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” No, the more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong! Brother, I still want to go to Wano Country! ” After leaving Wano Country, Reina always believed that the situation in Oden that day was very wrong.
For him who is familiar with the plot, Kaido’s damage to Wano Country is very obvious. He doesn’t believe that Oden can’t see it. He must have been deceived by Kaido and others, so he said those words against his heart.
” Okay, don’t think about it anymore, if there is a need, Oden will definitely come to us! ” Although Whitebeard was also a little uncomfortable, after being rejected by Oden in person, he stopped thinking about it, thinking that Oden If you have your own plans, just trust him.
Like Reina, Izo was very worried about Wano Kingdom, but Oden also refused him to return to Wano Kingdom, so now Izo can only continue to stay in the Whitebeard Pirates.
In fact, in his heart, he planned that even if Reina didn’t mention it, he would express his desire to return to Wano and ask Whitebeard to agree.
” Brother, I don’t understand this matter, it’s a little hard to feel at ease, I think Izang thinks the same way! You wait for us here for a few days, Izang and I will return quietly. After we figure it out, we will come back immediately! ” Reina shook his head. , said firmly.
” Alright then! Give you one day, we’ll be waiting for you here! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” Dad, I’m going with Vice-Captain Reina too! ” Izo stood up and said.
” Go! Be careful and be safe! ” Whitebeard waved his hand and said directly.
So Reina and Izang drove the boat and returned to the outer sea of Wano again. This time they were more careful and found a lot of monitoring systems in the outer sea. Only then did they know why they had just arrived last time. Kaido and the others found it.
Originally thought it would be very difficult to enter the country of Wano, but Reina and Izo entered the country of Wano without any obstruction at all.
With Yizo, a native of Wano, leading the way, the two plan to go straight to Jiuli, the base camp of Oden.
However, as soon as the two men landed, the plan was aborted.
” Didn’t I tell you? Don’t meddle in Wano’s affairs again! ” Oden sat on the edge of the beach, as if waiting for the two of them.
” My lord, I am a retainer of the Guangyue family. Wherever you are, I will be there! ” Yizang took a step forward and knelt down and said.
” Fart! Oden, what the hell do you think? It’s just Kaido, even if we don’t start a war, the two of us alone are enough to defeat him! As long as Kaido is defeated, the rest will be trash, and it won’t cause any problems at all. Big war! ” Reina said angrily, looking at Oden.
” It’s not as simple as you think! ” Oden shook his head calmly and said, ” Although the number of Kaido and Orochi’s subordinates has grown tremendously this year, I still don’t pay attention, but However, they have spread bombs all over Wano country! Once a force other than Wano country intervenes, then Orochi will detonate these bombs! When the time comes, Wano country … it’s over! ”
” That’s why you compromised? Do you know that even if you are like this, Wano will still be in their hands in the end, and you won’t change anything except lose your life! ” Reina looked at Oden , said aloud.
” No! Trust me, I know what to do! In fact, I have secretly contacted the big names from all over the world, and they have promised to cooperate with me to send troops together! I know that things have reached this stage, and there is no way to solve it without bloodshed! But I hope you can believe me and don’t join in as an outsider! Otherwise … Wano Country will be doomed! ” Oden Yan said seriously.
” But … my lord! I was originally a retainer of the Guangyue clan! ” Izo said anxiously.
” I’m not happy about this. They think you are a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, so they can’t let you participate. Don’t worry! When I deal with Kaido and Orochi, you can come back at any time if you want! ” Oden patted Izo on the shoulder and said.
Reina also found that things were different from the plot he remembered, at least there was no bomb planting scene in the original book.
And now that Oden is enlightened, he no longer thinks about getting Kaido and the others by himself, so in terms of strength, Reina really believes in Oden.
” Since that’s the case, don’t say more about me! After you deal with Kaido, remember to write to us! ” In desperation, Reina had no choice but to nod.
Seeing Reina let go, Oden finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” Don’t worry! I can solve these things! It’s just that I’m afraid I will become the general of Wano Kingdom! ”
When Reina heard this, he smiled slightly and said: ” Then you can govern Wano well, don’t when we come, this place is still like this! ”
Oden really didn’t really want to be a general, so after kicking Kaido out, he couldn’t help being a general.
After the three talked again, Reina and Izo left together, and Whitebeard was still waiting for them. Now he already knew the difficulties of Oden, and also understood Oden’s thoughts, as long as Oden did not go to Kaido and Orochi. When, in terms of strength, with the help of various great names in the country of Wano, Oden’s victory is even greater.
