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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“I didn’t expect this small island to rise! ” When I came to the original coast, the place below which was submerged by the sea has already been exposed to the sea today.
Thinking of the risk of himself and others going down yesterday, Reina had the urge to hit the wall.
” Let’s go, let’s help too! ” Olvia couldn’t wait to see that many ruins were fully presented.
Compared with treasures, she cares more about the records in those ruins.
” Are you feeling better? ” Whitebeard was instructing the crew to carry out the excavation work. Seeing Reina and the others coming over, he asked with a smile.
” It’s not a serious problem anymore, it’s just some sequelae of losing strength. I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it with people these days! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
He didn’t forget that what happened to the Warring States and Zefa before, maybe the navy will come here.
Whitebeard nodded, and asked Olvia to carry the excavated part with text and murals.
” Thank you, Dad, according to my guess, the treasure should be in the ruins in the center! ” Although Olvia immediately wanted to see those things, she didn’t forget the purpose of her coming here, so she pointed not far The highest ruins, said.
” Don’t worry, it’s still being cleaned up there, and you can’t get in for the time being! ” Whitebeard waved his hand, indicating that Olvia should not care about himself and others!
Unlike Olvia, Lakyo and others rushed over after learning that the ruins might contain treasures. It is unknown how long the island’s ascent will last, so the sooner you get the treasures, the better.
” Boom …”
Not long after, when Olvia was still rubbing the contents of the ruins around, the largest ruin in the center had been dug up by the crew.
” Go, go in and see what’s inside! ” Reina led the team every time for treasure hunts, but this time Reina was seriously injured, so Whitebeard planned to go in himself.
” Please everyone … Carry these for me! ” Seeing that the central ruins were opened, Olvia immediately put down her work and asked the crew to carry her unfinished rubbings to the island. , she was afraid that the side would sink again at that time.
Reina originally wanted to follow in, but everyone stopped him. In desperation, he had to call Yoyo nearby, just in case.
” Why haven’t you come out yet? ” After more than half a day, Reina, who was waiting outside, became a little anxious.
” Deputy captain, don’t worry, there will be no problem with Dad! ” a crew member said with a smile.
” Most of the people who go in are capable people. Once the island starts to sink, it will be troublesome! ” Reina shook his head and frowned.
In addition to Whitebeard, the people who entered this time, Marco, Joz, Bista, Saatchi, Lakeyo and others also followed.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …” At this moment, the phone bug on Reina suddenly rang, causing an ominous premonition in his heart.
It would be really bad if the navy came at this time.
” It’s me! ” Reina answered the phone bug and said in a deep voice.
” Oh ~ it’s Reina! Is it over on your side? ” Dr. Sière’s voice came from the phone bug.
” Not yet, eldest brother brought someone in, and I was guarding outside! Did something happen? ” Reina asked calmly.
” It’s not a big deal. Do you remember feeding a strange fish on an empty island before? ” Dr. Ahsie asked in a strange tone.
” Huh? ” Rainer recalled, as if he remembered something like this, so he nodded and asked, ” Is that so? That fish died? ”
” That’s not true. That fish doesn’t know what’s going on recently, and it reproduces very quickly! The ponds we dug are not enough to support so much! ” Dr. Ahsie said, gulping.
” Ah? ” Reina was taken aback for a moment, he thought it was the navy calling, but it turned out to be just that.
” If it’s too much, get some and eat it! ” Reina replied directly.
” But … now we can’t catch it at all! ” said Dr. Sière mournfully.
” Why? ” This made Reina a little strange. With such a big pool, how many fish can’t be caught?
“I don’t know what’s going on. The large beasts kept on the island are actually surrounding the pool, so the breeders here don’t dare to approach there! I suspect that the fish tastes good, so I put the large beasts in the pool. The beasts are attracted! ”
” Damn! There is such a thing? ” Reina was a little stunned, but he didn’t expect such a food chain to appear on the empty island.
” Let’s do it! When Big Brother and the others come out, I will ask Lak to invite them up and kill some large beasts and strange fish. Let’s have a banquet tonight to celebrate! ”
After Reina finished speaking, before Dr. Sière answered, he heard cheers from the other side.
At this time, Reina came back to her senses.
Most of the crew members are now on the empty island. Although there is no captain-level combat power, even ordinary combatants have absolutely no problem dealing with some large beasts.
Then the reason why they called … It is very likely that they are greedy for the strange fish in the big pond!
After he figured it out, Reina let out a laugh. Yes, Dr. Sière said, ” Let those bastards choose the ingredients themselves, but don’t cut off the race for me! ”
Sure enough, after receiving Reina’s promise, the cheers over there grew louder.
