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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” You should be able to guess that the three of us are not here for you! ” Warring States found a chair and said to Reina after sitting down.
” Of course, you are preventing my elder brother from attacking, right? But even so … is it too exaggerated to dispatch the three of you at once? ” Reina smiled and said.
He naturally knew that it was impossible for the Navy to make such a big move by himself.
” I’m not talking nonsense with you, my purpose is very simple! In recent years, there have been more and more pirates in the New World, and the navy’s power in the New World has also been compressed by you pirates, so now We don’t plan to fight Whitebeard to the death! ” Warring States said calmly.
” Then you want to let me go? That’s a good feeling! Don’t worry, I will let my big brother thank the Navy after I go back, and I will never pay your attention in the future! ” Reina said with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
” It’s impossible to let you go! But if you leave the Whitebeard Pirates at this time and join the Navy … then a war can still be avoided! You shouldn’t want us to really fight with the Whitebeard Pirates, right? At that time, our navy will be uncomfortable, but you Whitebeard Pirates will definitely not be able to please you! ” Zefa smiled and said.
” So that’s the case … So Your Excellency Zefa is here to be a lobbyist? ” Reina’s expression changed, and after a pause, he smiled again.
” I just don’t want to see you lose your life for this, and whether it’s our navy or the people of your Whitebeard Pirates, you and I are the ones that you and I care about. If it’s because of this ridiculous reason, there will be countless casualties … a bit too much . Funny! ” Zefa was silent for a while before speaking.
” Then why let me join the navy? Just let me go, isn’t it the same? ” Reina laughed and said.
” You know, it’s impossible! If you haven’t been caught by us, forget it! Now that you’ve been arrested, it’s impossible for us to release people like this! ” Warring States said in a deep voice.
” That is to say … I have no choice when you come today! Isn’t it? ” Reina figured out everything in an instant and said directly.
” That’s right, either you join the navy now … or … I’ll kill you here! ” Warring States said calmly: ” For a dead man, no matter how angry Whitebeard is, he won’t start a war, at most he will take revenge in the future. We are the navy! ”
” If that’s the case, then what else to say? Let’s do it! ” Reina smiled contemptuously. If the other party really wanted to kill him, why let Warring States and Zefa come together?
They just want to use Reina’s betrayal to attack the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as this matter is confirmed, the reputation of the navy will inevitably rise to a higher level.
Zefa looked at the Warring States. Before he came, he thought of the situation, and he also told the Warring States, but the Warring States did not take it seriously.
” I know you won’t want to, but … when you see that the Whitebeard Pirates are about to be destroyed, you may change your mind, but then it’s too late! ” Sengoku said with a slight smile.
” Your navy does have such ability, I have no doubts! But … can you afford such a huge loss? When the time comes, the rest of the pirates in the new world will directly uproot your power in the new world. Right!? ” Reina said with a smile.
” That’s right! You’re very smart, so I won’t talk nonsense with you! Join the navy … or I’ll immediately ask the marshal to issue a demon slaughter order against O’Hara for the reason of studying historical texts! ” Sengoku stared at Reina, speak up.
” Hahaha … What a Buddha Warring States! But … I still refuse! ” Reina glanced at Garp secretly, seeing that the other party’s face was not good, he knew that there should be no problem with the matter he asked him before. .
All he cares about is Olvia. The rest of O’Hara can save him if he can, and he won’t force it if he can’t be saved! He never considered himself a savior.
Now that Olvia has Garp to help, there will be no problem, so Reina won’t compromise because of O’Hara.
Seeing that his method didn’t work, Sengoku’s face finally changed, but he still didn’t say the words of using Olvia to threaten Reina, because the justice in his heart would not allow him to do that.
” I believe you will think about it carefully! ” After Warring States said, he turned and left.
When Karp and Zefa saw this, they also left.
” Navy …” After the door was closed again, Reina’s face darkened.
If he hadn’t agreed with Garp in advance, maybe he would have been threatened by the Warring States period, and in his heart, he didn’t want the Whitebeard Pirates to go to war with the Navy. With the current strength of the Whitebeard Pirates , there is no chance of winning against the Shanghai Navy.
Even if he can be rescued, the price to be paid is too great.
So what he can do now is to find a way to save himself before the conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy.
But with his current situation, let alone escape from Garp, Sengoku, and Zefa, it would be good to be able to break these chains!
As for what to do with the navy first and then run away … If it was only himself, he might still do it, but now he represents not only himself, but also the Whitebeard Pirates.
After Sengoku and others left, he had time to watch the day he fought with Garp, and got the full attendance package.
Yes, the time he fought with Garp that day was also counted as basic work time by the system, so he completed the full attendance check-in for the month, but he was in a coma at the time and didn’t know what the full attendance package was.
That day was also the last day he checked in, and these days on a Navy ship, his hours were zero.
