Everything on Sky Island was new to Nami and her friends, and one day was not enough to explore.

So they asked Qingyun to stay for a few more days.

Qingyun readily agreed.

The group stayed on Sky Island for three full days.

During that time, Nami and her friends almost completely explored Sky Island and bought everything they liked.

Conis and Laqi were also impressed by Qingyun's love and the fact that he took them and Nami and the other girls to explore Sky Island and buy all kinds of things. Like Nami and her friends, they began to like Qingyun. Aisha also changed her opinion of Qingyun and began to admire him.

The admiration in childhood is the foundation for love when you grow up.

Three days later, Qingyun took Nami and the others back to the sea, with the farewell of the residents of Angel Island and the Shandians.

"Look, there is also an empty island there."

"It looks so beautiful and special."

After flying for a while, Nami suddenly pointed to an island not far away and said in surprise.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw that the island was mostly made up of clouds and a small part of land, and was surrounded by a beautiful rainbow. It looked very beautiful.


"What a beautiful sky island."

Nami and the others were also attracted and couldn't help but say the same thing.

Qingyun's eyes lit up and he said to Nami with a smile:

"Nami, you are so lucky."

"Qingyun, why do you say that?"

Nami was very confused and looked at Qingyun in confusion.

Nokigo and the others were also very confused about this and looked at Qingyun in confusion.

Qingyun did not keep them in suspense this time and explained directly:

"That's Visalia."

"It is a country that specializes in meteorology, and all the residents on the island are meteorological scientists."

"These scientists have been studying meteorological science for many years and are the most experienced in meteorological research."

"But because the world government does not attach importance to meteorological research, their countries are not rich."

"So sometimes, in order to earn research fees, they would take a weather ship to places outside the island to use meteorological science to help people in need."

"Unlike the big sky island we have been on these days, this small sky island is always in a state of flying, and the direction and speed are all determined by the wind."

"It would be difficult to find the island without its permanent pointer."

"That's why I say you're lucky."

Nami suddenly realized, and her heart was already surging:


Crack! Crack!

As soon as the words fell, Nami turned into lightning and disappeared on the Sea King.

"You are so impatient.

Qingyun and Nojiko smiled.

They knew Nami and knew that she couldn't wait and went to Xiaokong Island directly.

"Let's go there too."

Qingyun controlled the Sea King and flew towards Xiaokong Island.

At the same time, Xiaokong Island had become a mess because of the arrival of the little thief cat Nami.


"Stop right there!"

The residents of Xiaokong Island watched Nami openly 'take away' their research results, including all kinds of strange weather and weather ships, and although they wanted to stop her, they couldn't catch up with Nami at all.

They could only desperately follow behind her, and soon they were exhausted and panting.

As soon as Qingyun and his team landed on Xiaokong Island, Nami returned to everyone with a large bag of treasures on her back.

"Qingyun, just like you said, this small sky island is dedicated to studying various weather conditions, and has also developed weather ships and other strange things."

Nami said to Qingyun excitedly.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Of course, when have I ever lied to you?"

Nami smiled happily.

Nokiko and the others also smiled.

"But they are not really rich, why don't we leave some gold for them, as if we bought these things from them?"

Nami then asked Qingyun.

Although Nami often stole other people's things before, she basically stole from pirates, bandits, and various gangsters, and never robbed ordinary people.

She could see that the residents of Xiaokong Island were no different from law-abiding civilians except for scientists studying meteorology.

Although she"took" these things openly, she would definitely not just walk away.


Qingyun agreed immediately.

"These things are very valuable. Should we leave some more gold for them?"

Nami asked Qingyun.

Although Qingyun gave Nami and the others the right to freely enter and exit the treasure house and freely use the money in it, every time Nami and the others needed to use the money in the treasure house, they would tell Qingyun and get Qingyun's consent.

They were afraid that Qingyun would use this as an excuse to punish them if they disagreed with him.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Go to the treasure house and get the gold."

"Just decide how much you want to take."

Hearing this, Nami was overjoyed.


Nami didn't pretend to be polite to Qingyun. After nodding, she turned into lightning and returned to the room with the things she had just 'got'. She put them away carefully.

Then she turned into lightning again and quickly came to the door of the treasure house. She opened the door of the treasure house and entered the treasure house to select gold.

Looking at the gold in the treasure house, Nami felt a little painful.

Because she knew that the things she took were valuable and worth a lot of gold.

But these golds were Nami's favorites, and she couldn't bear to take out too much at once.

After hesitating for a while, Nami still chose to pick up the gold, and she picked up more than What she took was worth three times the gold.

Because Nami had been working hard on drawing nautical charts, she knew that what she took, in addition to its own value, also contained the lifelong efforts of the residents of Xiaokong Island. This kind of thing could not be measured by money.

However, taking out three times the gold was already Nami's limit.

Asking her to take out more gold would be like asking her to die.

Snap! Snap!

After picking up three times the gold, Nami turned into lightning again and came directly to Xiaokong Island.

After putting the gold on the ground, Nami turned into lightning again and returned to the Sea King, anxiously urging Qingyun:

"Let's go quickly."

Nami was so anxious because she was worried that the residents of the small sky island would not be willing to sell the things she had 'taken' to her.

Because if it were her, she would not be willing to sell the nautical charts she had worked so hard to draw to others, even if the other party offered three times the price.

Secondly, she was worried that she would be reluctant to part with so much gold and would rush back to 'take' it back.


Qingyun understood Nami and knew why she was so anxious, so he immediately controlled the Sea King to fly away from Xiaokong Island.

The residents of Xiaokong Island finally caught up.

Seeing the gold on the ground, they instantly understood what Nami meant.

They were very angry, but also very happy.

There is no need to say more about anger. They were happy because the gold left by Nami was enough to support their research for at least twenty years.

Seeing that the Sea King had already flown far away, they had no choice but to take the gold back with a curse.

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