"Hancock, do you really want to stop Qingyun from giving it to Xia Lulia?"

Ke Ya did not answer directly, but asked Hancock:


Hancock nodded affirmatively, but said helplessly:

"Although I know this is customary"

"Although I know that I will be punished by Qingyun"

"But I still want to stop Qingyun"

"But I was afraid that Qingyun would hate me, so I didn't dare to stop it."

Before this, Hancock had never encountered anything that made her so entangled. She really didn't know why.


Except for Aisha, Nami and the others, even Jessica nodded in agreement. They had the same idea as Hancock.

But unlike Hancock, they all knew why they were like this.

And except for Jessica, Nami and the others had already accepted it.

Jessica was still trying to persuade herself to hold back and not fall in love with Qingyun completely, even though she knew it was difficult.

"You are suffering from lovesickness."

Ke Ya did not beat around the bush and said to Hancock directly and confidently:

"You, like us, like Qingyun."

"I'm in love with Qingyun?!"

Hancock's heart moved and her pretty face blushed.

She didn't think Ke Ya was deceiving her.

She naturally knew what love was.

But it was the first time she had this feeling.


Noqigao nodded and said to Hancock with a smile:

"Although Qingyun is very kind to us and treats us equally"

"But he is also a super pervert. When he sees a beautiful woman, no matter who she is, he will coerce her into coming on board and then immediately baptize her."

"You have to get used to it sooner, otherwise you will definitely do this often in the future"

"That's right, that's right."

Nami and the others nodded.


Hancock felt warmed by Nami and the others' kindness.

But she was also very nervous, her body trembling slightly, and she asked nervously:

"You... do you look down on me who was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons?"

Kaya and the others were stunned when they heard this. They had never expected Hancock to ask this question.

Nami and Nojiko were not surprised.

They had also been enslaved by the Dragon Pirates led by Arlong, and they were unwilling to mention this to others. They could understand why Hancock thought so.

"Of course not."

Nami and Nokigao said in unison, smiling and firm.

"how could be"

"We definitely won’t look down on you."

Ke Ya and the others followed suit.

Although they didn’t understand Hancock as well as Nami and Nojiko, they wouldn’t look down on Hancock.


Hancock breathed a sigh of relief, revealed a reassuring and touching sweet smile, and her body stopped shaking.

""But you, you are the king of a country, and most of us are just ordinary people. You won't look down on us, right?"

Nami smiled slyly and asked Hancock in return.

"No, absolutely not."

Hearing this, Hancock immediately waved her hands...

While Nami and the others were talking to Hancock, Qingyun had already brought Xia Lulia to the room and locked the door.

Qingyun did not rush.

Otherwise, although it seemed that he took advantage of Xia Lulia, he was actually serving Xia Lulia.

The position he arranged for Xia Lulia was a servant, how could he serve her?

He walked to the table slowly and poured himself a glass of wine.

Could it be that this guy wanted me to...

Although Xia Lulia had never been things, but she often trained and played with her slaves.

In this situation, she could think of what the baptism Qingyun was talking about.

She was immediately furious and very resistant.

The blood of the Tianlong people is very noble.

It is not allowed, and it is disdainful to combine with people other than Tianlong people.

Although Xia Lulia likes handsome guys, she only plays with them.

But she is also very helpless, she knows that she can't refuse Qingyun.

After pouring a glass of wine, Qingyun directly took the wine in his hand, sat on the sofa, and looked at Xia Lulia with a smile:

"You should know what the duties of a slave are, right?"

"I know."

Xia Lulia was very helpless. She gritted her teeth and answered affirmatively.

"In that case, come quickly."

After saying that, Qingyun tasted the wine comfortably.


Xia Lulia did not dare to resist or delay, and immediately walked towards Qingyun, fearing that she would anger Qingyun.

But in her heart she thought:

Just wait!

I will make you regret it!


Three hours later.

Qingyun sat on the sofa, drinking a little wine comfortably, looking at Xia Lulia, who was lying on the bed with a haggard face and sleeping soundly:

"As expected of a girl with animal ears, she is so charming that I can't help but go crazy for her."


At the same time, at the port of the capital of the Kingdom of Bakayal,

Lieutenant General Bad looked at Charlos, whose body was torn apart and whose eyes were still open, and Rozward, whose head was petrified and kicked into pieces, leaving only his body. His face was extremely ferocious.

Two Celestial Dragons died tragically in his jurisdiction, and one was missing. He must be blamed.

At this moment, a major general came to report:

"Mr. Lieutenant General, according to the answer of the King of Bagayalu Kingdom, killing Saint Charlos was the"

"The one who killed Saint Rozwald was the Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock"

"However, before they were knocked unconscious by Qingyun's Conqueror's Haki, Lady Xia Lulia did not suffer any harm. It is speculated that she may have been taken hostage."

"According to the king's recollection, Qingyun is not only a powerful swordsman, but can also transform into lightning, with extremely terrifying strength."

"The guards and CP0 responsible for protecting Saint Rozward, Saint Charlos and Lady Xialulia were all killed by Qingyun in an instant."

"Saint Rozward and the treasures of the palace of the Kingdom of Bagayal were looted."

"���And Qingyun's pirate ship can still fly."

Bard's face became even gloomier when he heard this:

"Quickly send all the information back to the Navy Headquarters and ask them to increase the reward for Qingyun and the Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock."

"Vice Admiral Bard, the CP0 people are here."

At this moment, a navy officer ran to Bard in a panic and reported hurriedly.

The next moment, three people wearing strange masks and white suits came not far in front of Bard.

Several heads fell to the ground.

Looking closely, they were the king and ministers of the Kingdom of Bakayal.

And those who followed the king to welcome the Celestial Dragons, as well as the slaves of the Celestial Dragons, had all been killed.

Bard and the major general saw these heads and noticed the people who were killed. They were immediately furious and clenched their fists.

The major general couldn't help but ask:

"How do you put them……"

"They died at the hands of the pirates who killed the Celestial Dragons. Do you have any objection to this?"

But before the major general finished speaking, the leading CP0 continued.

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