"Let's just stand here and see if I can survive your charm and petrification ability without relying on the feeling of pain."

"If I can, you must agree to board my ship and obey me in everything from now on."

"If I can't, my Sea King and the treasure inside will all belong to you."

Qingyun said directly


Nami and Kalina were very angry when they heard this.

How could they not be angry when they loved money like their lives?

But they were more worried about Qingyun, just like Nojiko and the others.

After all, Hancock's charm was something that even women and girls like them couldn't help but be moved by.

Qingyun was so lustful, it was impossible for him not to be moved.

Even Jessica and Maya couldn't help but worry about Qingyun.

Although Jessica still hated Qingyun, Maya still couldn't accept that Qingyun half-forced her first time.

But they were all somewhat impressed by Qingyun's love and superb marksmanship, and some of them liked Qingyun and couldn't leave Qingyun.

It's like taking a banned drug, there are only zero times and countless times.

But they remembered that Qingyun was confident before, and they didn't dissuade Qingyun, but watched quietly on the Poseidon.


Upon hearing this, the women and girls on Daughter Island burst into laughter, as if they had heard a huge joke.


""Okay, I'll make a bet with you."

Hancock said with a disdainful smile.

She was extremely confident in her charm and ability, even conceited.

Because so far, no man has not been moved by her, and no man can remain unharmed under her petrification ability.

"Come on, come on."

Qingyun put his hands behind his back, raised his head, held his chest high, and looked at Hancock fearlessly.

"No one can resist the charm and petrification ability of my elder sister, especially men."

Hancock's second sister, Sandasonia, crossed her arms, spit out her snake tongue, looked at Qingyun with a smile, and said jokingly

"Because there is a reason why it cannot be resisted."

Hancock's third sister, Mary Gorude, also crossed her arms and spit out her tongue, and followed suit.

Hancock jumped down and landed lightly in front of Qingyun, put her right hand on her willow waist, put her left hand on her chest, looked at Qingyun with disdain, and said confidently:

"Do you want to know why?"

"Because I am too beautiful."

As soon as the words fell, a breeze suddenly blew up, blowing up Hancock's hair and cloak, making them dance like they had life, making Hancock look even more charming and sexy, touching


""Snake Lady~~"

As soon as the words fell, the people of the Daughter Island couldn't help but scream and shout, and many people's eyes turned into pink hearts.

Qingyun and Nami couldn't help but be moved.

Fortunately, they usually exercise regularly and have a strong will. They didn't become Hancock's fans like the people of the Daughter Kingdom.


Qingyun gritted his teeth and said affirmatively:

"If we only talk about beauty, there are many people in this world who are as beautiful as you."

"My crew is full of beautiful women like you."

"The reason why you look so attractive and make people want to fall at your feet is just because of the power of sweet fruit."


Nami and the others couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard this.


"You're smart."

Jessica crossed her arms and said with a smile.

"You fart!"

"Lady Snake is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"Those of your crew members are no match for Lady Snake!"

""Sir Snake, quickly petrify this ignorant man and let him see how powerful you are."

Hancock himself hadn't said anything yet, but after hearing Qingyun's words, the people of the Kingdom of Women became furious.


The conceited Hancock didn't take Qingyun's words to heart at all. She slowly spread her legs, raised her hands, gently brushed her hair, closed her eyes, leaned back, and looked at Qingyun with her chest:

"The guilt of being obsessed with me."

Hancock suddenly put his hands in front of his chest, forming a heart shape and pointing it at Qingyun:

"It will harden your bodies."

Hancock opened his eyes, raised his head and stared at Qingyun:

""Infatuated with Gan Feng!""


The next moment, the invisible wind blew up Hancock's hair and cloak, making her look extremely beautiful.


Then, a heart-shaped light shot out from between Hancock's hands and quickly attacked Qingyun.


Seeing this, Nami and the others were extremely worried.


Qingyun cast a barrier to cover himself, and used the Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki to strengthen himself, trying to resist Hancock's love beam.

However, when the heart-shaped beam shot by Hancock shone on Qingyun, he was petrified in an instant, just like those unnamed characters in the original work who were shone by the Infatuated Ganfeng and then petrified in an instant.

Haki is indeed superior to the devil fruit.

But Hancock's Infatuated Ganfeng only has a petrifying effect on people who are lustful towards her and think she is cute and beautiful.

And the petrifying effect is the same as being lustful towards her and feeling The petrification effect is proportional to the degree to which she is cute and beautiful.

In other words, the more the other person thinks Hancock is cute and beautiful, and the more lustful he is towards her, the stronger the petrification effect will be.

Only people like Luffy and Fujitora can be safe and sound after being irradiated by the infatuated Ganfeng without the factors of pain and domineering.

And Qingyun not only thinks Hancock is beautiful and cute, but also wants to subdue her very much.

Therefore, the petrifying effect of Hancock's infatuation with Ganfeng on Qingyun directly increases exponentially.

Even if Qingyun used a barrier and used the domineering domineering and armed domineering to strengthen himself, he could not resist it at all.

"Qingyun... was petrified!"

Seeing this scene, Nami and the others were stunned.

When Qingyun got off the boat just now, he was so confident and well-prepared.

They all thought that Qingyun would definitely be able to withstand Hancock's petrification ability.

But they never expected that Qingyun could not hold on for even a second and was directly petrified into a stone man.


"Lady Snake is indeed amazing!"

"Lady Snake is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"That stinky man actually dared to question Lady Snake. Now you know how powerful Lady Snake is!"

The people of Daughter Island were not worried about Qingyun at all. Instead, they were very happy and cheered for Hancock.

"Of course."

Hancock said proudly.

Crack! Crack!

Suddenly, a flash of lightning passed by, and Nami suddenly appeared in front of Qingyun's stone statue.

She was shining with lightning all over her body, using lightning to stimulate herself not to be confused by Hancock, and stared at Hancock with wide eyes:

"Quickly un-petrify Qingyun."

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