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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” In other words, you kidnapped a major admiral from a branch of the navy this time? ” When Rayner returned to the ship, he told Whitebeard what happened in the West Sea.
” That’s right! And we left our flag in O’Hara! ” Reina nodded and said a little embarrassedly.
After all, he represents the entire Whitebeard Pirates outside, not himself.
” Gu la la la la … Do it, just do it, the major general of the district division is a piece of shit! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
This is how he is. His family is the most important thing, and the rest is not a problem.
In the past, Reina abide by his own responsibility and rarely do such outrageous things. While making people feel at ease, he also feels a little distance from everyone, because only you have always helped others, but no one has helped you, which will make everyone feel unwilling. I’ll trouble you again.
It is family and friends who help each other.
” Hahaha … Well done, it’s just a mere naval branch. If you dare to attack O’Hara, you will level them! ”
” That’s right, it’s rare that the vice-captain needs our help. I didn’t say anything this time, vice-captain, when are we going? ”
On the way back, Reina was still a little worried. After all, this time he was doing his own private affairs under the banner of the Pirates. Unexpectedly, the crew members were more excited than him when they found out.
” In the past, it was the third younger brother who was in charge of the peace, and the second elder brother had no excuse for this matter! ” Some words that Oden had learned from where he did not know, were actually spoken by him in a gangster manner.
” Everyone … Now the Navy has not taken action against O’Hara, and we don’t have to be so aggressive. In short, now we need to wait and see how the Navy acts! ” Reina was moved and said helplessly.
” You met that bastard Karp when you said it back? Then it’s fine, that guy might just go to the scene, he won’t mess around! ” Whitebeard knew that when Reina met Karp when he came back, he knew This is the end of it.
Just as Reina expected before, just visit by chance to see if any pirates in the West Sea offend their pirate flag. As for the navy, don’t worry.
Just as Whitebeard had guessed, when Garp learned that Major General Meck had ordered the firing of the civilians, Rayner’s killing intent was aroused.
” Oh? A bounty of more than 500 million? I didn’t expect Xihai to have such people, let’s go … Let’s meet them! It can be regarded as an eye-opener for these recruits! ” Garp, who was wandering around, let the entire Xihai sea The world of thieves is in turmoil, especially after hearing that there are more than 500 million big pirates in the West Sea, they are even more happy.
As the chief instructor of the navy recruit battalion, Zefa has sent two outstanding naval officers to the navy. The first class of Sakaski and Polusalino are even more powerful, and they are currently fighting for gold with the Warring States Period. Lion Squirrel.
As a senior lieutenant general of the navy, Garp was naturally assigned some outstanding recruits, and many of the mainstays of the navy in the future were all on the Garp ship at this time.
” Sir, we can’t just go over like this! Although Qingjiao is a pirate secretly, he is the pillar of the Eight Treasures of the Flower Country, and he has an official status! ” Adjutant Pocato said helplessly.
” It’s really troublesome, go find out his location first, and wait until someone catches it! ” Garp waved his hand impatiently and said.
” Mr. Karp is really the same as the rumor! ” Like Karp, Dalmesia, wearing a dog-headed hat, said with a little admiration.
” But the other party has an official identity, so they can’t be arbitrarily arrested, right? Otherwise, the king of the Flower Country will definitely go to the World Government to protest! ” Mole, who was a classmate with Dalmesia, said after thinking.
” Hmph ~ Even though he is a big pirate with a bounty of more than 500 million, but he is protected by the World Government like this, it is really annoying! That’s why I think that Mr. Karp is the true admiral of justice! ” Dalmesia pouted and said verb: move.
Just as Garp was heading towards the Land of Flowers with his headquarters’ navy, Olvia in O’Hara finally agreed to take care of Robin himself.
But she also agreed with Dr. Kuroha that when Robin is one year old, she must set off with the expedition to find the historical text, because this is her biggest dream.
Rayner, who was still on the Great Route, didn’t know that O’Hara, because of his relationship, formed the ” Historical Text ” expedition several years earlier than the original book.
And he always thought that O’Hara and Olvia had obeyed his advice and didn’t touch the text of history, that is, the blank 100-year history, so he was very relieved about O’Hara.
At the same time, the agents of the World Government also came to the West Sea to investigate because Reina frequently entered and exited the West Sea. Their first stop was O’Hara.
And Reina, who has the support of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, is heading towards O’Hara in the West Sea again, in order to confirm that there is no problem with O’Hara.
But this time, because of the orientation problem, when Reina crossed the windless belt, he encountered a small island.
Seeing the huge two characters in the center of the island, he knew that he had come to the Nine Snake Island, the country of his daughter, by accident.
“I don’t know if the future Empress is born now! ” Looking at Nine Snake Island not far away, Reina muttered.
