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Undersea, Fishman Island, Sea Forest.
” So … the country has been messed up recently because of that child’s language! ” Neptune will tell Roger and others about the prophecy of the girl Xia Li.
” Well ~ Isn’t this very good? You already know that your future child is a mermaid princess! ” Roger said with a smile.
” Wait! Nepton, we’re not here to hear your story! ” Jabba on the side was obviously concerned about the text of the road sign, so he didn’t want to say anything more to Nepton.
“On the stone tablet here is a letter of apology written by a man named Joey Boy! ” Oden said after looking at it carefully.
In fact, he has long known that there are historical texts here. The last time he came here with Whitebeard and others, Reina came here alone, and also mentioned the discovery of two historical texts here.
However, Otian didn’t know what these things represented at the beginning, so he didn’t come to take a closer look.
” So … the weapon that can drive the sea kings is also here? I remember that it is written like this in the historical text of the empty island! ” Roger asked curiously.
” Do you drive the sea kings? ” Nepton was stunned for a moment, and then said: ” The prophecy of Xiali made me shudder. In our country, it is said that every few hundred years, there will be a mermaid who can talk to the sea kings … … do you mean …”
” That is to say, your daughter is likely to be Poseidon, the sea king? That weapon capable of destroying the world? ” Roger asked with a sigh.
” It’s just a prophecy, and the use of power is different, and the results are different! ” Nipton already knew it in his heart, but he was his daughter after all, so he couldn’t help but defend.
After rubbing the text of the red road sign, a group of people left the Sea Forest and came to the Fishman Island Cafe where Xiali was located.
” Hey ~ Xiali, how long until the mermaid princess is born!? ” Roger found the little prophet Xiali with a smile and asked.
” Ten! ” Xiao Xiali stretched out her hands and said crisply.
” Ten? ” Roger was lost in thought when he heard the answer.
He remembered what Reina said before, saying that it was too early for him to go to the final island now, and the sea king, who now represents the three ancient weapons, will not be born until ten years later, what does this mean?
” It seems that it should be ten years later. Roger didn’t expect you to be interested in this kind of thing. I misread you! ” Neptune thought that Roger wanted to have the combat power of Aquaman, so he deliberately said.
” Those who call it a weapon have left huge treasures in this world, Neptune, our goal is only those treasures! ” Rayleigh explained with a smile.
” Hahahaha … So you can rest assured now? Your unborn, shaggy-haired daughter will not be taken away by us! ” Roger said with a big laugh.
” Bastard, how could my daughter have a shaggy head! ” Neptune roared angrily.
” Ahahaha …” Roger and the others laughed involuntarily.
” But by the way, have you seen that kid from the Whitebeard Pirates? I heard that he also has the ability to predict? ” Roger asked curiously.
” Isn’t there a guy here who understands his abilities better than me? ” Nepton said towards Oden Nunu.
Oden was silent for a while, and after looking at Tian Shiyue, he said: ” Reina’s ability is not a prophecy, according to what he said, his eyes are a bit special, and when he encounters some special people, he can pass That person, see some future happening to that person! ”
” Oh? There is such a thing. I don’t know if he saw anything when he saw me! ” Roger asked curiously: ” But what is the difference between this and prophecy? ”
” Of course there is a difference! ” At this time, Xiali, who was holding the crystal ball, suddenly said crisply: ” The future he sees is only one of countless futures, and it can be changed! But my prediction is unchangeable. Yes, what I predicted will happen! ”
” Yes, yes, Reina said that the future he saw may not happen, as long as you know the direction of things, you can change it! ” Oden nodded quickly.
” Huh? ” Roger and the others, including Neptune, didn’t understand what it meant.
” You guys are stupid! To put it simply, for example, I predicted that the gate of Fishman Island would break, and then it would definitely break at that time! Maybe it was your mistake that broke the gate, or maybe it was the failure of the Sea Kings. It’s normal, smash the gate! In short, I said it will definitely come true! Even if no one or creature is approaching, at that time, it will break itself! ”
” But the Rayner you’re talking about is different! The future he sees is controllable! For example, in King Neptune, he saw that he would break the gate in the afternoon, so at noon, he would King Neptune is arrested, then King Neptune can’t break the gate! ”
” But it’s not that simple to change this future! According to what I just said, he arrested King Neptune in advance, so that he couldn’t destroy the gate, but it was probably due to various other reasons, As a result, King Neptune would escape, and maybe even because of his pursuit, he accidentally broke the gate at that time! ”
Xiao Xiali said directly in one breath.
After listening to her words, not only Neptune and Roger fell into contemplation, but even Oden and Tian Shiyue glanced at each other, thinking of what Reina had said to them back then.
” Then that guy, can’t he avoid a lot of misfortunes? What a terrible ability! ” Shanks said after listening to it.
