, or did you intend not to tell me from the beginning?"

Crocodile stared at Robin and asked.

Robin was as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Of course I didn't intend to tell you from the beginning."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Robin, Crocodile, and Cobra all looked in the direction of the voice.

They saw Qingyun walking down the stairs slowly with Miss Shuangzhi and Miss Golden Week.

"Because Robin just wants to know the true history, but doesn't want you, a loser, to find dangerous weapons to kill innocent people."

Qingyun looked at Crocodile and said


The three of them recognized Qingyun.

Robin was surprised to hear that Qingyun, a man he had never met, actually knew his purpose.

Crocodile was very angry when he heard Qingyun call him a waste.

Could he also come for Pluto?

Cobra was very troubled.

"King Cobra, don't worry, I'm Captain Vivi."

"I have stopped the civil war in Alabasta, and I will also kill Crocodile.

Qingyun looked at Cobra and said confidently.


Cobra was shocked.

Robin and Crocodile were also a little surprised to hear that Qingyun had stopped the civil war in Alabasta.


Crocodile disagreed, but he did not rush to attack Qingyun. Instead, he stared at Miss Double Fingers and Miss Golden Week and asked in a deep voice:

"Miss Two Fingers, Miss Golden Week, you followed this kid, have you betrayed me?"

Seeing Crocodile's eyes, Miss Two Fingers and Miss Golden Week felt a little scared.

They knew how powerful and cruel Crocodile was. It would be easy for Crocodile to kill them.

"You have never trusted anyone, never treated anyone as your own."

"How can it be considered a betrayal of you if Pola and Mariannu choose to board my ship?"

At this moment, Qingyun looked at Crocodile again and said lightly.

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