
"Who is it?"

Hearing Nami's voice, everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

Nami was seen driving the Viper quickly towards McKinley.

Not far behind Nami, there were several people wearing the same clothes and holding weapons as the guerrillas that Qingyun killed in a flash yesterday on the sea of clouds.

They were the guerrillas composed of the Shandians from Sky Island. They came to seek revenge on Qingyun and Nami.


Back to the coast, Nami controlled the Viper to fly up at lightning speed, hitting McKinley's face hard, knocking him to the ground and fainting on the spot.

Nami did not overturn the car, she controlled the Viper to land steadily on the ground, and then she came to her senses:


"When I heard about the expensive and unreasonable fines, I was not careful.……"

However, Nami did not feel guilty at all, because for her, besides Qingyun and Nokigo, the most important thing was Kaya and her money.

Anyone who dared to steal her money was her enemy.

Qingyun and Nokigo were not surprised at all about Nami's actions, and they did not blame her.


McKinley's men immediately surrounded him to check on him.

Conis and Pagya were already stunned.

"That's right."

Nami hurriedly said to Pagya:

"Uncle, thank you for your Viba"

"No... You're welcome."

Paigeya replied immediately.

Nami immediately trotted towards Qingyun and Nokigo, pointing at the guerrillas rushing over and said hurriedly:

"Everyone be careful, those guys are the companions of that strange guy from yesterday, they are here to seek revenge on us"

"I see."

Nojigo and the others nodded, all ready for battle.

"Be careful, they are the guerrillas of Sky Island, and each of them is very powerful.

Seeing this, Conis immediately warned Qingyun and Nami.


Nami and the others nodded.

"Leave it to me."


As soon as the words fell, Qingyun flew out directly, summoned the Sandai Kitetsu at the same time, and rushed towards the attacking guerrillas.

However, Qingyun's charge this time was a little different from the previous ones. He planned to attack these guerrillas with the back of the knife.

The reason why Qingyun did this was because he remembered that there was also a beautiful angel among the Shandian guerrillas, named Laqi, who was also one of his main targets. He had already seen that Laqi was among these guerrillas.

These guerrillas were all wearing masks. How did Qingyun see it?

Of course, it was because Laqi's upper body was only wearing a short and cool purple dress, and her lower body was only wearing a very short purple shorts.

Her white jade skin and delicate and plump figure were vividly displayed, looking sexy and charming

"Prepare to die!"

When the Shandian guerrillas saw Qingyun coming to kill them, they all clenched their shields and artillery in their hands, ready to beat Qingyun to death together.

""Wait a minute, wait a minute."

At this moment, a man came riding a Pegasus quickly, calling Qingyun and the guerrillas to stop.

He was Ganfor, the former god who incarnated as a sky knight to protect people from being harmed by Enel.

He happened to pass by here, and saw Qingyun being besieged by so many guerrillas, and was worried that Qingyun was no match for the guerrillas.

However, the guerrillas who were eager for revenge ignored Ganfor, and began to accumulate strength and continued to rush towards Qingyun.

Qingyun could not pay any attention to Ganfor, he directly killed into the guerrillas.

Clang! Clang! Clang! - Puff!

Puff! - Bang! Bang! Bang! -

Just a face-to-face encounter, all the shields and weapons of the guerrillas were cut in half by Qingyun.

Except for Laqi who was hit lightly in the abdomen by Qingyun with the back of the knife, all the other guerrillas were hit hard in the abdomen by Qingyun with the back of the knife, causing very serious injuries. They were unable to move and fell into the sea of clouds one after another, unable to get up.

""So powerful!"

Seeing this scene, everyone except Nami and the others was shocked.

Because Qingyun was handsome and fair, and looked like an elegant scholar, people didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Qingyun stepped on the back of a guerrilla soldier to prevent himself from falling into the sea of clouds and getting his pants wet.


The guerrilla soldier who was stepped on by Qingyun couldn't help but screamed in pain. He wanted to turn over and get Qingyun off, but he was powerless to resist and could only let Qingyun step on his back.

Laqi endured the pain from his abdomen, holding a half-broken shield and artillery, staring at Qingyun as if he was facing a great enemy.

""Laki, come on board my ship."

Qingyun looked at Laqi and asked calmly.

Hearing this, Nami and the others were not surprised at all.

They knew Qingyun.

They also saw that Laqi had a good figure and must be pretty good-looking.

They knew that since Qingyun had called Laqi's name, she would not be able to escape today.

But when the others heard Qingyun's words, they were stunned for a moment.

They never thought that Qingyun would actually invite Laqi, an enemy, to board the ship.

Especially Laqi.

She looked at Qingyun curiously, slightly opened her red lips and asked:

"Are you... inviting me aboard?"

"How do you know my name?"

Others also looked at Qingyun curiously.

The guerrillas under Qingyun's feet pricked up their ears curiously.

However, Qingyun did not explain Laqi's confusion, but continued to ask Laqi:

"You should know that I used the back of the knife just now, right?"

"If you want to refuse, I don't mind using the blade."

After hearing Qingyun's words, Laqi was very angry, but also very helpless.

The guerrillas who fell on the sea of clouds were also like this.

Conis was a little bit unbelievable. She didn't expect Qingyun to be such a person.

Nami and the others���

After all, they have experienced it themselves.

"Laqi, don't worry about us, don't agree to him."

The guerrilla soldier under Qingyun spoke to Laqi.

"You are right, leave us alone and never agree to him."

The other guerrillas followed suit and advised Laqi.



Qingyun glared and released his Conqueror's Haki directly, accurately knocking out all the guerrillas lying on the sea of clouds.

Although she was not directly intimidated, she felt the aftermath of Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, and Laqi couldn't help but tremble slightly, her eyes wide open, cold sweat on her back, and she felt extremely terrified.

She finally knew that Qingyun's strength was unfathomable, and he had not used up all his strength just now.

And he was very cold and would definitely kill without blinking an eye.

Conis and others on the shore, as well as Ganfor and his mount in the sky, were affected by the aftermath of Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, and they had the same feeling as Laqi.

Although it was not the first time that Nami and the others felt it, they still couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Laqi, are you willing to get on my boat?"

Qingyun asked again


Laqi replied helplessly.

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Laqi and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Laqi's position. 】

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