” So didn’t he say it? Only with certain people can he see some fragments of the future, and these fragments may not all be useful to him! ” Xiali pointed at Otian and said with a smile.
When everyone thought about it, yes, although they knew some future clips, if these people had no contact with Reina, then these clips would have no effect on Reina!
And according to Xiali, it is not so easy to change the future. It is probably because of your own actions that things happen to those fragments that have appeared.
Reina, who has this ability, really can’t tell whether it is lucky or unlucky. The feeling of knowing but not daring to touch it at will can sometimes make people very crazy.
When Oden followed Roger to travel around the world, the Whitebeard Pirates spent three days repairing them in place.
When the last day’s salary arrived, Reina’s points finally exceeded 100,000.
” Hey ~ it’s time to witness the miracle! ” Reina spent 100,000 points to redeem the special weapon super-evolution scroll from the mall, but he didn’t use it right away.
I still remember the last time when I first solved it, the first use of it would make the weapon involuntarily enter that state, so that’s why he let Whitebeard stay here for a few more days.
I got off the boat and came to the center of the island alone. The island is very quiet in the middle of the night. The animals on the island have been very clear about who is the boss these days. They will run away when they see these humans, so this time they will not Something came to disturb him.
” Then … let’s start! ” Reina used a special weapon, the Super Evolution Scroll, with excitement, and a blue light with golden light entered from Reina’s body into the ice wheel pill in her hand. Reina I felt the powerful energy contained in the ice wheel pill.
” What’s going on? ” At the same time, Whitebeard who was sleeping suddenly got up and opened his eyes to look in the direction of the island.
At the same time, the crew who were vigilant on the mast also discovered anomalies on the island.
” What’s going on? Why does such a powerful energy appear? ” Marco, Bista, Joz and others followed behind Whitebeard, came out of the cabin, and looked into the depths of the island.
” Okay … it seems to be the deputy captain. I saw him disembark and go to the island before! ” The vigilant jumped off the mast, hesitated, and said.
” It is indeed the energy of the weapon in Reina’s hand. Don’t panic, maybe he has made a breakthrough! ” Whitebeard pondered for a while and said.
” Swallow solution! Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill! ” At this moment, Reina’s voice suddenly sounded, followed by a blue light rising into the sky.
After Whitebeard, Marco and the others looked at each other, they all set off and ran towards the center of the island.
When they reached the center of the island, the blue light gradually disappeared, and what appeared in front of them was a huge ice dragon with red eyes.
The huge ice dragon linked Reina, who was standing there. His hands and feet were wrapped by huge ice blocks, and a pair of wings formed of ice appeared behind him.
In addition, there are three huge ice flowers beside the dragon, floating quietly in the air like that.
” This … what is this? ” Lakyo asked involuntarily when he saw Reina wrapped in an ice dragon.
It seems that because he heard Rakyo’s voice, Reina slowly raised his head and looked towards Whitebeard.
” Look, his eyes … turned blue! ” Marko pointed to Reina’s eyes and shouted in surprise.
They all knew that after Rayner used the Shaker, his eyes would turn red, but now they turned blue again, which was very strange.
” Not good! Everyone, retreat! ” Looking at Reina’s slowly raised arm, Whitebeard was shocked, blocked in front of Marco and them, and told them to evacuate.
Marco and others did not dare to ask, because they also saw that Reina seemed to have plans to attack them, so they turned around and ran.
” Yeah!! ” In the ice blue eyes, with the slightest emotion and fluctuation, Reina directly lifted the sworn ice wheel pill and slashed it directly towards the white beard.
The huge ice dragon in the air flew towards the white beard directly following the slash of the ice wheel pill, without the white beard coming with the Naginata, there were already two transparent circles of energy above the fists, facing Reina’s The slash, first punched the space in front of him, and then added another punch.
” Boom!!! ”
A huge energy impact appeared in the middle of the island. The entire island was centered on the two of them. Half turned blue representing ice, and half turned transparent.
The aftermath of the energy impact sent all Marco and others who were running towards the pirate ship flying away, and the Moby Dick, which was docked on the shore , seemed to roll over. Fortunately, the crew on the ship had already Sober, it was only with the combined efforts of everyone that the Moby Dick could be stabilized.
” What … what ‘s going on? ”
” Just now … what happened? ”
Fortunately, the impact of the energy aftermath didn’t last long, and it disappeared after a while. The frightened crew members looked towards the island one after another, which made them take a deep breath.
The small island that was originally covered with green plants and trees has now turned into a bald area by the side of the small island on their side. Except for the sand, not a single tree can be seen.
In the direction away from them, it became a world of ice, and everything was frozen. Even because of the energy shock, there were many ice thorns in the direction of the island toward the sea, making the island That half looks like a frozen hedgehog.

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