But it didn’t pass, and now he needs to go to confirm whether O’Hara has a problem.
Reyna didn’t tell O’Hara when he arrived at O’Hara, so when he pushed open the door, he was full of surprise to see Olvia teasing Robin in his arms.
” You … why are you here again? ” Olvia asked in horror, Robin in her arms didn’t know whether to put it down or continue to hold it.
” Huh? You’re not happy when I’m here? ” Reina pretended to be angry and said, ” Little guy, you’re sleeping very deeply! Why did you bring Robin over? She was so young, she should be more obsessed with her mother, right? ”
” That … Matthew and the others are busy today and can’t take care of them, so I’ll help them take care of Robin! ” Olvia asked calmly when she heard Reina’s question.
” Little Robin is so cute!? Shall we have one too? ” Reina laughed and said deliberately.
Because he thought that Olvia’s abnormality was because she also wanted to have one.
Olvia’s face flushed, she knew that Reina had misunderstood, but it also gave her a quiet sigh of relief.
” Did you go back and discuss it with Dad? Dad didn’t say anything, right? ” Olvia quietly changed the subject.
” Well, Dad said, the Whitebeard Pirates are our backing, let’s not worry! ” Sure enough, Reina didn’t pay attention at all, and was successfully taken away by Olvia.
Next, Reina stayed in O’Hara for a few more days, and after finding that neither the navy nor the pirates came over, he was about to leave.
But just as he was about to leave, he heard that the pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy in the Land of Flowers, the great pirate with a bounty of more than 500 million, the top powerhouse known as the Green Pepper of the Cone, was punched by the naval hero Karp beat.
” Tsk tsk tsk … It’s not bad that he is a monster-level powerhouse, Karp’s strength has really reached its peak! ” Reina shook his head and said with emotion.
” Navy hero Karp? He’s very powerful?! ” Olvia looked at Reina and asked.
” He should be the top powerhouse in this world! The only ones who can really compete with him are Roger, Shiki the Golden Lion, and the powerhouses like Big Brother! ” Reina nodded and said, ” Although He’s in the navy, but don’t be afraid if you see him, he’s the kind of true righteous man! ”
” What am I afraid of? I’m not a pirate! But since he is in the West Sea, you should be careful and leave early! ” Olvia said with a little worry.
Rayner didn’t tell her that the last time he went back, he met Karp.
” Okay! ” Reina kissed Olvia before leaving in his own special boat.
It’s just that he didn’t know that just as he and Olvia were saying goodbye at the port, a man in a black suit was quietly watching all this from a distance.
” So that’s the case … Red pupil Reina! That’s why the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates often comes to the West Sea! I have to report back quickly to see if I can use this news to design the Whitebeard Pirates once! ” Black The man in the suit turned and left after seeing Reina leaving.
After Olvia sent Reina away, she did not go home directly, but went to her brother’s house and brought Robin back.
But as soon as he entered the house, he found that there was an uninvited guest in the house.
” Who are you? Why are you coming to my house! ” Olvia hugged Robin and asked vigilantly.
” Nicole Olvia? ” the man in the suit asked softly , sitting on the sofa.
” It seems to be looking for me? Then tell me your purpose! ” Olvia took a deep breath and said.
” Very well, the World Government wants to invite you back as a guest. I wonder if Miss Olvia can cooperate? ” The man in black asked with a chuckle.
” World government? ” Olvia’s heart sank, and she squinted her eyes and said, ” I don’t know what you mean by taking me away? ”
Although O’Hara had only just begun to study the historical text, from the traces left behind, they also found some news, and understood why Rayner prevented them from touching the historical text.
” Miss Olvia, we don’t speak secretly, because of your relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, we invite you back, right? ” The man in black beckoned, and several people with the same body came in from outside the door. The man in black blocked Olvia’s back path.
” You … are you here for Reina!? ” Olvia was stunned for a moment. While worrying about Reina, she also breathed a sigh of relief. The other party didn’t know that they were studying historical texts.
It’s really too scary what Rayner said. If the world government knows they are studying historical texts, then the whole O’Hara will disappear. The price is too high for them to pay.
” That’s right, as long as you are caught, then you won’t be afraid that Reina won’t give in, but if you catch Reina, you can also use this to attack the Whitebeard Pirates! Maybe the entire Whitebeard Pirates can be wiped out in one fell swoop! ” The man in black seemed to be very proud, and he was not afraid that Olvia would know.
” You won’t succeed!! ” Olvia’s heart sank. If these World Government personnel were in front of her, she would not panic at all. With Reina’s strength, she could easily solve them.
But she knew that Garp, known as a naval hero, was in the West Sea at this time.
Reina also said before that Garp’s strength is the top group in the world. With Reina’s current strength, it is not Garp’s opponent who can fight with integrity, let alone be calculated by them.

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