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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the surprised Roger, Whitebeard smiled slightly and shouted to Reina not far away: ” Reina, come here, you kid! ”
” Brother, what’s the matter? Could it be that Captain Roger made some embarrassing requests? ” Rayner yawned and walked over slowly. He was just trying to figure out how to flick the hat on Shanks’ head!
” It’s this guy who told me. He may have a lot of information you want to know, but it’s up to you to let him tell you! ” Whitebeard said to Roger with his mouth towards Reina Nunu.
” Oh? You know the news we want? ” Rayleigh, who came with Reina, immediately asked Reina when he heard Whitebeard’s words.
” What do you want to know? Let me see what price you can pay! ” Reina said lazily, sitting on the ground.
Roger took a deep breath first, picked up the rubbing of the historical text in his hand, and said, ” After we arrived at the Mercury Island, we found that it was not the last island. It is written on the four red stones, and that is what is written on them! ”
” But this kind of text is a historical text that has been banned by the world government for a long time. I thought it was just an ordinary historical heritage, but it has become an indispensable map for us! ”
Roger said, looked at Reina, and when he saw that Reina didn’t respond, he continued: ” That is to say, the world government is actually not willing to let us go there, but the more this is, the more it proves that the rumor is true. Yes , that big secret treasure … is real! If … if I can find it, then we are the world’s number one pirate group … and I am … One Piece! ”
” Clam? ” Both Whitebeard and Oden were surprised by Roger’s words, but Reina wasn’t too surprised because he knew it for a long time.
Seeing Rayner who wasn’t surprised at all, Roger asked curiously, ” Newgate said you knew about it too? ”
” Yes, and I also know where the four red road sign texts are! ” Reiner nodded and said, “The question is why should I tell you? ”
Roger was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect Reina to know the next way of the four road sign texts. This was the news that made him extremely happy. As for Reina’s last sentence, he subconsciously filtered it directly.
Rayleigh, who was on the side, did not expect that Reina actually knew the news they were looking for, so the eyes he looked at Reina were a little different.
” In other words, you can also decipher these words? ” Roger asked, looking at Rayner.
Reina shook his head and said, ” I can’t decipher these words. As far as I know, only the Kozuki clan of Wano country know, because these words … they were originally engraved! ”
” What? ” Reina’s words surprised several people again, including Oden, who didn’t know this kind of thing.
” You mean … these things were made by my ancestors? ” Oden asked in surprise.
” That’s right, and to be honest, about the final island … it’s too early to go now ! ” Reina said after thinking about it .
This sentence is what Roger said after he arrived at the final island. As for why, Reyna doesn’t know, it should be what he saw on the final island, but this does not prevent him from being a big boss at this moment. where B is installed .
At the same time, when Mrs. Toki sent Momanosuke to the future, she chose twenty years later because she knew something from Oden.
Later, after Oden returned to Wano Country, she also told Tian Shiyue that the purpose of her coming here should be for that person in the future.
Tian Shiyue did not deny it, but he was already Otian’s wife and mother of two children at that time, so he chose to be with Otian. As for what she was carrying, he had already found the answer in Otian.
This is also the reason why she did not go to the future with Momanosuke and others, but chose to stay and die with Oden.
When Reina finished speaking, not only Roger and Rayleigh looked at him in confusion, but also Whitebeard and Oden on the side looked at him in astonishment.
” Why is it too early? ” Roger asked in confusion.
” Because … you’ll know when you go! ” Reina smiled mysteriously and said.
The more you say, the more mistakes you make, so Reina won’t reveal too much uncertain news. The character he has created for himself now can occasionally predict the future, and he will use it in the future, so it can’t be destroyed. here.
” Huh ~” Roger took a deep breath, got up and said, ” You’re right, this trip, I’m going to go anyway! So … Newgate! Please, lend me Oden a little. Year! This is the biggest request of my life! With it, I can find the final island! ”
After saying that, he immediately knelt down.
His move not only startled Reina, but even Rayleigh next to him was startled.
” Please! Oden, come with us! It only takes a year! ” Roger pleaded towards Kozuki Oden.
” Don’t bow your head like this, it’s too ugly! ” Oda hurried over to help Roger, and said in a panic.
He never expected that a strong man like Roger would make such a move.
” It’s incredible! The captain knelt down to Whitebeard! ”
” Hey ~~ don’t be like this, Captain Roger, that’s the enemy! ”
The crew members not far away discovered the situation here and shouted at Roger.
At the same time, Roger’s words also angered Whitebeard. He has always regarded the crew as his family and will never agree to such a request from Roger.