Four years of consecutive sign-ins were interrupted, and that alone was enough to make Rayner hate the Navy.
After finding the record of the last day of last month, Reina saw at a glance what the full attendance package gave.
” Di … the 30th day of consecutive check -in … Today’s salary settlement …”
” You get base salary: 300 points ”
” Insufficient overtime hours and no overtime pay. ”
” Sign in for 30 consecutive days this month and get a full attendance package: Dimensional Storage Bar. ”
” Dimensional storage? ” Reina was stunned, and quickly opened his inventory, but did not find anything, and the number of his inventory had shrunk by more than half, from 64 to 24 .
After thinking about it, Reina carefully observed his inventory.
Sure enough, the original ” Item Bar (Universal) ” has directly become a ” Dimensional Storage Bar ” .
Dimensional storage column: It has a magical dimensional storage ability, which can store items from different dimensions.
Reina tried it out and found that in addition to the things exchanged in the mall, things that originally belonged to this world could actually be put into the storage box by him.
After making this discovery, Reina did several experiments and found that the iron chain tied to his body could actually be taken away by him, which made him have the idea of running away.
But at this time Garp, Sengoku and Zefa are all there, even if he breaks the cabin and jumps into the sea, he may not be able to escape.
That night, when Sengoku came to the room where Reina was imprisoned again, Reina’s attitude was much better, and the two even had some meaning to reach an agreement.
Sengoku didn’t want to let Reina go, and Reina didn’t want to join the navy. It was a dead end, but the two didn’t want the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates to go to war. It was the only point they could agree on.
But now it’s different. Reina has the possibility to escape, so it is natural to stabilize the navy, and at the same time, it is best for Whitebeard not to start a war.
So he proposed that he would not join the navy, but the navy would not execute him either.
For this reason, he was willing to write a letter to inform Whitebeard that the Whitebeard Pirates would not be able to rescue him by means of war.
Regarding this kind of request, in Zefa’s view, it was already a victory for the Navy, because not only did they capture Reina, but they also eliminated the worries of the Whitebeard Pirates.
But Sengoku was reluctant to agree, because in his opinion, Reina had absolutely no need to do this, unless he was sure that Whitebeard and the others could save Reina from the advancing city.
But no matter how he thought about it, he never thought of how the other party would break through the advancing city to rescue Reina, because once Reina reached the advancing city, even if Whitebeard started a war, the navy would not have the slightest fear.
” As I said, this is my greatest sincerity. If you still don’t agree, then execute me! ” Facing Zefa who came to persuade him, Reina said as a bachelor.
Zefa looked at Reina, who looked at death as if at home, and he also began to wonder, is this guy in front of him really the one who sacrificed himself to avoid war?
Although he didn’t believe it, the fact was in front of him. As long as he entered the advance city, it was impossible to get out.
But he didn’t know that, in Reina’s eyes, the advance city was fundamentally compared with Sengoku and Kapgarzefa. After he arrived at the advance city, it would be much easier to leave if he wanted to leave.
At the same time, an old acquaintance was also welcomed on board the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Newgate, it’s been a long time! ” The golden lion Shiji sat beside Whitebeard and said with a smile.
” Shi, if you’re just here to catch up, you can leave now! ” Whitebeard cast a glance at the golden lion, Shiki, and said solemnly.
” Hey ~ I finally came here once … It’s a pity that I can’t drink that delicious white wine, it’s a pity! ” Shi Ji smiled and said deliberately.
” Gu la la la … Shikey, if you talk nonsense, I will sink you to the bottom of the sea! That kid Reina has given you a lot of white bars all these years? He said it was to thank you for your care for him back then. I will send it to you every year! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” That’s right, although there aren’t many things! But that kid has a heart, he’s much better than you bastards! Either he’s trying to kill me, or he’s trying to grab Lao Tzu’s territory! So … what do you plan to do this time? How to do it? ” Shikey slowly put away his smile and asked Whitebeard.
” What? You’re going to Marivendo with me? ”
” Whitebeard, although you and I are powerful now, there is still no chance of winning a frontal battle against the Shanghai Navy! ”
” Then what else are you talking about? If you don’t have the guts, just watch it! ” Whitebeard smiled, picked up the wine gourd and took a sip.
Shiji the Golden Lion sniffed his nose and immediately smelled that the wine gourd was full of liquor.
Originally, he came this time to determine the time for Whitebeard to start. At that time, he could take the opportunity to cleanse the forces of the Navy, and he could also sell Whitebeard and Reina a face.
However, at this time, the Golden Lion Shiji suddenly changed his attention and said: ” I can do it if you want. After I rescue Reina this time, let him come and help me! The deputy admiral of my Golden Lion fleet has already given He’s ready! ”
” Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off … You bastard, you dare to hit my family’s idea, aren’t you afraid that I will sink you into the bottom of the sea? ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh after hearing this.

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