Crack! Crack!

Immediately, Qingyun returned to his original appearance, holding the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand, and turned into lightning, and flew towards Aokiji.


At the same time, Qingyun used the Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and then used the Conqueror Haki to entangle and strengthen.


Aokiji knew that he was doomed today, and immediately gathered all the cold air in his left hand, and at the same time strengthened it with Armament Haki, and then entangled it with Conqueror Haki, ready to fight to the death.

Almost in an instant, Qingyun came in front of Aokiji.

Fragrant Slash!

He used the same trick again, waving the Sandai Kitetsu with all his strength and slashing at Aokiji with all his strength.

Aokiji also swung his left hand with all his strength and smashed it towards Qingyun.



The sword and fist collided in the air, causing a violent explosion and forming a strong shock wave. The sky and the ice sea surface trembled, and the thick ice under his feet suddenly cracked.

Discharge - 100 million volts!

""Fragrant Kick!"

Nami and Hancock did not stand aside and watch the show. They immediately took the opportunity to launch an attack on Aokiji.

Nami directly released a powerful lightning to electrocute Aokiji.

Hancock took the opportunity to kick Aokiji in the side, petrifying Aokiji's side.

Aokiji felt very painful, and his expression suddenly became hideous and painful.

However, he forced himself to hold it back and did not scream.

Qingyun used the same trick again and forcibly cut off the Conqueror's Haki that was wrapped around Aokiji's left hand, wanting Sandaime to directly touch Aokiji's left hand, and then petrify Aokiji's left hand and cut it.

However, when Sandaime was about to touch his right hand, Aokiji directly opened his left hand and grabbed Sandaime.

"Absolute Freeze!"

The next moment, Aokiji released all the cold air, which quickly spread throughout Qingyun's body through the Sandai Kitetsu.


In an instant, Qingyun was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Absolute Freeze is the strongest freezing move that Aokiji uses at the cost of his whole body's cold air and vitality.

This move can ignore the Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki and directly freeze the enemy.

The power is so terrifying that almost no one can stop it.

Except for the Lava Fruit, which is inherently incompatible with Aokiji's Ice Fruit.

However, although Aokiji froze Qingyun, his left hand was also petrified by Qingyun.


Seeing Qingyun frozen into an ice sculpture, Nami and Hancock shouted anxiously and rushed to Qingyun's side, wanting to save Qingyun, but they didn't know how to save him.


Noqigao and the others were also extremely worried when they saw this.


The few marines who were not defeated, as well as Xia Lulia on the Sea King, were all very happy.

Taotu and Tina also noticed it, but they were so betrayed that they couldn't be happy.

"Hurry up and help Qingyun break the ice, otherwise I will kill you."

Hancock stared at Qingzhi with eyes full of anger and threatened

"And we have to kill all the navy here."

Nami then stared at Aokiji with eyes wide open.

Aokiji smiled slightly:

"I only freeze others, I don't thaw them."

"And it is impossible to unfreeze the ice, unless... this... how is it possible?!"

Before he finished speaking, Aokiji was stunned.

Because he saw that Qingyun's ice sculpture actually emitted a fiery red light from the inside, and the ice on his surface was melting rapidly.

Nojiko and the others, the navy, and Xia Lulia also noticed it, and they were all shocked for a while.

Seeing Aokiji's unbelievable look, Nami and Hancock realized that Qingyun might be fine, and hurriedly looked back.

After seeing Qingyun's condition, the two were also shocked.

"Could it be that……"

Seeing lava coming out of Qingyun's ice sculpture, Nami and Xia Lulia immediately understood what was going on and were very happy.

"He actually has the power of the Lava Fruit?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Qing Ji was sure this time, but it was even more unbelievable.

"Isn't that the ability of the Magma Fruit of Admiral Akainu?"

"How could he use the power of the Magma Fruit?"

The navy was also very confused.

Logically, there could only be one user of the Magma Fruit.

Although Akainu had just died, they had not seen Qingyun eat the Magma Fruit.

"I didn't expect you to have this trick. I almost froze you."

Qingyun stared at Aokiji's eyes and said unexpectedly.

Just now when Aokiji used the absolute freezing, Qingyun noticed Aokiji's intention and immediately activated the ability of the lava fruit, thus escaping.

Although he is not afraid of death, and can even be resurrected and become stronger after death.

But his strength is already stronger than Aokiji. If he is still killed by Aokiji, it would be too embarrassing.

"How do you have the ability of Akainu's Lava Fruit?"

Aokiji asked in great confusion:

"Could you possibly……"


Fragrant Slash!

However, before Aokiji could finish his question, Qingyun broke through the ice and sent Aokiji to see Akainu with one sword. Aokiji's body was torn apart, and he died on the spot like Akainu, with his eyes wide open.

"Admiral Aokiji was also killed!"

"How is this possible?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Shalulia and the navy still couldn't believe it was true.

Because although Akainu is recognized as the strongest active admiral, Aokiji is not much weaker.

Now not only Akainu, but even Aokiji was killed by Qingyun.

The consecutive loss of two admirals made them, who regarded the admirals as the highest combat power of the navy, dare to believe that this was true.


"I'm done for!"

Shalulia felt a little desperate.

Because she just saw Akainu���After they arrived, she had already shown that she was not willing to follow Qingyun.

She was worried that Qingyun would kill her.

She didn't dare to run away.

Because she knew that she couldn't escape from Qingyun's palm.

Nami and the others were not particularly surprised about this.

Although among these navy, there are two beautiful women, Momosaki and Tina.

But Qingyun has already killed Akainu, so it is not surprising to kill Aokiji.

After all, if Qingyun wants to threaten Momosaki and Tina, Akainu and Aokiji are not a big deal.

And they know that Qingyun is decisive in killing, and Qingyun has abnormal abilities.

Qingyun will never let the tiger go back to the mountain.

It is impossible for him to watch the ice fruit and magma fruit slip away from his eyes.

【The host kills Kuzan, and his physical fitness is +80... and he gains the ability of the Ice Devil Fruit, as well as the Ice Devil Fruit.……】

The next moment, Qingyun had the Ice Fruit in his hand, and he also mastered the Ice Fruit ability, to the same extent as Aokiji.

Now, Qingyun can use all the Ice Fruit moves that Aokiji can use.

After he lets one of Kaya and the others eat the Ice Fruit in the future, his Ice Fruit ability will be further enhanced.

And as long as the person who eats the Ice Fruit develops the ability of the Ice Fruit, his Ice Fruit ability will be further enhanced.

He smiled slightly, and immediately put the Ice Fruit and the Third Generation Kitetsu into the system space.

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