
"The world's greatest swordsman should be no more than this, right?"

Seeing Qingyun chop the lightning with her own eyes, Dashiki's eyes were full of yearning.

Before in Alabasta, she only saw Qingyun chop the sky open, but she didn't see Qingyun's move with her own eyes.

Now seeing it with her own eyes, her heart was extremely excited.


Nami and the others nodded involuntarily after hearing this, and they all became more fascinated with Qingyun.

Conis and the others were also shocked by Qingyun's terrifying strength.

Even though they knew that Qingyun was disrespecting Enel, they didn't think there was anything wrong.

The so-called strongest natural devil fruit is just like this.

It seems that domineering is the kingly way.

Especially the domineering color.

No wonder the strong men at the level of the emperor generally have domineering color domineering.

Qingyun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and withdrew the armed color domineering and domineering color domineering at the same time, and also put the third generation of Kitetsu into the system space.

"You guys should go to the Island of Gods. There is not only the Golden Land, but also the historical texts."

Qingyun said to Nami and the others.

"Golden Country!"

Nami and Kalina's eyes lit up when they heard this, and their eyeballs turned into Bailey's logo

""The text of history!"

Robin was also extremely happy.

They all wanted to set off immediately.

Nokigo and the others were also very interested, but not as excited as Nami, Kalina and Robin.

Conis and the others were shocked.

They had never been to the Island of Gods, and they didn't know that there was not only Enel but also the Golden Country and the text of history.

Although they didn't know what the text of history was, they still knew what the Golden Country was and could imagine its value.

Conis didn't persuade Qingyun this time.

Because she had just seen Qingyun's lightning that chopped off Enel, and Qingyun was so confident that he obviously didn't take Enel seriously.

Her worries were unnecessary..

She felt that Qingyun might be going to deal with Enelu, but instead of speaking for their Sky Island's God, she was secretly glad.

Because Enelu's character is cruel, everyone in the entire Sky Island knows it.

The reason why Conis and the others are so afraid of Enelu's divine punishment is because they have seen with their own eyes that Enelu uses divine punishment to kill disobedient people in seconds.

They know that they are living under the dictatorship of Enelu and are monitored by Enelu at all times, and they have had enough of such a life.

Moreover, the original god of Sky Island is not Enelu, but Ganfor.

Compared with Enelu, Ganfor is much better.

They all hope that the god of Sky Island will return to Ganfor, not Enelu.

"However, there are also powerful priests there, as well as some dangerous and rare animals."

""After you go up, you must be careful."

Qingyun then reminded Nami and the others, and at the same time directly called out the Sea King, allowing Nami and the others to board the Sea King to land on the Island of Gods.

Hearing this, Nami and Kalina, who had already taken half a step, stopped immediately, turned to Qingyun at the same time, and asked with nervous and expectant eyes:

"Aren't you going with us?"

Ke Ya and Carmen were also looking at Qing Yun nervously and expectantly.

They were not very strong now, nor did they have the power of devil fruits. Without Qing Yun by their side, they would be very panicked.

Nokigo and the others just looked at Qing Yun with some curiosity.

Dashiqi was strong, Dezaia was brave, and Nokigo and the others all had the power of devil fruits, so they were not afraid of priests and rare animals.


Qingyun nodded.

"Then you should at least tell us the abilities of those priests, right?"

Nami and Kalina said anxiously in unison.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Now you can deal with them."

"how about you?"

"Where are you going?"

Nami and Kalina were unwilling to give up and continued to ask

"I have to stay and deal with Enel, he should be here soon."

Qingyun said calmly, but his tone was very sure.

Because he knew that Enel was very conceited and would definitely come to kill him in person to show his power.

If he guessed wrong, he would go to Enel in person.

Whether it was because Enel had the Thunder Fruit or because of his own principles, Qingyun would not let Enel go.

"Nami, Kalina, don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

Nojigo patted Nami and Kalina's shoulders and said with a smile.

"elder sister"


Nami and Kalina were so moved that they couldn't help but lean on Nokigo.

They set off immediately.

"How can it be?"

"How is this possible?"

"How could someone be able to chop my divine punishment to pieces?"

At the same time, Enelu finally reacted. Although he had used his mind net to"see" Qingyun chopping the lightning to pieces, he was unwilling to believe it was true.

Because he always thought that his lightning was invincible, and he had never seen anyone who could chop his lightning to pieces.

Enelu shook his head violently:

"Calm down, I am the god who controls thunder and lightning, any physical attack is ineffective against me"

"And I also have the Heart Net, so that monkey from the Blue Sea can't possibly be my opponent."

Enelu paused, his eyes becoming grim:

"He dared to resist the divine punishment, I must kill him, otherwise those fools will question my divine power."


As soon as the voice fell, Enelu directly transformed into an elemental incarnation of lightning and rushed towards Qingyun's location.

In an instant, Enelu appeared in front of Qingyun, staring at Qingyun with wide eyes.

"God Enel-sama!"

Conis and the others were shocked and terrified.

"Is that God Enel?"

Nami and the others, who had already set off on the Sea King, were all shocked when they noticed Enel suddenly appear.

They had no idea how Enel got here.

"How dare you, a monkey from the blue sea, resist me, the invincible god?"

"Prepare to accept God's punishment."

Enelu stared at Qingyun with his eyes wide open, and said angrily

"One hundred million volts!"

As soon as the voice fell, Enel did not give Qingyun a chance to speak, and directly aimed his right hand at Qingyun, releasing a lightning of up to one hundred million volts towards Qingyun.

Crack! Crack! -

The next moment, an extremely powerful lightning beam instantly came out from Enel's right hand, and it quickly attacked Qingyun with a devastating force.


Seeing this scene and feeling the horror of the lightning, Nami and the others couldn't help but worry about Qingyun.

Conis and the others couldn't help but sweat for Qingyun.

However, Qingyun was not afraid at all. He quietly overlapped his middle finger and index finger with both hands, used the ability of the barrier fruit, and cast an indestructible barrier.

And Qingyun accurately controlled the barrier and covered his body.


In an instant, Qingyun was directly engulfed by the lightning released by Enel.

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