"I also want to learn"

"I also want"

"I… I want to learn too."

Nojigo and the others were reserved for a while, but they couldn’t control themselves and followed him.

They had already fallen in love with Qingyun and couldn’t leave him.

Only Aisha and Jessica didn’t go.

Aisha didn’t go because she was too young and Qingyun didn’t want to teach her.

And Jessica didn’t go, not because she didn’t want to, she actually wanted to very much.

It was fine the night before last. Even if Qingyun didn’t go to her, she was still angry because she had just been forced by Qingyun to teach her how to shoot, and she didn’t want Qingyun to continue teaching her.

But last night, Qingyun didn’t go to her to teach her how to shoot, and she didn’t want to Jessica recalled Qingyun's teaching and started practicing on her own.

This was due to Qingyun's love and his superb marksmanship, which made Jessica interested in learning marksmanship again.

But Jessica couldn't let herself like Qingyun.

She was trying her best to restrain herself.

But Jessica was like a tigress who had been hungry for a long time and finally got to eat delicious meat. The more she suppressed it, the more her desire would swell.

Although she could still restrain herself now, it would explode sooner or later.

How could a starving tigress not eat meat?

"Sister Jessica, aren't you going?"

Seeing Jessica's indifference, Aisha asked in confusion.

"I don't want to go."

Jessica said stubbornly


Jessica snorted coldly, turned around, and stopped looking at Qingyun's back. She continued to follow Qingyun's instructions and do basic training to suppress her desire to have sex.


Aisha was very puzzled. She turned around and continued to do horse stance while saying with envy and a little anger:

"I see that sister Laqi and the others all like to learn shooting from brother Qingyun. It must be very interesting."

"Moreover, every time Sister Laqi and the others learn spear skills from Brother Qingyun, they become more powerful."

"I want to be a strong warrior and learn spearmanship from Brother Qingyun."

"But he despised me for being too young and refused to teach me."

Jessica was a little surprised when she heard this:

Qingyun, that bastard, didn't even attack Aisha!

It seems that he still has a bottom line!

Jessica was still a little surprised:

But even Aisha, who has never learned shooting from Qingyun, that bastard, has fallen in love with him. It seems that no one in this world can resist that shameless bastard!

Jessica smiled slightly, reached out and gently rubbed Aisha's head, and said softly:

"Because I'm afraid Aisha will feel lonely training here alone."

"let's work hard together"


Aisha nodded happily.

In the afternoon, Aisha was tired from training, so she took a shower and went to bed.

In order to suppress her desire, Jessica sent Aisha to her room to sleep, and then continued to train.

It was not until about 4:30 in the afternoon that

Jessica stopped training, took off her coat, put on simple underwear and panties, and jumped into the nearby swimming pool to take a shower. She planned to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner after washing herself.

Why do I always think about that bastard?

Jessica was helpless.

She found that the more she suppressed herself from thinking about Qingyun, the more she couldn't control herself from thinking about Qingyun.


Jessica sighed

"Why are you sighing?"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

At this moment, Qingyun's voice suddenly sounded from behind Jessica.


Jessica was startled and couldn't help screaming.

After hearing Qingyun's voice, Jessica was ashamed and angry. Her face turned black and she turned to Qingyun in shame and anger.


Before she finished speaking, she saw that Qingyun was only wearing simple underwear. She was like a tigress who had been hungry for four or five days and saw plump fresh meat. Her eyes suddenly became as fierce as those of a wolf.

She couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Qingyun felt relieved, jumped into the swimming pool without any precautions, and began to wash himself.

He had made it very clear before that since Jessica didn't want him to teach her, he wouldn't force her to teach.

But he believed that since Jessica had been taught marksmanship by him, she must have been impressed by his unparalleled marksmanship, and would ask him to teach her sooner or later, so he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, even if Jessica didn't ask him, there were still Nojigo and the others who would ask him.

What he lacked the least now was active beauties.

Jessica couldn't help but stretch out her hand and swim towards Qingyun.

But when she found out, she immediately shrank back, turned around, clenched her teeth, shook her head desperately, and kept telling herself:




Jessica, you must not do that!

"Are you really okay?"

Seeing Jessica's abnormality, Qingyun asked with concern and swam towards Jessica.

"I'm really fine, don't come over here."

Jessica said hurriedly when she realized that Qingyun's voice was getting closer and closer and that Qingyun was swimming towards her.

At the same time, Jessica immediately swam towards the shore.

However, just as Jessica started to swim towards the shore, Qingyun reached out and grabbed her shoulders, not only stopping her, but also turning her towards him.

Qingyun held Jessica's arms tightly, stared at Jessica firmly, and asked worriedly:

"You are very different from usual"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Hearing this, Jessica looked at Qingyun closely, and suddenly she felt like she had been hungry for a long time, like a tigress looking at the food at her mouth, she wanted to open her mouth and start to devour it.




Absolutely not!

But Jessica knew that she was not a tigress, and she was trying her best to suppress herself.

"I'm really fine!"

""Let me go!"

Jessica shouted loudly.

Qingyun was not angry, but became more worried about Jessica:

"Why is your face so red?"

"Are you having a fever?"

""Let me see."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun directly pressed his forehead against Jessica's head and felt it carefully.


In an instant, Jessica seemed to have become a tigress who had been hungry for a long time, whose mouth was pried open and fresh meat was stuffed into her mouth. Her desire for fresh meat broke out instantly, like a volcanic eruption and a dam bursting, which was difficult to control.

Control it!

Control it!

Control it!

You must control it, Jessica!

Jessica gritted her teeth and tried her best to control her desire for fresh meat like a tigress.

Because she knew that Jonathan must be desperately begging people to save him now, but if she couldn't control herself, even if Jonathan found someone to rescue her, she would not have the face to go back.

"It seems a little hot. Do you really have a fever?"

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Ke Ya."

As soon as the voice fell, Qing Yun picked up Jessica in a princess hug and planned to take her to see Ke Ya.


However, just when Qing Yun wanted to transform into an element, turn into lightning, and take Jessica to see Ke Ya, Jessica suddenly kissed Qing Yun on the mouth.……


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