So Reina was a little relieved. He thought that he had influenced Oden to some extent, which is why it had such an effect.
It’s just that he didn’t know that after he and Izo left, Oden did not return to Jiuli, but went straight to the place of the Black Charcoal Orochi, the capital of flowers.
” How is it? Did anyone sneak in!? ” Black Charcoal Orochi sat on the main seat and asked Oda.
Oden in front of Orochi nodded and said, ” Sure enough, someone sneaked in. It was the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Akahito Reina, and the vassal of the Koyuki family, Izo! ”
” Sure enough, I knew it would be like this. Fortunately, I let you go for a trip, otherwise wouldn’t it be bad? ” Black Charcoal Snake said with a big smile.
And Oden, who was opposite him, also smiled and touched his face.
The appearance of Oden just now turned into an old woman, Heitan Muchan.
She is this generation’s imitation fruit ability, not only the body shape and voice can become the same, and even the breath can become exactly the same.
Reina forgot her existence, so she was easily deceived, and Izang didn’t even know the existence of this kind of fruit, so she didn’t think about it at all.
It turned out that the black charcoal snake was very timid, although Kaido said that the Whitebeard Pirates would not come back, but just in case, he still let the black charcoal Muchan go to Jiuli to wait.
As a result, they happened to meet Reina and Izang who smuggled in, so that the two returned without success.
After returning from Wano Country, Reina told Whitebeard about the encounter with Oden once, and it was considered that the matter here was truly settled.
Just as they were about to continue their voyage, a passing newsbird dropped a newspaper and left.
One of the crew members picked up the newspaper and flipped through it at random. Suddenly, his face changed greatly. He picked up the newspaper and ran towards the white beard, shouting: ” Dad … something happened! ”
” What’s wrong? ” When Whitebeard was watching the newspaper, a curious Marco came over and asked.
” Hai … One Piece … Roger, arrested! ” The crew member who picked up the newspaper first, swallowed and said.
” What? ” Several people who heard the news looked at each other in disbelief.
” Notify Reina of this news and tell him that his plan can start! ” After reading the newspaper to protect himself, he threw the newspaper and said softly.
When Marco heard the words, he nodded to Hansen, who immediately took out the phone bug he carried with him and began to contact Sky Island.
After returning from Wano Country, Reina returned to the empty island, intending to continue to retreat and practice, but when the news of Roger’s arrest came, he had not yet started, so he had to come down from the empty island again.
” Brother want to go with me? ” Reina asked softly after reading the newspaper.
” I won’t go, or the Navy will think we’re here to rescue Roger! ” Whitebeard said, shaking his head.
” Then I’ll go by myself this time! Marco, Bista, Saatchi, I’ll leave the matter here to you! Remember what I said, a week before Roger’s execution, to accept the golden lion Shiki’s Site! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Are you sure the Golden Lion Squirrel would do that? It’s crazy, normal people wouldn’t do that! ” Marco was still in disbelief.
Because Reina told them before that Skee would go to Marin Vanda to make a scene because of Roger’s arrest.
” Hey … you can make preparations first. After you confirm this, you can act immediately. I think the legacy left by Shiki will have many people’s ideas. It’s better to give it to us than to cheap others! There is an incense love here! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Okay, I’ll take care of things here, but it’s you, it’s fine to go to the East China Sea to see Roger off, but if you want to go to the advance city, I won’t agree! ” Whitebeard frowned, said.
Whitebeard didn’t agree with Reina’s use of Roger’s execution to show the Whitebeard Pirates’ face, but Reina used the excuse of sending Roger off, so he couldn’t refute, so he had to let Reina go. .
” Brother, don’t worry … Now is not the time for revenge! If I really want to take revenge, then when the navy is executing Roger in the East China Sea to attack the advance city, the odds of winning will be better. ” Reina’s eyes flashed, Austrian Sylvia’s death, he has never forgotten.
Over the past year, he has stayed on the empty island to cultivate hard, in order to master his own strength as soon as possible, and now it has achieved initial results.
After the awakening of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, it took him more than a year to get familiar with it. Although he could use it normally, he still did not fully grasp it.
Now that Binglunwan is solved, it took him another year. This time, he not only trained the control of Binglunwan, but also strengthened the use of Shailun’s pupil technique again. In terms of strength, it can be said that it has been very different from before. big progress.
But with the development of his own power, Reina actually has a feeling that he has not done enough and can go further.
Whitebeard told him that it was because he already knew his own power that he felt this way.
As long as you practice according to this feeling, and you have been practicing until you feel the end, you will become a bottleneck. Only after breaking through the bottleneck will your strength improve further.

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