After hanging up the phone bug, Reina looked at the ruins in the center, and there was still no response, which made him a little worried.
” Deputy captain … Shall I go in and take a look? ” A crew member seemed to see Reina’s concern and got up and said.
” You go in to find death? If Big Brother and the others are in danger inside and have a chance to survive, do you think you can go in or come out? ” Reina shook his head and refused.
In desperation, Reina had to find something for himself to do, while finishing today’s work hours, while waiting for the return of Whitebeard and others.
After something was done, he finally didn’t worry so much.
At the same time, the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando.
” Marshal, what happened to call me back in such a hurry? ” Warring States came to Marshal Kong’s office and asked.
” That’s right, the Golden Lion’s Flying Sky Pirates have been making big moves recently. They have absorbed a lot of pirates and formed a huge pirate fleet – the Golden Lion Pirates Fleet! ” Sora knocked on the table, The core is the golden lion Shiki’s reward.
” How could this be? ” Warring States asked with a frown.
Recently, he has been chasing the Whitebeard Pirates, so he didn’t pay much attention to the movements of the Golden Lion.
” The three most powerful pirates in the ocean right now are the Roger Pirates, the Golden Lion’s Flying Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates! Roger has Garp there, so there will be no problem. But now the Flying Pirates have shown a momentum that surpasses the other two pirates, so we need to pay special attention to him recently! ” Marshal Kong said seriously.
” I understand, I will pay special attention to him! ” Warring States nodded and said.
” In addition … there are two pirates who need to pay attention! ” Marshal Kong took out two more bounty orders and said.
” Charlotte Lingling? Beast Kaido? ” Warring States was taken aback by the high bounty on the reward order.
He remembered that it didn’t seem that the two of them formed the pirate group for a long time, but the bounty actually increased so fast?
” Both of them are crew members of the man from the past, so they need to pay special attention, especially if they have any friendship with Whitebeard and Shikey! ” Marshal Kong clicked on the reward order for the two of them, full of melancholy said.
” This … I know, I will pay attention! ” Warring States hesitated for a while, but nodded and replied.
Originally, he wanted to say that there was no unity on the Rocks ship. After the disbandment of the Rocks Pirates, their crew members all started to see it.
But he thought of Reina and Whitebeard, who are also members of the Rocks Pirates, and are on the same boat now, and when he dealt with the Golden Lion last time, he seemed to have heard him talk about Reina.
Somewhere on an island in the New World, a large group of pirates are having a revelry.
On the high platform in the center, the golden lion Shi Ke was laughing while watching the lively scene below with a cigar in his mouth.
With the size of his current pirate fleet, let alone the Whitebeard Pirates, even the average navy would shy away from him when he encountered him.
” Puzi puff …” There was a sound like a fart, and Shi Ji turned his head to look, it was his right-hand deputy Indigo, the combatant on the ship was also a ship doctor and a scientist at the same time.
” Kalekal … Captain, our strength is growing very fast. Did you make some noise to tell the world that our Golden Lion fleet is the strongest pirate group? ” Indigo was doing something Funny action, asked with a smile.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Indigo, now is not the time! Just wait, there will be someone worthy of our shot soon! ” Golden Lion Shiki seemed to be thinking about something, and said with a big laugh.
” By the way, Captain, do you still have that kind of wine from last time? It’s rare to have a banquet today, why don’t you bring out some? ” Indigo rubbed his hands and said with a smile.
Shi Ke, who was still smiling just now, put away his smile and said, ” Indigo, don’t pay attention to that kind of wine, I don’t have much of that stuff, this is the last time I got it from Whitebeard. Come on a little! ”
” Oh? Whitebeard? The guy called the monster? ”
” That’s right, that guy is really powerful, but that kind of wine is not his! It’s his vice-captain, Chi Tong Reina, who can make it! It’s very precious! ” Golden Lion nodded and said with a look of longing.
His memory also went back to when he was still in the Rocks Pirates, but soon, he came back to his senses, and once again told Indigo not to pay attention to that fine wine.
Just when the golden lion was nostalgic for Reina wine, he did not know that Reina was quietly exchanging wine from the system at this time.
His demand for baijiu is already very large, and even the system’s shopping malls have been specially updated with special packages of ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred pounds.
This time, in order to be worthy of the ingredients on the sky island, Reina deliberately spent 420 points from the system to exchange 100 catties of liquor, but he did not take it all out, but stored it in the inventory.

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