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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hello everyone, I’m the curator of the O’Hara library! I wonder why you came to our O’Hara? ” Dr. Kuroha immediately stepped forward to ask when the pirates landed.
“The curator? What? Tell your mayor to come here! ” The pirate captain said with a disdainful expression.
” As a gathering place for world-renowned historians, we in O’Hara have only the librarian, not the mayor! You can also regard me as the mayor! ” Dr. Kuroha replied without being humble or arrogant.
” Really? I don’t care who you are! Hand over your treasures, I can consider letting you go! Otherwise … do n’t blame us for being cruel! ” The pirate captain said with a strange smile.
” Mr. Captain, we are all scholars, so we don’t have any treasures. Some of them are cultural relics related to history! If you are short of supplies, we can send you some sailing supplies for your safety. What if you don’t know? Dr. Kuroha shook his head and said calmly.
Usually, it is not that no pirates pass through O’Hara. Although it is a place where world-renowned scholars gather, it is indeed not a place of wealth, so pirates rarely use knives or guns when they come here.
Secondly, it is precisely because of O’Hara’s name, so ordinary pirates really don’t come here to make trouble, because the Navy branch is not far from here. Once something happens here, the Navy can come to support immediately. .
” Materials? Is what I just said not clear enough? What I want is treasure! Do you know what treasure is? Gold and jewelry are fine! Don’t think I don’t know, you archaeologists have dug countless treasures all over the world, If you don’t take it out today, you will all die for me! ” The pirate captain roared with a ferocious expression.
” I think you really misunderstood! Our scholars in O’Hara are only doing their studies in O’Hara, not going out to hunt for treasures! ” Dr. Kuroha was surprised, thinking that their search for historical texts had failed.
” It’s useless to talk too much! Little ones, find it for me … Those who dare to stop, kill without mercy! ” The pirate captain didn’t want to talk more with Dr. Kuroha at all, and let the pirates do it directly.
” What do you want to do? O’Hara is not a place where you can run wild. This is the land of scholars and the largest and most complete library in the world! If you mess around, you will definitely be wanted by the Navy! ”
” That’s right, everyone, don’t be afraid, they must not be allowed to destroy cultural relics! ”
The middle-aged scholars around took out their weapons and shouted loudly.
” Hahaha … Just because you want to stop me? ” Looking at the scholars holding wooden sticks and harpoons, the pirate captain laughed and waved his hand, causing the pirates to kill them directly.
” Stop! ” As soon as the battle started, Reina fell from the sky holding Olvia.
” Olvia! Reina! ”
” Thank goodness you are finally here! ”
When the scholars saw Reina appear, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but they knew Reina’s identity.
” Who are you? ” Seeing Reina falling from the sky, the pirate captain asked cautiously.
Reina first helped Dr. Kuroha, who had been knocked down to the ground, and looked at many middle-aged scholars who had fallen to the ground, groaning in pain, and then said to the pirate captain: ” Leave the supplies on your ship. Get out of here with the treasure, I will save your life, otherwise … you don’t have to leave today! ”
” Young people are so big, it’s up to you? ” Although Reina’s appearance was a bit shocking, the pirates were not frightened and did not buy Reina’s account at all.
” Since that’s the case … then you all stay! ” Reina’s words fell, and the man disappeared from the spot and rushed directly into the pirate group.
” Boom bang bang …”
In less than a minute, all the pirates around, except the pirate captain, fell to the ground.
” You … you … who are you? ” the pirate captain asked with trembling fingers, pointing at Reina.
” Red pupil … Reina! ”
” Chitong Reina? ” The pirate captain didn’t remember who Chitong Reina was for a while, but just stared at Reina in a daze, even forgetting to escape.
” Go to hell to repent of your crimes! ” Reina took out the ice wheel pill and walked slowly to the pirate captain.
” No … no … do n’t kill me! I was wrong, all my treasures are given to you, don’t kill me! ” Seeing this, the pirate captain remembered that he should run away, so he shouted loudly as he ran.
” Reina … Wait! ” Olvia suddenly shouted when Reina’s blade had stopped on the neck of Captain Pirate.
” What? ” Reina looked over, he didn’t understand why Olvia stopped him.
” Don’t kill people in O’Hara! ” Olvia said, shaking her head.
” Humph! You are lucky, you’ll get back a dog’s life! Go away, and when you see O’Hara’s scholars in the future, stay away from me by three feet, or be careful of your head … and let me know! Hara belongs to the territory of our Whitebeard Pirates! All pirates who dare to come to O’Hara to loot are to declare war on our Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina retracted the knife and snorted coldly.
” White … Whitebeard Pirates? ” The pirate captain didn’t seem to have reacted, Whitebeard Pirates? Which Whitebeard Pirates?
But at this time, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, Reina with red pupils … The deputy head of the Whitebeard Pirates, the big pirate with a bounty of 830 million Berry?
Does O’Hara have anything to do with the Whitebeard Pirates? Otherwise, why would this great pirate who should be all-powerful on the great route appear here?
The pirate captain found that his head was not enough, but he did not dare to speak out, for fear that the other party would regret it.
