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” Go and see what’s going on? Why is the door of justice opened! ” Garp shouted towards Pocato not far behind.
” Yes! ” Pocato hesitated and replied.
Just now, the navy soldiers and the jailers of the advancing city were controlled by Rayner, and when they started to attack without distinction between you and me, it was he and Shiliu who were protecting the injured Magellan, and it was his handwriting that many of the navy and jailers around fainted.
Over there, Reina, who had already withdrawn from the state of the kaleidoscope writing wheel due to overuse, slowly stood up relying on Hirinmaru.
” Hahahaha …” Reina, who lowered his head, suddenly covered his eyes with one hand and laughed wildly, but this laughter made Garp feel an unprecedented heart palpitation.
In the distance, Whitebeard and others who had just passed through the Gate of Justice seemed to also feel the unusualness here, and they all began to be alert.
” Dad, it’s Reina, he’s confronting Garp! ” In the air, Marco landed panting and said towards Whitebeard.
He just found the hidden stronghold of the navy, opened the door of justice with the fastest speed, and let Whitebeard and others come in.
” Speed up, Reina’s situation is not right! Joz, send a signal to inform Reina that we are here! ” Whitebeard said with a heavy face.
He could feel that there was a powerful evil force on the side of the advancing city, and it seemed to be waking up.
” Let the world … feel the pain! Nine tails! ” Reina cut open the palm of his hand, and after the seal was formed, a palm printed on the ground.
” Bang! ”
A huge white fog rose, and a huge fox with nine tails appeared out of thin air.
” Huh? ” When Garp saw the huge fox, he stepped back in an intentional manner. He could feel the huge abyss-like energy from the other side’s body.
Moreover, this energy is extremely cold and cold, and it seems to contain countless negative emotions.
” Who is it? Summoned this uncle? ” When the nine tails appeared, he looked around, feeling a little inexplicable.
” It’s me! ”
” Huh? Those eyes … it’s really annoying! Are you a member of Uchiha’s clan? ” Kyuubi said immediately after seeing the kaleidoscope in Reina’s eyes.
” I don’t want to talk nonsense! Your mission is very simple, I don’t want to see a living person here! ” Reina pointed to the advancing city in front and said.
” Well ~ Although your eyes make people uncomfortable, but the way you do it is admirable! Then, for the sake of your summoning me, I will satisfy you once! ” It was filled with bloodthirsty light.
It was temporarily summoned by Reina with 50,000 points. In addition to the points, to summon Nine Tails, the host must have a kaleidoscope level or above, and the time is only ten minutes.
Originally, Reina would never do this kind of business, because it was too uneconomical, what could you do in ten minutes? He didn’t intend to slaughter the city, and it would be tasteless to call on the nine tails to help.
But the situation is different now. Reina is now full of revenge and killing, and the best way to achieve his goal is to summon the Nine-Tails, so Reina exchanged the Nine-Tails Summoning Scroll without any hesitation.
Originally, his points already had more than 90,000 points, and only less than 10,000 points could be exchanged for the special weapon super-evolution scroll, so that Hing Lun Wan could solve it.
But now not only has the continuous check-in been broken, but Olvia is also dead. Suddenly, Reina, who has no love for it, just wants revenge. Whether it is killing or destruction, he needs it. He needs to vent his anger.
” Nine tails … tailed beast jade! ” Reina pointed to the location of the advancing city and ordered directly.
” Boy, you don’t have the qualifications to order this uncle! ” Nine tails glanced at Reina and did not follow Reina’s orders.
At this time, Reina was not only physically exhausted, but his injuries were not minor. Being able to maintain the Shaker Eye to stun the Nine Tails was already an ability attached to the Summoning Scroll. As long as ten minutes arrived, he would definitely be forced to withdraw from the Shaker Eye state. .
Seeing through Reina’s true and false nine tails, he didn’t bother to pay attention to Reina. In addition to destroying it, it had more important things, that is, tonic. Human flesh and blood is its favorite. A tailed beast jade is nothing to throw out. there is none left? It also supplements a fart?
And Garp, who stood in front of him, gave it a faint sense of threat, making it not dare to be careless.
” Reina … Are you really going to destroy the world? Wake me up! ” Even Garp was quite apprehensive when facing the Nine-Tails. Although the Nine-Tails had just appeared and hadn’t launched an attack yet, he could feel it. to the strength of the opponent.
” Awake? I’m very awake now, Karp … Let you feel the pain in advance! Hahahaha …” Reina said with a big laugh.
I don’t know whether it was because Olvia’s death stimulated him, or because of the sudden awakening of the kaleidoscope Shaker, which filled Reina with an evil aura.
At this moment, the nine tails moved, and the huge body suddenly leaped forward at an incredible speed, and with one claws, the roof of the propelled city was lifted open, and the huge nine tails fluttered in the air, which looked a little graceful. .
