
Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief:

Is this the true strength of the world's greatest swordsman!

No wonder he could become the opponent of Shanks, who could split the sky just by using his Conqueror's Haki and colliding with Whitebeard's Haki!

He was very excited.

Although he knew that Hawkeye's move was very powerful, he didn't expect it to be so strong when he used his full strength.

Not only did he kill Crocodile, but he also split the sky.

【The host kills Crocodile, and his physical fitness increases to 66... and gains the ability of the Sand Devil Fruit, as well as the Sand Devil Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the Sand-Sand Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit, which was the same as the devil fruit ability he had obtained before, which was the same as Crocodile's.

In other words, Qingyun could use all the moves that Crocodile could use.

And after he let Weiwei eat the Sand-Sand Fruit in the future, his Sand-Sand Fruit ability would be further enhanced.

He smiled slightly, and immediately put the Sand-Sand Fruit and the Third Generation Kitetsu into the system space.

"This... is too strong!"

People looked at the big rift in the sky and finally reacted, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Qingyun moved his right hand, controlling himself, Miss Golden Week, his two fingers, Robin, and Cobra. The sand under their feet formed a sand mat, and took them from the disappearing ceiling to the ground slowly.

"What's going on?"

Robin and the others looked down and were shocked:


"How is this going?"

"Is it possible that Crocodile is not dead?"

"But even if he's not dead, he certainly won't help us, right?"

Robin and the others were puzzled.

"Crocodile won't help us."

"I am controlling these sands."

Qingyun said calmly.

"You can control the sand?!"

Hearing this, Robin and the others were all shocked and looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

When they saw that the sand mats under their feet and others were really floating with Qingyun's hand, they believed that Qingyun was not lying.

""Could it be that you can obtain the power of the devil fruit by killing others?"

Robin looked at Qingyun in surprise and asked in shock.

Miss Golden Week, Two Fingers, and Cobra were also staring at Qingyun in disbelief.

They knew that only people who had eaten the Sand-Sand Fruit could control the sand.

Since Qingyun could control the sand, he must have the power of the Sand-Sand Fruit, but the user of the Sand-Sand Fruit was clearly Crocodile, but now it became Qingyun, so there was only this possibility.

Qingyun did not answer. After he controlled the sand to let himself and Robin return to the ground, he looked at Robin and asked again:

"Robin, will you come on board my boat?"

"I do."

Robin paused for a moment, then answered directly.

She felt that Qingyun must have taken a fancy to her ability to read historical texts.

Qingyun was so strong that she was definitely no match for him.

In that case, she would use Qingyun's strengths as she had done in the past, and she would not suffer any loss at all.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Nico Robin and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Nico Robin's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"So from now on, Robin, you are the historian of our Sea King Group."As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun obtained all the positive and beneficial abilities of Nico Robin, including her Hana-Hana-no-fruit ability.

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Nico Robin answered affirmatively

"King Cobra, let's go meet up with Weiwei and the others, and then go together to wake up the King's Army and the rebels and tell them the truth."

Qingyun said to Cobra


Cobra nodded.

At the same time, Nami and Ikalem had dealt with Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day who were guarding the bomb.

However, they looked at the huge bomb in front of them, especially the countdown of only 30 seconds, and they all looked troubled, feeling very headache, and a little at a loss.

"This bomb is too big. If it explodes, it will definitely raze the entire city to the ground!"

"And there was less than half a minute left, and it was impossible to dismantle it!"

"The only way is to transport it away, but there is not enough time!"

Weiwei was so anxious that tears flashed in her eyes.

Everyone was also very anxious.

"Don't worry, since Qingyun asked us to deal with the bomb, it means we can definitely solve it perfectly."

Noqigao comforted him, and at the same time he began to think hard about what to do.

"You are right."

After hearing this, everyone started to think hard about countermeasures.

"I am not afraid of bombs and explosions, and I can also weaken the power of bombs, so let me do it."

Nojigo said, remembering his ability.

"My barrier should be able to block the shock wave generated by the explosion of this bomb, let me do it."

Makino also remembered her own ability and spoke at the same time.

They were actually a little scared.

After all, Nojigo had never tried to weaken a bomb, let alone such a big bomb.

And Makino had never tried to stop such a big bomb with a barrier, so she was a little unsure.

"This is the only way."

Nami and the others nodded helplessly.

"We will accompany you."

Even Miss Valentine did not back down and chose to leave here.

Because after these few days of adventure, especially being dragged by Qingyun to practice gun skills together, they have already regarded each other as their partners, or even sisters.

Although Ikalem has not had in-depth exchanges with Nami and the others, this city is his home, and Weiwei is also here, so he naturally cannot back down.


Nokigo and Makino nodded.

Nokigo first walked to the bomb and put his hands on it.���On the bomb, ready to absorb the weakening once the bomb explodes.

Makino uses a barrier to control it to become a sphere, wrapping up Nokigo and the bomb.

Everyone looks at the bomb countdown, their hearts hanging, and they can't help but count down silently: ten, nine、

Three, two, one.


The bomb exploded.

Because Nokigo was an explosive man, he was not hurt at all, but felt very comfortable, just like he was getting a massage.

Just like Mr. 5 ate Usopp's bomb and let the bomb explode in his stomach, he was not hurt at all, but felt very comfortable.

But Nokigo knew that she had no time to enjoy it now, so she tried her best to absorb and weaken the explosion.

Makino was trying her best to maintain the barrier to prevent the explosion from affecting everyone, or even the entire city.

Others stared at the barrier and the explosion inside nervously, praying that Nokigo was okay, and hoping that Makino could hold on.


I don't feel tired at all!

Soon, Makino found that the explosion of the big bomb looked very powerful, but it couldn't shake her barrier at all. She didn't feel tired at all, and was very surprised, because this was something she didn't expect at all.

The barrier of the barrier fruit is an absolute defense that cannot be destroyed by any means. Of course, Makino won't get tired.

Makino only then realized that although the devil fruit that Qingyun gave her didn't improve her combat power, her defense was so abnormal.

Finally, when the explosives of the big bomb exploded and the shock wave was consumed, it was unable to break through Makino's barrier. It was even more unable to hurt Nokigo.

Nami and Ikarem looked at the intact barrier and Nokigo who looked very happy inside the barrier, and finally felt relieved.

Nami and the others realized how powerful the devil fruit Qingyun gave Nokigo and Makino was.

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