Looking at the pirates who were rolling away, Reina went to his boat, hoisted the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates at the port, and said to Olvia and Dr. Kuroha:
” Sorry, I’m making my own decisions, but with this flag, there should be less trouble! If the navy asks, you will say that we attacked here and charged you for protection! This way the navy will not embarrass you. now! ”
Olvia shook her head and said, ” Thank you! Will this trouble you? ”
She knew why Reina did this. It was just because of her. Otherwise, the Whitebeard Pirates who could stir up the situation on the great route would have no need to leave their flag in this corner of the West Sea.
” It’s okay! After killing a few pirate groups who dare to offend, there should be no problems here! Now just relying on a flag is not enough to completely solve the problem, some pirates may not believe it. The authenticity of the flag! ” Reina said with a slight smile, shaking her head.
Kuroha also came over and bowed his thanks, “I ‘m really bothering you! ”
He also understood what the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates represented. If it wasn’t for Olvia’s relationship, Reina would never have left the flag behind, because it represented a responsibility.
Reina smiled and didn’t say anything, he really deserved this thank you.
Unlike Olvia’s thanks, she and Reina are her own. Even if Whitebeard is here, Olvia will not be grateful, but Dr. Kuroha is different. He represents Austria. Harrah.
” Huh? ” Just when Reina was about to return to the Tree of Omniscience with Olvia, he suddenly saw Olvia’s younger brother and his wife not far away, as well as the child they were holding in their hands.
” What’s the matter? ” Olvia followed Reina’s gaze and saw her brother and sister-in-law, Robin and another baby girl they were holding, her face changed immediately.
” Olvia, isn’t that your brother’s family? When did they have a baby? I didn’t prepare a present either! ” Reina touched the back of his head and said embarrassedly.
Reina at this time is completely different from Reina who killed the Quartet just now, like a god of war, and looks a bit simple and honest.
” Pfft! It doesn’t matter, they won’t mind! ” Seeing Reina’s appearance, Olvia couldn’t help laughing. She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but she still had a different emotion in her heart. Make her a little unclear.
” Let’s go, let’s go over and say hello! ” Reina took Olvia’s hand and walked towards her brother’s family.
Although Olvia was a little nervous, she didn’t know why she walked over with Reina.
” Is this your child? It’s really cute, what’s the name? ” Rayner came to Nicole Mathew and asked with a smile.
” This … This is our children Olinka and Robin! ” Matthew said in a frightened tone facing Reina.
” Robin? Nicole Robin ? What a nice name! ” Reina was stunned and looked at one of the baby girls. He actually heard Nicole Robin ‘s name, and she seemed to vaguely see the name. Shadow of future Robin.
Reina’s attention to Robin made several people present raised their hearts, especially Olivia, who felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts.
” Okay, let’s go! Reina, thank you very much this time, I still have some good tea there, let’s try it together! ” Dr. Kuroha on the side said in cold sweat.
” Eh? That’s fine! But Doctor, aren’t you being too kind? If I don’t come out to help O’Hara, you’d be reluctant to take it out? ” Reina said with a smile.
Just before leaving, he deliberately glanced at the baby girl named Robin and sighed at the magic of fate.
Although there was no Olivia as a mother, Nicole Robin appeared normally, and he believed that she was the future child of the devil … Nicole Robin .
However, with him here this time, he will definitely stop O’Hara’s tragedy with all his strength. As for whether it can change Robin’s fate, he doesn’t care.
” Why do you care so much about that kid named Robin? ” Olvia couldn’t help asking on the way to the Tree of Omniscience.
” Do you care? No? I just feel that I have a relationship with that child. The first time I met her, I felt that I might have an intersection with her in the future! ” Reina smiled and said mysteriously.
What he means is that if Robin’s fate is still the same, then as the protagonist of this world, it will definitely intersect with him.
But it was different in Olvia’s ears, and she was a little shocked.
” Is this the so-called blood is thicker than water? Obviously I don’t know anything, but did I feel it when I first met? ” Olvia’s heart was moved, and there was even an urge to tell Reina immediately.
But when she thought of the consequences after Reina knew, she had to suppress the impulse in her heart.
She knew Reina. If Reina knew that Robin was her daughter, she would be overjoyed. She would either bring their mother and daughter to the Whitebeard ship to live together, or leave the Whitebeard Pirates and stay in Austria incognito. Hala takes care of them both.
But none of this was what Olvia wanted, so she had to hide Reina.
” By the way, Olvia, if you can, take care of your brother’s family, especially Robin! Trust me … I do n’t feel wrong! ” Brainstorming in the brain, Reina also mysteriously told Olvia.
” Rest assured, I will take good care of Robin! ” Olvia said with her head lowered.
” By the way, what do you think our children will be called in the future? In fact, the name Robin is still very good, but it’s a pity that it was preempted! ” Reina smiled and said with a pity.
Olvia didn’t speak, but tears of happiness had already shed in her heart. She seemed to underestimate Reina’s love for children. At this time, she was also shaken, and seemed to give up those dreams and took Robin and Reina with her. Living together … has become more important.

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