” So fast! ” Garp turned around and saw Nine Tails waving his claws. He immediately shouted at the navy soldiers and jailers behind him: ” Everyone, evacuate immediately! ”
When the words fell, he took a step and rushed directly to the nine tails, but before he could get close, the nine tails of the nine tails attacked him.
” Iron Fist , Mountain Break! ” Garp, who was in the air, didn’t have time to dodge, and instead, he punched nine tails’ tail.
” Boom ~~~~~~”
Garp’s arm-covered fist and Nine-Tails’ tail made contact, creating a huge explosion of energy.
” Good … so strong! ”
Seeing the battle between one man and one fox, countless navy soldiers and jailers swallowed their saliva involuntarily.
At the same time that Garp was forced to fall, the tail of the nine tails also failed, and even its body was pulled back slightly due to the impact of Garp’s fist.
” Human … you got me interested! ” Kyuubi, who was planning to eat, suddenly turned his head to look at Garp, and while grinning, he grabbed Garp with a claw.
” Bastard! ” Garp didn’t step back, but his arms were directly covered with purple-black armament, and he punched Nine Tails’ claws with his fists.
Seeing Garp actually fighting him recklessly, Kyuubi showed a contemptuous smile.
But when the claws and fists came into contact, it was actually himself who was repelled, and even its huge body was repelled a certain distance, almost falling into the sea.
” Shoot! Don’t be afraid, with Lord Garp here, victory belongs to us! ” A sergeant, holding a pistol, aimed a shot at Ninetails.
” Bang bang bang …”
” Boom …”
Countless gunshots rang out, and Kyuubi didn’t bother to hide at all. All he cared about was Garp. Those bullets and shells couldn’t even penetrate its skin.
” Human, I’m going to get serious! ” Jiuweifu lowered his body and spread out his nine tails in a fan shape behind him, posing an attacking stance towards Garp.
It was also the first time that he had seen an existence that he could fight against. Even Konoha’s ninjas needed the help of ninjutsu to fight him. It was the first time he had dared to fight him like this.
And Garp is also very solemn. In the face of the powerful Nine-Tails, he did not dare to be careless. He met twice in a row. It seemed that he had the upper hand, but the opponent showed no signs of damage, which showed that his attack did not has an effect.
” Boom! ”
Garp and Nine-Tails acted at the same time. Every time the two made contact, there would be a huge collision of energy. The building on the ground in the advancing city was beaten to pieces by this man and a fox. Countless naval soldiers and the advancing city The jailer was affected.
” Dad, look, it’s really Reina! ” At this moment, Yoyo pulled the white beard and the others finally approached the push city.
” Reina! ” Whitebeard shouted when he saw Reina who was standing still.
Reina turned his head slowly, seeing the familiar faces such as Whitebeard, blood and tears were shed in the eyes of the kaleidoscope writing wheel.
” Reina! What’s wrong with you? ” Marko and the others were shocked. They could feel that Reina was in a very unstable state at this time.
” Marko, bring Reina here! ” Whitebeard said towards Marko, staring at the nine tails and Sengoku who were fighting.
” Yes! ” Marco nodded, just about to move, but Reina turned his head and looked at Jiuwei with his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and whispered: ” Kurama, Tailed Beast Jade! ”
Nine tails, who were fighting, suddenly heard his name, jumped away, and began to gather energy.
” Not good! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard’s expression changed immediately.
Garp over there was also stunned, and rushed over to stop the nine tails.
However, the nine tails retreated while gathering energy, then jumped and retreated into the air.
” Oops! ” Knowing that he couldn’t catch up, Garp posed for the Nine-Tails attack.
” Kacha … Kacha …” Whitebeard, standing on the bow of the small whale boat, didn’t have time to say anything, and punched the air in front of him, the space seemed to be shattered by him.
” Boom! ”
The tailed beast jade had just formed, and just as Jiuwei was about to release, his body seemed to be hit by something, knocking it over, and the tailed beast jade originally facing the city also deviates.
” Whitebeard …” Seeing this scene, Garp quietly let out a sigh of relief.
However, although the tailed beast jade launched by the nine tails deviates from the direction, it still flew towards Garp. If he avoided it, the advance city would still be affected.
Before he had time to think about it, after Garp covered the armed color, he stood on the spot, on one side of his body, directly hit the side of the tail beast jade with his palms, wanting to completely change the direction of the tail beast jade.
” Ah ~~~~~~” After Karp came into contact with the tailed beast jade, all the muscles and meridians in his body bulged, and the purple-black armed color unexpectedly showed a golden light.
” Get out of here … !! ”
” Boom …”
Garp tried his best to finally hit the tailed beast jade.
The huge tailed beast jade exploded on the sea in the distance, and the waves raised not only nearly overturned the small whale boat, but also poured a lot of seawater into the city that was already tattered.

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