"Makino, Carmen, Jessica, go prepare the celebration dinner."

"Let Xia Lulia help you wash the vegetables and dishes, but don't prepare her share"

"If Xia Lulia dares to be lazy, all of you can punish her."

Qingyun said to Makino, Carmen and Jessica with a smile.

After that, Qingyun turned to Nami and the others and said with a smile:

"You can all supervise Xia Lulia. If you find that she dares to be lazy or eat secretly, you can punish her severely."

Crack! Crack!

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun turned into lightning and took Taotu and Tina who had just boarded the boat away.


Nami and the others all nodded with a smile, and were very happy to supervise and punish Xia Lulia.

Because they all knew that Xia Lulia was different from all of them, and they all hated her very much.


But instead of supervising and punishing Xia Lulia, Hancock saw Qingyun taking Taotu and Tina away. Looking at the direction of Qingyun's room, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but sparkle with tears, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

She was unwilling to just stand there and let Qingyun help Taotu and Tina with the baptism.

She wanted to stop Qingyun, but she was worried that Qingyun would hate her for it.

"It's over!"

Xia Lulia was terrified and even a little desperate.


Seeing Hancock's expression, Nami and the others all felt the same way and felt sorry for Hancock.

Their feelings were similar to Hancock's, but they were better at controlling themselves than Hancock, not showing their love for Qingyun, their envy and hatred for Taotu and Tina.

"Hancock, don't watch this anymore. The more you watch, the more uncomfortable you feel."


"Let's quickly follow Qingyun's advice."

Nami and the others all said in unison.


Hancock turned to Xia Lulia reluctantly, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

Nami and the others were the same.

Xia Lulia suddenly became more panicked.

At the same time.

Qingyun had brought Taotu and Tina to his room, locked the door, poured himself a glass of wine, and sat comfortably on the sofa.

He also brought fans, musical instruments and other things used by geisha performances and put them on the table.

These were bought when he accompanied Nami and the others shopping before.

It was for the purpose of meeting Taotu in the future, inviting Taotu on board, and letting Taotu perform for him.

What he didn't expect was that this day would come so soon.

In this situation, Taotu and Tina could guess what the baptism Qingyun had just mentioned was.

They were immediately very repulsive, but very helpless.

"Gion, I have heard that you are proficient in all the talents of a geisha, specialize in catching prostitutes, and can seduce all kinds of pirates. Please perform a dance for me first."

Qingyun said to Taotu with a smile while shaking the red wine glass.

Then, Qingyun looked at Tina, opened his legs, and said with a smile:

"Tina, just let me see how powerful you are."

After hearing this, Taotu and Tina felt very humiliated and did not take any action.

Taotu was a navy vice admiral. She had performed as a geisha before, all for catching people, not for pleasing others.

She couldn't perform just to please others.

Tina was a navy colonel, and she had never let anyone see how powerful she was.

She couldn't take the initiative to let Qingyun see how powerful she was.

Seeing that Taotu and Tina did not move for a long time, Qingyun was not in a hurry, but continued with a smile:

"Gion, Tina, you don't want me to go back and send all the marines who fell on the ice to see Akainu and Aokiji, right?"

Hearing this, Taotu and Tina were very angry, but helpless.

They knew that Qingyun was not joking and was really capable of doing such a thing.

They couldn't catch any of Nami and the others to threaten Qingyun.

Not to mention that they couldn't catch Nami and the others under Qingyun's nose.

Nami and the others alone, they couldn't catch them, and they might even be killed.

So they all knew that they couldn't refuse Qingyun.

Otherwise, Jonathan and the other marines would be in danger of their lives.

Although Taotu was reluctant, she still walked to the table, picked up the fan, posed, and began to dance for Qingyun.

At the same time, although Tina was extremely reluctant, she still walked towards Qingyun to let Qingyun see how powerful she was.……


Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

Marshal's Office

"Garp, you bastard, you made so much tea again!"

Zhan Guo saw that Garp had broken his lock while he was in the toilet, wasting the precious tea leaves he had locked up, and he shouted in pain.

"Hahaha, Zhan Guo, don't be so stingy."

"Come, I'll treat you to some senbei."

Garp learned his lesson this time, and laughed as he took out a piece of senbei and handed it to Sengoku.

"Am I a stingy person?"

"I can't stand you wasting things."

"Hurry up and bring them all to me."

Sengoku said angrily, and started to snatch the bag hidden behind Garp.

Garp would naturally not let Sengoku get what he wanted. The two of them started fighting on the spot.

Crane and Kizaru sat aside and watched this scene, and they were already used to it.

At this moment, Brannew ran into the office, panting heavily, and said in a panic:

"Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, Vice Admiral Tsuru, and Admiral Kizaru."

Noticing that Branny seemed a little sad, Tsuru and Kizaru immediately felt something was wrong.

"Is the good news finally here?"

Karp heard this and immediately took the opportunity to push Zhan Guo away.

Zhan Guo had no choice but to look at Brannew and asked:

"Did Akainu and Aokiji send the report?"

"No, it was Lieutenant General Jonathan who sent a report saying...……"

Brannew was very sad, tears welled up in his eyes, and he hesitated for a long time, not saying what Jonathan reported.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo and Garp also realized that something was wrong, and immediately asked anxiously:

"Come on, tell me what Jonathan said."

Branniu took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Lieutenant General Jonathan said that Admiral Akainu and Admiral Aokiji had all been killed by Qingyun"

"Qingyun is not only the user of the Thunder Fruit, but also has the ability to petrify"

"And after Qingyun killed Admiral Akainu, he also gained the ability of Magma Fruit"

"It is speculated that Qingyun should have the ability to kill the devil fruit user and then take away his devil fruit."

"In order to protect the surviving navy, Admiral Taotu and Colonel Tina were forced to agree to board Qingyun's ship."

"In addition to Lady Xia Lulia, the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, and the others who were coerced and lured onto the ship by Qingyun, all chose to stand on Qingyun's side."

"He also helped Qingyun defeat all the navy except Admiral Akainu and Admiral Aokiji."

"And many of them are devil fruit users."

"One of them is also a user of the Thunder Fruit."

"How is this possible?!"

After hearing Brannew's report, Sengoku, Garp, Crane and Kizaru were all stunned and stunned. They felt extremely unbelievable.

But they all knew that Jonathan could not lie, this was all true.

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