” What are you kidding? Roger! Do you want to take away Lao Tzu’s family? ” Facing the angry Whitebeard, Reina just stepped forward to say something, but Oden spoke first.
” Bai Xiaoji … I want to go too, can you let me follow them? ” Oden didn’t know why he suddenly said this. When he said it, Whitebeard and Reina were a little bit incredulous. look at him.
Oden also felt a little embarrassed, and said softly: ” It’s not that I want to leave everyone, but I think … This is my mission to go to sea! Why did my ancestors leave such a secret message? Why did I meet Luo here? Jay? I feel my blood calling me! ”
Whitebeard said reluctantly, ” How can you go with the enemy? We are brothers who are righteous! ”
” Only one year! Please, Bai Xiaoji! ” Oden also helped Roger to beg for mercy.
There is no such thing as Whitebeard’s resignation, whether it is Oden or Roger, they will not force it, otherwise they will not be able to explain to Whitebeard.
In the end, Whitebeard still agreed that Oden would go on an adventure with Roger and the others, not because of Roger’s plea, but because Oden wanted to go.
” I really don’t need to tell you the location of the text of the four red road signs? ” Looking at the happy Roger, Reina asked with a smile.
” No! Although my time is very tight, if the meaning of exploration is lost, then I will have no interest in doing this! ” Roger decisively rejected Reina.
Reina slammed it, and felt a little bored. At first, he wanted to use this secret in exchange for the straw hat on Shanks’ head, but now it seems that people don’t like it at all.
” Hey ~ red-haired boy! ” Rayner stopped Shanks who was about to get on the boat.
” What’s the matter? ” Shanks looked a little dissatisfied when he faced the red-haired boy that Renner called him.
” Come here and talk to you about something! ” Rayner called Shanks to a place where no one was there, and then whispered: ” Remember, the four pieces of red road sign text your captain is looking for, one is in BIG·MOM In the hands of Charlotte Lingling of the Pirates , one piece is on the seabed of Fishman Island, the third piece is in the hands of the Kozuki clan of Wano Kingdom, and the last piece is in the hands of Uzo of the Fur clan!
I guess Inu Lan and Cat Viper will sneak onto your boat later, don’t drive them away, or you won’t be able to get the last text of the road sign! ”
Shanks was stunned, he didn’t understand why Rayner told him such important news.
” Your captain is a wooden fish head, although I also believe that he can find the text of the four road signs, but his time is running out! Just in case, I will tell you the whereabouts of the text of the four road signs, if you can find them normally , don’t tell him! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
” Thanks! ” Shanks said after being silent for a while.
” I wanted to exchange this news for the straw hat on your head, but seeing as you treasure it so much, I don’t want it from you! ” Reina said with a grin.
Shanks held the thatch in his hand, obviously a little tangled. He got such a big deal from others. If he didn’t return it, he would feel uneasy, but this was the precious straw hat that the captain gave him, and he didn’t want to give it to Reina.
” You don’t need to look embarrassed. You can return this favor to me in the future. You can keep the straw hat! But say it in advance! You are such a precious straw hat, since you won’t give it to me, you can’t give it to me. Someone else, if you give it to someone one day … I’ll take his head and straw hat and return it to you together! ” Reina said to Shanks with a smirk.
” Don’t worry, I won’t give the straw hat to anyone else! ” Shanks said firmly.
It’s just that he didn’t know that one day in the future, after he gave the straw hat to Luffy, he remembered Reina’s words when he was returning, which made him have the urge to bring the straw hat back. After all, Luffy was right. At that time, Reina had no chance of winning at all.
” Master Oden, I will stay here and wait for you to come back, I like this ship! ” Izo did not follow Oden to Roger’s ship, but chose to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates.
As for Cat Viper and Inu Lan, although they wanted to go, they were stopped.
” No problem, you are already pirates, you can live freely by yourself! ” Oden did not object to Izo’s decision, but was very happy.
” Dad, aren’t you going to see him off? ” Marco and the others sent Oden to Roger’s pirate ship, but Whitebeard was obviously still angry at this time, so he didn’t go there.
” Dad, Roger and the others left all the treasures and food as a thank you gift! ” Lakyo said excitedly, looking at the mountains of treasure.
” Bastards, bastards, hurry up and send me the food back, if the Otian family is starving, I can’t get around you! ” Whitebeard roared loudly when he heard that the crew actually accepted Roger’s food.
” Hee hee hee … What a mischievous guy! Even though he was reluctant to leave Oden, he put on such a posture! ” Reina said yin and yang angrily.
However, he did not find that a huge figure appeared behind him.
” Don’t ~ Big Brother ~ I was wrong! Let me go! ” Soon, Reina’s begging voice came from the island.

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